Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Zuguruk Tyûk Industries

Corporation Name: Zuguruk Tyûk Industries (Means Engineering strength in the sith language)
Headquarters: Csilla, Orbit above planet (Temporary)
Locations: Csilla's orbit,
Operations: shipbuilding, Droid manufacturing, R & D
Rationale: The brain Child of Darth Erebos as he wished to expand his influence both within and outside the One sith.
Tier: 3

Under the careful watch of Darth Erebos's eyes, the corporation is mainly a ship manufacturer but also dabbles in research and development of new weapons, armor and defense technologies as well as technologies in other fields. It is mainly a manufacturing company intended on furthering trade and creativity throughout the galaxy. It is open to custom submissions from everyone but one must contact Darth Erebos to file in the request.

When it comes to resources it doesn't waste anything as it uses everything it is given or orders, should a world be inhospitable were they'd have a mine they would grind the planet for all it's worth, however should there be life on the planet it will be careful about it's operations to preserve as much as they can.

As it's temporary corporate headquarters are currently in orbit above Csilla it mainly provides job opportunities to the chiss, as Darth Erebos has a particular fondness for the race, and only with it's governments Support has the current corporations headquarters been built.

Subsidiaries: None yet

Corporate headquarters: A Zuguruk Station In orbit above Csilla (For now)

Market place Catalog: Here

Signed contracts:
the chiss ascendancy, Loom and the Trade Conglomerate

Dev Threads:
The skies of Csilla - (Getting the space above Csilla authorized and signing a contract with the chiss ascendancy, Loom and the Trade Conglomerate)

Misc Threads:
A walk among the products - Birth of a new subsidiary in progress.
A position and its price - business talks
Business is business - business talks
<p>RESEARCH REVIEW<br /> <br />Star Wars Canon:<br />Pending initial review<br /> <br />Starwars Chaos: <br />Pending initial review<br /> <br />WITHOUT DEV THREADS<br />Pending initial review<br /><br />WITH DEV THREADS<br />Pending Initial review<br /><br />SUGGESTIONS<br />Pending Inital review</p>

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