Fabula Caromed
Belle of the Brawl

(c) Amy Clark
NAME: Zyche Prynn
FACTION: Independant, for the moment
RANK: Dark Jedi Padawan
AGE: 19
GENDER: Female
HEIGHT: 5'7" (1.7m)
WEIGHT: 110 lbs (49.9kg)
HAIR: Also red
SKIN: Off-purple. Ish.
- + Our Gargoyles Rock. Zyche is a Vanr, and that comes with its own benefits. She can fly, has several natural weapons to make use of, and is naturally sensitive to the Force. Completely untrained, mind you, but sensitive. This allows her to "feel" her way through fights, and makes her anger a powerful weapon.
- + Combat Pragmatist. Comes with the territory of being a fringe cargo hauler with no crew. Zyche fights dirty, and has no problem using every foul trick in the book to come out on top. She may not be a sniper or a swordmaster or anything to that effect, but she might just come out on top anyway due to sheer grit.
- - Born Unlucky. Let's face it, some people just have luck on their side. Zyche isn't one of those. The most random things happen to her, and most of those things are just plain bad luck. Her ship will run out of fuel when she's just out of range of a refueling station. Some freak crosswind will catch her wings and send her tumbling into a tree. The one day a month she gets to sit down and watch her holosoaps, there's an emergency announcement that lasts exactly long enough that there's no point in trying to keep up any more. Bad luck is weird in Force sensitives. Zyche might have all of it.
- - Graceful in Her Element. Zyche's "element" is flight. She is really, really good at flying. It doesn't matter if she's flying ships or with her own wings; when defying gravity she can dance. Her problem is that most action happens on the ground. Her wings are huge, her tail is muscular and heavy, and her feet aren't designed for running or fighting on the ground. As a result, Zyche is at her weakest when she's not flying about like a mosquito.
- ~ Troll. Nothing more delicious than neckbeard rage.
Unlike most of her species, Zyche is a pretty decent pilot. She has a slightly modified YTA-1300 that has definitely seen better days.
The destruction of Dromund Kaas hit all of Vanr society (appropriately) like a collision with an asteroid belt. Most family lines were entirely wiped out, rookeries obliterated, the majority of the species annihilated. Fortunately, a spacefaring species is extremely difficult to totally eradicate, and the more dominant bloodlines lived on in their migrants and spacers. Even though the species is nominally situated on Panatha, Kaas devils have spread to the stars.
The Prynn family, naturally, is still quite vivacious. One of the dominant Vanr societies on Kaas, it managed to weather the storm through sheer numbers and diversity. Many Prynns weren't even on Kaas when the Mandalorians destroyed fully half of their species. Zyche was one of these. Her parents had been spacers, and it was natural for the girl to spend more of her time in the stars than on her homeworld. She heard about the destruction of Dromund Kaas and grieved for the many, many of her kin who lost their lives, but then quickly moved on with her life. The shipping lanes weren't going to work themselves, now were they?
Zyche has been on her own since the age of fifteen. Vanr bodies aren't made for the weightlessness of space, and her parents died of biological stress just a few years before the destruction of Kaas. Zyche seems to be much more resistant to the effects of low-G environments on her avian body, which she hasn't stopped to contemplate. If she did, she would realize that she's attuned to the Force, and that if she had grown up on Kaas instead of in the spacelanes, she'd probably have been recruited as a Sith Apprentice long ago.
Instead, she's trying to make her living as a cargo hauler and occasional smuggler. Business is not good, and she's starting to struggle to make ends meet. Of course, the Force has greater plans for her...