Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Ohois Qhut'eol

    First Reply  Insidious Deeds on Jakku

    Darth Grosnais, prowled through the desolate wastelands of Jakku in search for the Starship Graveyard, his crimson lightsaber humming at his side. The harsh sun beat down on his armored skeleton, casting errie shadows on the sand dunes as he stalked his prize - salvaged starship parts...
  2. Arla Rodarch

    LFG  Good deeds to do

    Hi, Looking for some action, preferably somewhere in the middle of a war, where me and my people can come in and interfere assist casualties and provide medical assistance. I am roleplaying what might best be described as a roving mercy fleet, doctors without borders, used to working in...
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