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Approved Ranged Weapon ZV1 Mentor Blaster Carbine

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Manufacturer: Ziggvisst Heavy Engineering
Market Status: Open Market
Production: Mass-Produced
Weight: Heavy
Size: Large



  • Integrated Fuel Converter Technology
    • The ZV1 Blaster Carbine are designed with integrated Fuel Converters technology which can convert other materials including waste material and methane, into fuel cells for the blaster so users can forgo the expense of buying new fuel cells or carriyng them into battle.
  • Overheating Protection
    • Each ZV1 Blaster Carbine is made of Dallorian Alloy and have Upgraded Barrel-Shroud which provide a considerable level of protection from overheating on the battlefield which can be useful for longer engagements and prolonged usage.
  • Reduced Power
    • Compared to larger blaster rifles, the ZV1 Blaster Carbine has a lower damage output due to the many upgraded features and modular upgrades offered on the open-market. This can be a disadvantage in situations where heavy firepower is needed to take down heavily armored foes or for long-range engagements.
  • Shorter Effective Range
    • The ZV1 Blaster Carbine was designed by the Chief Engineer for close to medium-range combat support. Its effective range is shorter than that of a full-sized blaster rifle, which can be a considerable limitation in open or long-distance battles.

The ZV1 MENTOR BLASTER CARBINE are an improvement on the traditional Blaster Carbine, particularly the EE-3 Carbine Rifle developed by BlasTech Industries. Crafted with modularity in mind for the easy attachment of different weapon accessories, this innovative blaster carbine was designed by Chief Engineer B'tions-uns B'tions-uns who integrated a new but second-hand Computerized Interface Scope with integrated Myriad Visual System - Mk. 2 that allows the scope to see in total darkness.

The weapon's versatility allows users to customize it according to their specific needs and preferences, making it a valuable asset in various tactical situations. The precision in its construction ensure that the blaster carbine delivers optimal performance and reliability on the battlefield without the chance of it overheating and that it can survive a direct hit without being rendered inoperational by an opponent.

With its sleek design and advanced features, this weapon is set to revolutionize the second-hand blaster carbine market and can serve as an alternative for mercenaries and medium-sized planetary defense forces lacking the capital to purchase modernized equipment from the Military Manufacturers.


Out Of Character Info

Intent: Make a new product
Permissions: None

Technical Information

Affiliation: Ziggvisst Heavy Engineering
Modular: Yes
Effective Range: Average
Rate of Fire: Automatic
Material: Advanced Blend of Durasteel
Ammunition Type: Tibanna Gas
Ammunition Capacity: Large
Damage Output: Average
Recoil: Average
Ranged Class: Carbine
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