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Approved Starship ZV Slythmonger Class Assault Frigate

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Manufacturer: Ziggvisst Heavy Engineering
Market Status: Open Market
Production: Limited
Length: High
Width: Very High
Height: Very Large
Size: Very Large



  • Active SLAM
  • Tensor Fields
  • Standard Countermeasures
  • Standard Engine Unit
  • Standard Guidance Systems
  • Standard Hyperdrive System
  • Standard Life Support Systems
  • Standard Escape Pods
  • Standard Shielding System
  • Standard Targeting Systems
  • Formidable Opponent:
    • The ZV Slythmonger was engineered with an extensive array of armaments ranging from Power Turrets to several Composite-beam Lasers and armor integrated into its hull and internal framework, allowing it to endure direct engagements with even the most powerful adversaries on the battlefield. Although it is outfitted with previously used and potentially outdated weaponry, the incorporation of contemporary engineering techniques empowers it to deliver significant firepower capable of breaching the most resilient defenses.
  • Heavy Ordnance Capacity:
    • The ZV Slythmonger was primarily engineered as an ordnance-frigate rather than a versatile vessel, which is reflected in its substantial array of Starship Mounted Launchers,. These launchers are capable of accommodating a diverse assortment of ordnance, including Diamond Boron Missiles and Ion Pulse Missiles, specifically designed for engagement with other frigates of comparable classification on the battlefield.
  • High Explosives:
    • The ZV Slythmonger is extensively loaded with premium explosives and space mines. Should an adversary breach the hull and strike the ordnance storage areas, the damage inflicted on the vessel would be substantial, rendering it inoperable and beyond repair.
  • Ordnance Frigate:
    • The ZV Slythmonger was primarily conceived by the Chief Engineer as a heavy support frigate rather than as a front-line combat vessel. Although the frigate possesses a degree of survivability, it is ill-equipped for direct confrontations and would incur significant casualties if it were to engage a battlecruiser or a specialized warship in close quarters.

The ZV SYLTHMONGER CLASS ASSAULT FRIGATE represents the eleventh generation of heavy frigates available to the Open-Market. Developed in accordance with the recent Ziggvisst Doctrine, this advanced starship features extensive armaments and robust defensive systems to allow it to survive in combat with even the toughest of military technology.

Chief Engineer B'tions-uns B'tions-uns spearheaded its design to address a critical gap within the Trade Federation's military capabilities. This initiative was prompted by discussions with Commanding Viceroy Rulonom Laborr, who expressed apprehension that rival corporate entities might perceive the Federation as vulnerable, making it an attractive target for privateers and pirates operating along the hyperspace routes at the galactic frontier.

Equipped with cutting-edge technology and exceptional firepower for a ship of its size, this frigate emerges as a formidable contender in space combat simulations where it showed a resounding three to one advantage over other frigates currently available on the galactic market.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: New Assault Frigate
Permissions: Gat Tambor Permissions

Technical Information

Affiliation: Ziggvisst Heavy Engineering
Model: ZV Slythmonger Class Assault Frigate
Starship Class: Frigate (200-500m)
Starship Role: Ordinance
Modular: No
Material: Durasteel, Quadanium steel, Impervium, Faraday Cage Components, Electronic Components Computing Components
Armaments: Power Turrets (x10)
Composite-beam Lasers (x4)
Capital Ship Turrets (x4)
Gunwales (x10)
Ganath Lightning Gun (x6)
Scythe Weapon (x6)
Gravity Bomb Launcher (x8)
x32 Gravity Bombs
Starship Mounted Launchers (x12)
x20 Diamond Boron Missiles
x20 Ion Pulse Missiles
x10 ShieldBuster Torpedos
x20 Boarding Torpedo
x10 Flechette Torpedos
x10 Caldorf VII interceptor missile
x10 Baradium Missiles
x16 Nagnol Gas Missiles
Space Mine Ejector (x8)
x10 Seismic EMP Countermine
x10 Type 5 Hunter-Killer Mine
x10 Ion Mine
x10 Mark III Merr-Sonn Defender Ion Mine
x10 Firecracker Mine
x5 Empion Mine
x10 Imperial Atmospheric Explosive
Heavy Ordnance Pods (x8)
Fotia's Fire Launchers (x2)
EM Whip (x2)
Bomblet Generator (x2)
Hyperwave jammer (x1)
Tractor Beam Arrays [x2]
Defense Rating: Very High
Speed Rating: High
Maneuverability Rating:: Average
Energy Resist: High
Kinetic Resist: High
Radiation Resist: Average
Minimum Crew: 160
Optimal Crew: 250
Cargo Capacity: Average
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