Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  • Intent: A Minor Race on the fringe of the Galaxy with minimal influence on the Galaxy.
  • ​Image Credit: None
  • Canon: N/A
  • Links: None
  • Name: Zuverian
  • Designation: Sentient
  • Homeworld: Zumar Prime (Destroyed)
  • Language: Basic, Telladoma (There own language)
  • Average Lifespan: 1000 years
  • Estimated Population: RARE
  • Description: They are hunters in all aspects of the term. They obtain what they want, when they want it and how they want it, and move on.
  • Breathes: Type 1 & 2
  • Average height of adults: 2.2 meters
  • Average length of adults: N/A
  • Eye color: No pure breed Zuverian have pupils, only mixed breed Zuverians have pupils. They have pigmentation on their eyes that mimic pupils but they are not (in the scientific sense). But they still have eyelids. Pure breed Zuverians see straight out from their eyes. Most pure breed and even most mixed breed Zuverians have a baseline humanoid appearance.
  • Skin Color: Varying shades of purple, and dark shades of blue. Paler shades when mixed with other species.
  • Hair color: Their hair color tends to be in shades of various shades of green, blue, and black. Colors such as blonde and even brown are incredible rare, even among mixed breeds. It is culturally sound and permissible for both genders to wear their hair long or short.
  • Distinctions: Horns, Wings, Talons and claws. Odd skin color and hair color.
  • Races: Zuverian (Divided up among Pure Breeds and Not)
  • Strengths:
  • +High Regeneration (All Breeds). They have some of the best natural regeneration abilities in the Galaxy.
  • +Wings, there wing span is in proportion to their size (Only Pure Breeds).
  • +Some have been known to grow horns, talons, and claws (Only Pure Breeds).
  • Weaknesses:
  • - Kolto and Bacta allergy (Medical Allergy, Severe Anaphylaxis Reaction)
    - Unable to be Force Sensitive
    - Purebreed Defects (Short Temper, Mentally Unstable after 750 years, and Increased Neurological Defects, all breeds)
    - Severely Allergic Reaction to all known Medications and all known Illegal Drugs. The medications have minimal positive effectiveness on them, regardless of the amount and way given to them (IV, Aerosol or other). All breeds have this, regardless if they are pure or not. Some flora does help to soothe symptoms, but it is a temporary.
  • - Zeltron pheromones don't work on them and has been known to provoke aggressive feelings and behavior out of them.
  • - Normal pregnancy, from conception, is 27 months.
  • - Sour Blue Milk is the only known intoxication for them.
  • - Truly Alien Anatomy (Nothing is where it should be for the internal organs.) and their bodies and anatomy has not been loaded into the Galactic Medical database.
  • Light Blindness, they can be dazed by sudden brightness and flash grenades are serious issues for them as the blindness last longer and hurts seriously more.
  • Larger than Standard, they are larger than most standard star ship spaces. It gets really tight for them, really fast. They are unable to fit in some of the fighters and spaces on some ships.
  • Force Anomaly, has a heavy and serious resistance to all types of Force healing and moderately increased damage from Force powers.
  • Diet: Carnivorous
  • Communication: Vocal and Hand gestures
  • Technology level: Galactic Standard
  • Religion/Beliefs: Atheist (If rumors are believed, they killed their Gods)
    They have no Religious beliefs. There are a few old says like “by the Gods”, “by the old Gods”, and “the God Head”. But there really isn’t any serious set or outline of beliefs, religious practices or texts. They found no use for Relgion early on as they needed the time to do work around the camp or ship or to find food.
  • General behavior:
  • Aggressive (borderline death wish), curiosity, ruggedly self reliant and confidence. Self sufficient, emotionally distant and uncaring for others.
  • There are no gender specific social roles in Zuverian society beyond one basic biological one (where the women have the children). Women and Men can be found fighting on front lines as Soldiers and taking care of the off spring, equally. And it is completely normal for roles to change over time due to the species long life span. Marriage does not last the entire life span of an individual, but rather last usually 20 to 50 years. It is rare to find a couple that last more than 60 years. Marriage is not defined by one gender entering into a contract with another but rather a mutual agreement between two individuals regardless of gender. There is no Races or Racial sub groups or types for the Zuverians and that includes for social constructs too. One is either a Pure Breed or not, and that can be found out by a basic blood test. Pure Breeds are held to a higher standard on virtually everything while Mixed Breeds are viewed just better than secondary citizens, but not by much. The perspective of gender is binary, primarily because of the genes of Zuvarian tend to be hard wired for one or the other. While discussing sexual preference in Zuverian culture can be taboo, it is perfectly normal for an individual to go through "Phases" with the same or opposite gender for decades. Zuverian genes are always the dominate genes and in some causes have been known to not be fully compatible with all other Human and Near Human species (Chiss, Miraluka, Pure Sith, Taung and Arkanian for example is incompatible with Zuverian DNA). Most cases of twins birth end with the twins living and mother usually dead or dying (due to the birthing process, which is longer than that of base line Human).
  • With most other Races in the Galaxy, they act very distant and don't care about them. They also don't actively participate in politics. They have a poor history and reliance on politics and politicians.
Originally from an uncharted type 1 world in the Firefist galaxy, they were picked up and used by Gree to be used as slave labor. The Gree altered their DNA and physical attributes over the course of a few generations and did what they called "Uplifted" them. After a few millennium as slaves, there was a revolt on what could be described as a massive space station that housed a few million people, mostly Zuverian in the Firefist Galaxy. No one knows exactly what happened or what went down, but it was set into hyperspace for what the oral records describes as a few years. They suspect that either due to parts or due to the entire system breaking down but it finally came out of hyperspace in the Galaxy proper. For a few hundred galactic years it was set adrift in the Galaxy.

