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Approved Ranged Weapon Zxuiscel Hand Cannon

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Manufacturer: Dezorath Barcu
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Unique
Weight: Heavy
Size: Large

  • Isotope-5 Power!!: Replacing power cells was a problem for the past. With Isotope-5 cells integrated and housed within the weapon itself, the wielder can erase any thought to reload in this area. The cells themselves are incredibly powerful and hold the potential to last indefinitely. Though this estimated time frame also factors in Isotope-5's unstable nature. While the weapon is practically supercharged by the cells and no doubt protected. If the Isotope-5 cells were to ever be ruptured then the entire weapon is more than likely to explode violently.
  • Soup: A pistol designed to deliver a acidic payload. The interworking and specific's are rather simple. Xenoboric acid is captured and pulled from its housing container and held within a magnetic field. Through the same receiving method, so to is the payload delivered. Able to cause devastation to organic beings. Fauna, flora and sentient's. The acid has a mean kick with each shot, has been observed with potent stopping power and will fire as fast as you can pull the trigger. Apon contact the acid explodes splashing any targets in the adjacent area. Within minutes the acid is capable of dissolving organics and cause damage to other as well. But this takes significantly longer when compared to the prior and depending on the material as well. Fume's are common at the impact site and aerosol into the air. If breathed in the results would similar to being hit. The toxic fumes can be resisted by most sealed systems with air scrubbers.
  • Xenoboric shots: Fires energized Xenoboric acid at high speeds
  • Liquid Lethal: Apon impact each shot explodes on impact and splash out capable of damaging others
  • Toxic Fume: Impact sites release aersole acid into the air to further the destruction.
  • Unlimited Powa!: Isotope-5 eliminates any need to recharge the weapon or reload any energy needs. This comes at a price
  • Volatile: If the Isotope-5 cells were to ever get damaged or rupture, then the weapon would fail and explode violently.
  • Size: Despite being considered a pistol. The weapon was designed for species with larger hands.
Utilizing advanced magnetic field technology, the pistol is capable of drawing Xenoboric Acid from its housing vial and forcefully propelling it at enemies, making it a more than lethal choice on the battlefield. Powered by highly efficient Isotope-5 power cells, the pistol ensures sustained energy output for continuous operation to last the ages. Unless the Isotope-5 some how became unstable. It was crafted from a combination of Dallorian Alloy, Duranium, Glasteel, and Phrik metals, the weapon boasts exceptional durability and heft. Each of these materials contributes to the pistol's resilience and structural integrity. Dallorian Alloy and Duranium provide a robust framework, Glasteel offers a transparent yet tough housing for monitoring the acid levels, and Phrik metals enhance the overall strength, making the weapon as hearty as its maker. This larger-than-average pistol demonstrates Dezorath's larger size and favor for heavier weaponry. In the hands of most humanoids, this pistol may suddenly seem the size of a SMG and may prove awkward to hold onto.

IMAGE CREDIT: Link - Recolor edits done by me

Out Of Character Info

Intent: A personal sidearm for Dezorath
Image Source(s):
Canon Link: N/A
Permissions: My sub-accounts

Technical Information

Affiliation: Dezaroth Barcu
Model: N/A
Modular: Yes
Effective Range: Average
Rate of Fire: Semi-Automatic
Material: Dallorian Alloy, Glasteel, Phrik, Duranium, Isotope-5
Ammunition Type: Isotope-5 Power Cell and Xenoboric Acid
Ammunition Capacity: Average
Damage Output: Extreme
Recoil: Average
Ranged Class: Pistol
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