Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Zyrelchia Canoshan

NAME: Zyrelchia Canoshan
FACTION: The Galactic Republic
RANK: Jedi Padawan
SPECIES: Zeltron
AGE: 12
GENDER: Female
HEIGHT: 156 cm
WEIGHT: 47 kg
EYES: Dark blue
HAIR: Blue
SKIN: Light pink


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Strengths: Flying, blasters, lightsabers
Weaknesses: Using Force, is extremely annoying and stubborn, can't stay away from boys.

Doesn't have a ship.

Zyrelchia was an unexpected Force-sensitive. The Jedi Master, who found her, found her accidently. When Zyrelchia was born, her parents didn't want her and they gave her away to a random guy on planet. He took girl back to Jedi Temple. Zyrelcia became a Youngling. Zyrelchia used to study alone. She didn't like other Younglings. Others started to bully her. Basically, Zyrelcia's life became a nightmare. Now, that she's 12 years old, she can't wait to get a Master and get away from Younglings.




Wait wait wait! if Equa is 2 years older than you.... then why are you playing a character that is 12 years old? if this is your real age then that means that Equa is 14!! please tell me that im wrong?
Ah well thats fun. and i started when i was 14 because i liked it. the I just left....? I guess you could say that i left becuase i had school. i didnt play for 3-4 years and ive lost the RP touch.

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