Until the Station and it’s inhabitants crashed onto an uncharted planet in the Outer Rim. A few hundred thousand survived but they were essentially marooned on that world. They spent the next few thousand years rebuilding their civilization only for their new home world they had called Zumar Prime to be destroyed by the system's star going super nova. They were able to salvage what they could, with help of some off world trades and Mandalorians to get off the planet fast enough, barely. So they created a migrate fleet, with the remains of ships they had bought which were second hand at best and the salvaged remains of the original Gree space station. This Migrant fleet travels around the Outer Rim trading goods and services to keep the fleet going. This Fleet relocates every six months to a year, only Zuverians are privy to where (which is currently around Chiss space).

They have many native traditions. They are not superstitious but do have a local Medicine Man for every Tribe. They have various Dances that mark various times of years, important occasions or when something important happens. These Dances are usually serious communal events and many, many people show up. To be a Dancer, is a great Honor. Major Dances include the death of a Tribe leader or Council member, Beginging / End of the Year, and Weddings. One of their important traditions is War Paint, which is only done and donned before battle. This paint is made by the Medicine Man for the Tribe and the colors vary from Tribe to Tribe, along with the various meanings and designs.The passing of the Peace Pipe is important, what happens during this ritual is varies from Tribe to Tribe and outsiders are not allowed to participate in it by any means. Important life lesson for most Tribes, is survival out in the wild for a period of no less than 3 months and no more than 6 months. Many times groups of people vying for membership in a Tribe will be left on a habitable world for that period of time, only accepting the ones that can walk to the ship (this distance is usually a few miles, and done on purpose).

There art revolves mostly around vocal, dance and instrument performances. Each Tribe has there own specialties and variations.

As far as governing system goes, there is usually a democratically elected Chief with an elected Tribal Council. There is a Tribal Court system but not all Tribes have courts. This goes for all tribes except two, the Ako tribe and the M'Kilisidio Tribes. They have a vary strict Monarchy with heavy feudal influences.

The Tribes, there are 86 recognized Tribes. Many only have a few hundred members and work together in many aspects and on many of the ships. There are a fair about of rivalry between the Tribes with only a few with serious bad blood between them.

This Migrant fleet is only a few dozen ships, most of which are freighters and heavy transport ships and no real "War Ships" by any means.

An number of them joined up with Mandalorians over the years. A number of them have found various mercenary work throughout the galaxy.
[member="Lao Tzu"]

Apologies in the delay in judging this. There a couple of things that need to be addressed:
  • Please find a less risque image of a Night Elf if that is what you intend for the race to look like. The current one is very much pushing the PG-13 rating of the site
  • I would like to see the intent fleshed out a little more besides one word
  • Species are currently not allowed to be extra-galactic, so mentions of this will need to be removed and a region/homeworld in the Star Wars galaxy itself will need to be picked.
  • The description field is to provide a short description of what the species physically looks like at a glance

  • Lao Tzu said:
    Skin color: No pure breed Zuverian have pupils, only mixed breed Zuverians have pupils. They have pigmentation on their eyes that mimic pupils but they are not (in the scientific sense). But they still have eyelids. Pure breed Zuverians see straight out from their eyes. Most pure breed and even most mixed breed Zuverians have a baseline humanoid appearance.
    this needs to be skin color, eyes have nothing to do with that. You may add this into distinctions if you so desire
  • Exactly what is the extent of their regeneration abilities?

  • Lao Tzu said:
    Negligible Senescence
    what is this exactly?
  • So, I am seeing a lot of strengths but not a lot of weaknesses. Many of these are fluff weaknesses and would not have an influence on PvP or PvE occurrences. Please add in weaknesses that have some tangible effect when in roleplay situations

  • Lao Tzu said:
    Technology level: High
    This can just be Galactic Standard

  • Lao Tzu said:
    Religion/Beliefs: Atheist (If rumors are believed, they killed their Gods)
    please go more in-depth in this. While rumor is fine for IC, OCC I would this expanded to explain why they are atheist
  • General behavior seems to spend a lot of time talking about their views on gender but not much else. You could probably cut down on that and expand more on things such as their views on the arts, sports, the sciences, general activities they might do, etc.
  • Historical information needs to be worked to remove mentions of being extragalactic, and I would like to see more added here.
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