Personal Tome of Vora Kaar
Musings of Sith, Jedi, and their connections.
Sith and Jedi are borne of the same cloth.

While accounts vary in naming, as well as the time in which it took place, very old findings have produced results that have given me a better understanding of why the modern Sith, and Jedi organizations are extremely adamant in their ideals or religious aspects of the force. It also gives me a better look into why there seem to be an influx of Force Users who are, while leaning one side or the other, stay away from the conventions of Old.

The first "Force Order" that I have found record of was named "Bendu" or the Order of the Dai Bendu. Historians have surmised that the Bendu Order's beliefs and traditions are incorporated into the various Jedi Orders as well as the Je'daii Order that came after it. While being in the Mid-Rim in most iterations of it, It has been proposed that due to the declining numbers of the members proposed that their traditions should be passed on. Even with the multiple migrations from the Mid-rim inwards to the coveted planet of Tython and the inhabitants, their teachings were integrated into other religions. In fact, their "Bendu Sigil" is the one most widely used by the Republic, and Galactic Powers such as the Galactic Empire. Only to be modified by others into their own such as the First Order which has similarities.

One of the longest standing ideals of their name is the word "Jedi" Being derived from their language of "Je" being "Mystic" and "Dai" meaning "Center." With a modification of the name being used by the Je'daii Order. Teachings of the force pertaining to the balance of the force within one's self. This "Mystic Center" is what became the teachings that sought to bring balance to the force. It also spawned the prophesied "Chosen one" who would bring balance to the force when it fell into the Dark Side. While the Order of Dai Bendu lasted well into the early days of the Republic, the numbers were extremely small, and accounts were very rare if at all real.

However, the Order's successor, the Je'daii Order took these ideas of the force, and the balance between Bogan and Ashla to a new understanding. Integrating many who were touched by the curse, or gift of the force. It was from these interpretation of the force and the influence of the Force Hounds from the Infinite Empire that brought about the Force Wars. A fight between what would later be called the "Jen'Jidai" or the Jedi Exiles, and the Jedi of the Holy Order. This brought about the first initial separation of the jedi and the beginning of the Sith, and from it, the singular piece of cloth that was cut in twain.

From here, the Jedi Exiles came into contact with the Pureblood Species of "Sith." It is here these exiles stole the names and titles of Jen'jidai, Sith'ari, Darth, etc. Of course, the rest is history. However, I am looking into this. How the Je'daii Order had split apart due to the conflicting ideas of the Light Side of the force, Ashla, Dark side of the force, Bogan, and the desire to have a balance of them, Bendu.

Ashla, known to many as the Light Side of the force was sought after as a form of Harmony, Peace, Acceptance, and even Self-Sacrifice. The ability to give ones possessions, abilities, talents, or even their own life, for that of others. Many Je'daii studied upon Tython and and the Moon that was bathed in light. Of course, named Ashla. This Moon was used for those who were too heavilt reliant upon the dark side of the force, were exiled here until they found a balance. Forced to be in a state of "Bendu" as named after the Order of Dai Bendu and their tenants of a balance or a "Center" within the force and one's self.

Bogan, known of the opposite side of the Light, or the Dark Side of the force, is one of passion, emotions, raw power, and corruption. Some remove the idea of corruption and opt for the Dark Side being just a darker thought, or perception of the force, rather than a perversion of it. The Je'daii saw it as one side of a coin. And thus also used the second of the natural satellite of Tython, Bogan, a moon shrouded in darkness as a place where upon an individual studying heavily in the light side was exiled so that they could once more be in the state of "Bendu."

Bendu, is like the word was previously stated to be, meant "Center." While it could also be taken in context of being "Balanced," I feel that is incorrect. Center is the best description of it. Take for instance the usage and application of "Center of Gravity" where an object can be balanced upon its center. Letting it lean or hang over its center, causes the item to fall in one direction or the other. In this same application, A being of the force is upon a single pedestal. Where upon leaning to one side or the other over their "Center" will cause them to become a "Light Side" or "Dark Side" user.

While the argument of what constitutes as a Dark sider or a Light sider can be argued till I am blue in the face, the ideals of this center and finding a balance can easily be looked into and learned by Sith, and Jedi alike in the modern age, or in the future. Why? Every Jedi needs to know when the use their emotions to overcome the battle, and every Sith can learn moderation in their expense of energy and resources. Too many times I have seen Jedi seek to never fight, or solve problems via their words. Yet when it comes down to the fight, and combat, they severely lack. Yes, Jedi deescalate the situation when they can, but when the going gets going, they need to be ready. The Sith can also learned moderation. The ability to hold back their emotions, think critically about a situation and not just go in saber in hand expecting a fight. Maybe there isn't a need to kill someone. Instead, get them to side with you, or have them back down, so that they can be used, or be exploited.

While there are many more applications of this "Je Dai" and its center of balance, even as a Sith, I see the practical applications of such. Yet I classify myself as a Sith Lord, and a Dark Sider as many others do. Will I continue to be a Lord of the Sith in my later years? I do not know. However, there will always be this war of what the force is, and ins't, as well as what it pertains to.