Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Just another avatar for Cyttorak
NAME: Zyjha (Vesjezz'yjh'Arrellet)
AGE: 18
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 5'5"
WEIGHT: 110lbs.
EYES: Red all through
HAIR: MEdium brown, worn short
SKIN: The perfect shade of blue


+ Eye of the Storm: Zyjha can keep her head while all around are losing theirs
+ Healing Touch: A top-notch field/combat medic
+ I Could Be Somebody: Force sensitive and has considered walking the Jedi path, but is currently too much of a jerk to listen to that inner voice
+ I'll Take It!: Rich. Like filthy.

- Shut Up and Heal: Not much of a bedside manner
- Not With a Ten Foot Hypo: Prejudiced and will refuse to work on or with Yuuzhan Vong or their associates
- I Found It, It's Mine: Not above looting battlefields, especially for art, jewelry, or other cultural treaures

Zyjha currently keeps her hair short to keep is out of her face. Coming from money, she is always well-dressed, and takes it personally if her work clothes get an undue amount of bodily fluids leaked onto her.

Force Healing (Adept)
Accelerate Healing (Adept)
Accelerate Another's Healing (Adept)
Control Pain (Adept)
Control Another's Pain (Adept)
Detoxify Poison (Adept)
Detoxify Poison in Another (Adept)
Revitalize (Beginner)

Zyjha was born and raised on the Chiss-ruled planet of Sarvchi. Being the only child of the politically influential and highly-regarded Lord Pharreg and Lady Neria, Zyjha was quite often left to her own devices while her parents travelled on official business. Discovering at an early age a desire to help take care of others (possibly due to her own sense of abandonment), she struck up an unlikely friendship with a non-Chiss household physician, the tree-like Neti Dr. Oolon Roo. Roo himself was already centuries old, so was a seemingly endless source of both knowledge and stories.

Because Chiss mature faster than other humanoids, it was when she turned 12 that she told her parents she wanted to become a doctor like her friend Oolon. They reacted with shock and disappointment, immediately handing over her inheritance and informing her she would no longer be welcome in their home. Having no real love for the absentee parents, she readily accepted the arrangement and left for medical school.

At school, she developed a strong interest in three fields: holistic healing using the properties of plants and fungi indigenous to various planets, combat/field medicine, and biomechanics. This last came from a particularly interesting Squib professor who had a wry sense of humor and two cybernetic legs, and who used to let his advanced students practice on him.

It was during this time that she was also found to be Force-sensitive by a visiting Jedi healer, a Chadra-Fan named Lokai Wynn. Lokai added to Zyjha's studies by taking the young Chiss under her wing and training her in the healing powers of the Force to compliment her practical studies, making sure to impart on the girl that the Force was not a substitute for the physical work of a doctor, and forbidding her to use her Force training to skirt her practical application studies.






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