Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Spiritual successor to the Republic, the Alliance strives to bring peace and order to all corners of the galaxy through the power of the Light Side.

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The baddies shouldn't get all the monstrous characters, so hello GA! :) A couple of you I've already talked to on Discord or in the DMs, thanks again for the guidance!

After considering other options as well, I believe I wish to join the army with this character. For the first fifteen years of his life he was preparing to become the chief of his tribe (well-versed in hunting, close combat, tribal weapons, navigation, philosophy and a bit of diplomacy). Then, he was captured and as a slave, for the next fifteen years, he's been a gladiator, taking on beasts and sentient opponents alike. Therefore, I feel he'd most likely be suited for infantry or pathfinder duty. If these are the things I want to pursue, what should be my next step? :)

Thank you!​
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