Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Casany Praxor

    Private  Another Adventure

    From wave and techno and electronica, to hip hop and hoppin’ hips, to Mandalorian folk metal blasting in the cockpit. Drunken Mandalorian given this galactic establishment’s equivalent of aspirin, bottle of Vod-Ka on the console, and whether the hair of the dog is a beverage with a better...
  2. Mellia Black

    LFG  Local Acolyte seeks Enrichment!

    Heyo everyone! I just made Mellia here, and I'm looking for some fun! For a little context, Mellia's a Sith Apprentice and the daughter of a mid-level Jutrand Aristocratic family. She's friendly as far as Sith go, if a bit mean-spirited sometimes. Anyway, I'm looking for socialization, maybe a...
  3. Nej Tane

    Public  Dead Empires

    Subterrel Sith Space There was a distinct issue with what Nej did now and again- It wasn't the legality of it. Laws came and went, and Nej couldn't keep up with who to pay fines or turn himself into for warrants- why bother with Republic Warrants from a long time ago, only for Alliance...
  4. Jalen Kai'el

    LFG  Looking for a Jedi trio for an adventure

    THREE But it's really more like 2. I need some plucky young Jedi for an adventure to find and awake a great curiosity beyond the confinds of the galaxy, way off in the good ol' Firefist Galaxy. Perhaps some fresh-faced knights or older padawans on the way to knighthood, but more importantly...
  5. Izzed Gigrig

    Public  Looney Dunes: A Chaotic Tatooine Adventure!

    A Duros lays motionless, face down in the sand of Tatooine. He appears dead in the middle of the desert sands. The Two suns begin to rise on the horizon. "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Izzed Gigrig, the Duros pushes himself up off the ground with a start and looks around. "AAAAHHHHHHHHHH!"...
  6. Ceth Lintom

    LFG  Looking for Jedi Mentors or Anyone willing to go on an Adventure

    Soo just created this bad boy over the weekend and I'm eager to develop him! I'm open to anything though I do prefer some Jedi Training or some adventures!
  7. T

    LFG  I am looking for someone to share in an adventure.(Indies wanted)

    Hobbit references aside I‘m indeed up for some roleplay with my new Mando, Tal. Specifically search is independent characters such as smugglers, mercenaries, bounty hunters, wanderers stopping by on the planet of Castilon. Of course Mandalorians not tied to the Sith or Dark Side factions are...
  8. Jasper Kai'el

    LFG  Broken Dawn | Jedi Otherspace Adventure

    JEDI OTHERSPACE ADVENTURE Yes, you read that right. Very recently, in a stroke of genius I've been cooking up for a while, I sent my boy Jasper and his relief unit, the Shield Core, to Otherspace. You can see exactly how it happened here. But, in a nutshell, I hope to use this as a catalyst...
  9. Zeks

    Looking For Potential Adventure

    Zeks is a Chiss assassin that roams around the galaxy doing assassination work. Was wondering if anyone wants to perhaps DM (Dungeon Master) or even run the adventure with me or perhaps play the person that I'm going after. Not sure how this work. but i'm wondering whose down in general. Plot...
  10. M

    LFG  Jedi Adventure Weekend (& Beyond)

    Hello Chaos! What's good. I accidentally listened to some good ol' John Williams music this week and got a hankering for some Star Wars pew pew. So who's game for a few posts this weekend? Anybody up for a few good Jedi shenanigans? I'd post more here but I just read Valery's LFG Guide and...
  11. Kahlil Noble

    LFG  Shield Of The Jedi - Adventure Time

    Kahlil's now Shield of the New Jedi Order. So.. Why not do some threads with that. Idea spew, go! You wanna talk to him, for whatever reason. Training? He does teach things now and then. You beat him up cause you're evil. He beats you up cause you're evil. Mutual beating up, but not because...
  12. Noah Corek

    LFG  Adventure Time(s)

    Hello all! My name is Noah and I’m looking for some adventures! I’ve been on Chaos for a while and usually don’t post LFG’s but I’ve decided to branch out and get out of my comfort zone and thus here we are. A little about my character, since I only RP the one. He’s an ex-military Mando who...
  13. Cailen Corso

    Private  The Vestige

    THE VESTIGE Location: Aboard the Ember Tags: Valery Noble Objevtive: Follow the Force Soundtrack: Cygnus X1 With his eyes closed, Cailen focused intently on the image in his mind: His Kyber crystal, levitating gently before him. It was surrounded by the dismantled pieces of his lightsaber...
  14. Jasper Kai'el

    LFG  NPC Adventure

    I had a random idea pop into my head. What do NPCs do when they aren’t adding to the storyline of a player character? That kind of transition into the idea of making an all NPC thread. This would just be a basic adventure that sees a group of non player characters do… something. I don’t have an...
  15. Mugiwara no Luffy

    Join the crew and the adventure!

    Joined into an active and cool rp thread and we’re hoping to fill a couple more seats!
  16. Saff

    LFG  Looking for an adventure, or a fight, both if we're lucky

    Wanting to hop right back into the action, got a brand new lady who dislikes every force user that isn't her for a very good reason Perhaps a good old bounty hunt, a mixup on a planet, or any bounty hunters or people seeking hunters who might want work or have work. If all else fails, a good...
  17. Sazaku

    LFG  Chiss Survivor seeking Adventure and Master

    Greetings! Sazaku here, one of the numerous survivors from the breaking of Csilla. So excited to get started! Sazaku here is a rogue type, running away from the wider threats of the galaxy, most of all he can’t come to terms with what happened to him, his family, his people, and his homeworld...
  18. Kai Bamarri

    Private  Iris and Kai's Excellent Adventure

    Kai awoke lying face-first in the dirt. The smell of smoke and burning engine fuel filled his nostrils. He slowly peeled himself up off the ground and looked around. Behind him was the smoldering wreck of an escape pod. Kai and Iris had been aboard a transport, hitching a ride home, when there...
  19. Ijam'cahi

    LFG  Looking For Adventure!

    I've written all sorts of characters on Chaos. I've got Sith Vampires to Jedi who paint in the Force, to force dead super soldiers. Every one of them is some kind of special snow flake because that's the normal thing I write. So I wanna try something different. Come in, Ijam here. She's a pilot...
  20. Jasper Kai'el

    LFG  Any threads out there?

    I'm looking to get some of my characters out there in supporting roles and maybe work with some other people I haven't gotten to write with yet. Nothing to crazy on the details. I'm literally game for anything, so if anyone is in need of characters to fill a role in a storyline they have or just...
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