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Approved Ranged Weapon ZV2 Compact Heavy Blaster Pistol

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Manufacturer: Ziggvisst Heavy Engineering
Market Status: Open Market
Production: Minor
Weight: Average
Size: Small



  • Reconfigurable Blaster Modification
    • The ZV2 Compact Pistol was designed with reconfigurable blaster technology which enables it to be converted into either a Blaster assault rifle or a Sniper rifle. This innovative feature allows users to adapt to different combat situations quickly and efficiently, maximizing their effectiveness on the battlefield.
  • Concealability
    • The ZV2 Compact Pistol is small and light, making it easier to hide and carry around discreetly. This can be advantageous for individuals who need to blend in or who operate in convert situations.
  • Overheating Protection
    • Each ZV2 Compact Pistol is constructed from Dallorian Alloy, a robust material known for its inherent heat resistance. This property effectively prevents the blaster pistol from overheating during intense combat situations. Additionally, when the weapon is modified into the Blaster Assault Rifle configuration, users can opt to install an Upgraded Barrel-Shroud, which enhances air cooling capabilities.
  • Less Ammunition Capacity
    • The ZV2 in its heavy blaster pistol configuration has a smaller ammunition capacity, meaning they can fire far fewer shots before needing to reload. This can be disadvantageous in prolonged firefights and extended campaigns.
  • Less Durability
    • The smaller, more lightweight construction of the ZV2 Blaster Pistol has resulted in reduced durability and reliability, especially under heavy use or harsh environmental conditions such as severe thunderstorms and harsh desert climate.

The ZV2 COMPACT HEAVY BLASTER PISTOL are an improvement on the normal Heavy Blaster Pistol which is rather large and unwieldy to untrained recruits and planetary militias. Crafted with extreme modularity in mind following Ziggvisst Doctrine, this innovative blaster pistol was designed by Chief Engineer B'tions-uns B'tions-uns who integrated second-hand Computerized Interface Scope with integrated Myriad Visual System - Mk. 2 with Droid DarkVision Redundancy Systems that allows the operator to see in total darkness.

The weapon's small frame allows it to be easily concealable in waistcoats and under sleeves, which can be advantageous for individuals who need to blend into the crowd and perform assassinations. The secondary Reconfigurable Blaster Modifications, enable the heavy pistol to transform into both a sniper rifle and a blaster assault rifle which adds to the weapon's versatility without the burden of carrying several weapons into battle.

With its sleek design and advanced features, this weapon is set to revolutionize the second-hand blaster pistol market and can serve as an alternative for mercenaries and medium-sized planetary defense forces lacking the capital to purchase modernized equipment from the Military Manufacturers.


Out Of Character Info

Intent: Make a new product
Permissions: None

Technical Information

Affiliation: Ziggvisst Heavy Engineering
Modular: Yes
Effective Range: Average
Rate of Fire: Automatic
Material: Reinforced Blend of Durasteel
Ammunition Type: Power Cells
Ammunition Capacity: Small
Damage Output: High
Recoil: Average
Ranged Class: Other
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