Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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darth maliphant

  1. Darth Empyrean

    Cruel Fate

    Empyrean sat upon a throne made of cold iron, inlayed with burnt crimson ur-Kittat symbols of the Sith. The runes spoke of power, of strength, of breaking the chains as the code declared - but Empyrean felt nothing of that strength in the moment. He was a dam holding back the omnipotent will of...
  2. Ishani Dinn

    Private  Clock Strikes Midnight

    It started out as little things. A momentary glimpse of something pale in the mirror; a whisper in the dark; a cold spot in an otherwise warm room. Symptoms of a haunting, or perhaps a probing presence, though she had no idea who it was, where it was coming from, or what it wanted. Lying in bed...
  3. Venn Kolis

    Work In Progress  The Alchemist's Eye

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To begin Venn Kolis' career and history as an alchemist. To create an instrument through which to facilitate the enslavement conversion of the Draelvasier species. To signify the beginning of Venn's ascension to the rank of Sith Knight. Image Source: Link...
  4. Venn Kolis

    Private  A Meeting of Students

    Arcturus Dinn A Meeting of Students Location: Kesh, Keshtah, The Ruins of Gyn Hoofbeats echoed through the shattered corridors of Gyn's once-beautiful streets. The Dalgo wasn't Venn's favorite method of travel; he much preferred to fly. But after the fighting down the peninsula, the Drexl was...
  5. Ingrid L'lerim

    Private  Shadowgames

    Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Leader of the Dawn of Hope The Red Witch, The Night Queen, Lady Stuztala, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium, Archon of the Primyn Group Location: HPI...
  6. Darth Empyrean

    Approved Lore  "Prakazi - A Juyo Dueling Technique", by Darth Maliphant

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create more lore Maliphant has written. Image Credit: Here. Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: N/A GENERAL INFORMATION Media Name: "Prakazi - A Juyo Dueling Technique", by Darth Maliphant Format: Alchemized Leather Book Distribution: Rare Length...
  7. Odanneth Mal (Darth Nyx)

    Side Effects

    SIDE EFFECTS It was a hot, dusty evening on Tatooine and Oda was packing to leave. That's when the announcement broke out over the holo-news playing in the cockpit: "... And finally the station would like to pay last respects to Rett Zul, a human trader in his mid 30's and the owner of...
  8. Beatrice Govan

    Private  Goths in the Sun

    Coruscant. It had everything. From the mundane to the exotic, if one was looking for something then the social epicentre of the galaxy was usually the first port of call. Nothing too innocent or depraved here. Peel back the normality of the high street and retail wonderland of the surface and...
  9. Darth Empyrean

    Campaign  The Hunt for a Slave

    The alarms, the monitoring systems in place on Harper’s Retreat all broke loose in tandem - someone had entered the residence and departed in short order. An old acquaintance of Maliphant’s, Thesh, had come for unknown reasons - and it was the Inquisitors jobs to find out why. Had Maliphant...
  10. Darth Empyrean

    The Caravaggio Conspiracy

    Cirqa 853 ABY Bastion __________________________________ The room stood with a low, unbecoming light, small candles surrounding the office giving off the bare minimum requirements for Maliphant to be seen, his head buried in his hand. The day’s events had been relatively regular, no discerning...
  11. Darth Empyrean

    Approved NPC  Blackwell Security Forces

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a dedicated personal security force for Blackwell Industries, and its various facilities. Image Credit: Here. Role: The primary backbone to all security measures on Blackwell Industries facilities. Links: Blackwell Industries GENERAL INFORMATION...
  12. Darth Empyrean

    Approved NPC  Alana Khel, Overseer of The Great Sith-Imperial Library

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a librarian for the Great Library. ​Image Credit: Here. Role: To serve as the primary overseer of the Great Library, in charge of its daily workings while answering directly to [member=Darth Maliphant] Links: The Great Sith-Imperial Library...
  13. Darth Empyrean


    Barbatos Circa 853 ABY Far beneath Orobas Mons… _____________________________________ The two had spent a few days trekking through the darkness of the cave network in search of something ‘Human’, one of Maliphant’s personal spies, had dug up in regards to the historic leader of Barbatos, that...
  14. Darth Empyrean

    In Search of Knowledge

    ________________________________________________ The library of Bastion, a project Maliphant had been working on for some time after the inclusion of his own library and its outstanding collection. One of the various sections had already been completed, where he stood now as the rest of it was...
  15. Darth Empyrean

    Approved Species  The Everchosen

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a genetically 'Perfect' Sith, a prototype meant for Maliphant's Apprentice. ​Image Credit: Here. Canon: N/A Links: Blackwell Industries │ Darth Maliphant │ Los Muertos GENERAL INFORMATION Name: The Everchosen Designation: Sentient Homeworld...
  16. Darth Empyrean

    Loose Ends

    Coruscant, Entertainment District 8032 Cirqa 853 ABY Interacting With: [member="Nilia Saavilin"] │ [member="Alexandra Feanor"] │ [member="Arekk"] ___________________________________________________ The night had gone exceptionally well, as the two moved through the streets of Coruscant with a...
  17. Varik Ice

    Killer's Mantra

    Minorous Traske [hr]Location: Nal Hutta's Swamps Objective: The Redhawk Gang He could hear a drum beating in the distance. Minorous had been tracking this gang of predators for almost a day now, watching their movements, their schedules. It wasn't because he had any issue with what they did -...
  18. Darth Empyrean


    ___________________________________________ It’d been a few weeks since Ar’ekk’s untimely ultimatum, abandoning Nilia to the machinations of Maliphant and whatever it was he would teach her, though he had been easy on her in the time since then; more often disappearing to train himself than...
  19. Darth Empyrean

    The New Librarian

    ____________________________ The Telos Holocron; That which has held the secrets of the entire order of The Sith Order, be it at its strongest, to its weakest. Owned by some of the strongest, most prolific users of The Force, it could very well be the one saving grace of The Sith Order after...
  20. Darth Empyrean

    Abnormal Archeology

    _______________________ The air hung dry and still on Barbatos, the distant chants of a crowd fawning over a pod race filling the streets in swings of ‘Boos’ and jeers, before erupting in a wave of joyous celebration. It would have been concerning if not for the metropolis murmurs, a constant...
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