Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Order of the Sith Lords

At the cusp of a great victory for the Jedi, in the shadow of the Ruusan Reformation, the Sith Order was reorganized into following the ways of the Rule of Two. Now, all this time later, a new linage of Sith Lords have taken up the creed.

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The Order of the Sith Lords


"Two there should be; no more, no less. One to embody the power, the other to crave it."
-- Darth Bane.

Blending together acts of espionage, criminality, business and intelligence gathering the Order of the Sith Lords is a return to the ideology of the Rule of Two. Taking inspiration from the Darth Bane trilogy written by Drew Karpyshyn the OSL looks to create a diverse, deeply layered look into how two Sith Lords can operate in the universe of Star Wars: Chaos by blending together the themes and aesthetic of characters who follow a new way of Sith ideology. Using the psychology of compartmentalization combined with acts undertaken in clandestine or covert ways, the OSL is a story of two Sith looking to exert influence over the multitude of powerful factions, organizations and corporations in a Galaxy reeling from Chaos in a bid to shape and manipulate events to suit their own schemes and desires.

From the infiltration of the Galaxies biggest, and most bad factions on the Galactic Map to the joining and subsequent supplanting of organizations made to serve the goals of others, only for them to be bent, turned and corrupted to suit the agenda of the OSL through to the accumulation of wealth, assets and paraphernalia to grow your own character; the OSL looks to co-operate with other writers to create a slow burn story filled with deep lore, history and storytelling in order to tell the tale of a small, clandestine network of entrepreneurs, spies, informants, politicians and warriors who look to affect events on a galactic scale.

Darth Ayra, the Sith Master in the Rule of Two and her Sith Apprentice seek to extort, recruit and corrupt a wide array of individuals across the entire galaxy as they look to constitute a Grand Scheme to subvert the galactic powers and replace it with a new paradigm. Otherwise colloquially referred too as the Work join the OSL if you are deeply entrenched in civilizations such as the Galactic Alliance, Empire of the Lost or the newly rising threat of the Dark Empire. We are looking for a wide array of characters to join our story ranging from bounty hunters to warriors; individuals who work on the black market as slicers, brokers or collectors of paraphernalia; and executives that control some of the Galaxies most wealthiest and abundant worlds, ranging from senators and politicians to head of states, CEOs or entrepreneurs who operate in a wide array of markets.

If a slow burn, dark side espionage story layered in deceit, betrayal and lies is for you then consider applying to join the Order of Sith Lords today by contacting Alicia Drey Alicia Drey or by sending a friend request to user ' Vazela ' on Discord.

Thank you for reading, and it is our hope that the community enjoy the stories we are about to tell.

"The weak will always be victims. That is the way of the universe. The strong take what they want, and the weak suffer at their hands. That is their fate; it is inevitable. Only the strong survive, because only the strong deserve to."​

Staff member

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