Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Milla Caranthyr

    Public  Warming Hearths (Enclave)

    Location: Tor Valum, Kestri The snow danced slowly around her, carried by the cold winds that were trying to bite through the thick cloak she had wrapped tightly around herself. Her breath drifted out from under her hood in thick clouds of steam, mixing with a few loose strands of light blonde...
  2. Jiriad Galaar

    Work In Progress  Kar'ta-Tarja Mandalorian Bowcaster

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: A bowcaster for the Mandalorian Enclave Image Source: Sergey Kolesnik Canon Link: Bowcaster Permissions: Primary Source: Bowcaster Jiriad Galaar Mandalorian Enclave PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Clan Galaar Affiliation: The Enclave Market Status...
  3. Jiriad Galaar

    Public  Clan Galaar's Iron Artworks (Enclave Tokens Accepted)

    F O R G E W O R K S To some the din of forges is little more than noise, but to an accomplished smith the sound of hammers striking metal is the sweetest music imaginable. In the home of Clan Galaar, this music resounds both loudly and regularly, its beskarsmiths plying their trade not only...
  4. Tywinn Zanzi

    Character  Tywinn Zanzi

  5. Jiriad Galaar

    Ready For Judge  Orar Power Hammer

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: A model of power hammer for the Ji'yr Market Image Source: Space Wolves 40k Wiki page, Enclave divider by Vren Rook Canon Link: Power hammer Permissions: N/A Primary Source: Power hammer, Kinetite generator PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Jiriad...
  6. Pietro Demici

    Major Faction Victory at Dromund Kaas!

    The former capital of the Sith has long remained a symbol of the oppression of the innocent, but through blood and fire, it has finally been brought to heel. With the help of their allies, the Ashlan Crusade have taken the planet, crushing the remnants of the old regime. Statues have been torn...
  7. Vren Rook

    Dominion  The Night is Dark...|| Enclave Dominion of Talay Hex

    SNOWSTORM Kestri. The frigid world that was home to the Mando’ade of the Enclave. Snowstorms were quite common across the planet, keeping everything as a constant winter wonderland. It was this that made the Life Day celebrations so much more festive. Lights and decorations were strung all...
  8. Voice of Ashla

    Junction  The Final Countdown - Dromund Kaas Sign up thread (AC, NIO, GA, BotM, EE, Enclave)

    The great battle for Dromund Kaas begins on 12/17/21 The former Sith capital of Dromund Kaas stands as the final bastion of the old regime, a symbol of the old ways of the Tingel Arm. This symbol must be cleansed, and given new meaning befitting of the new powers that control the region. The...
  9. Stone Gra'tua

    Public  Eviction Day - Wayland

    Wayland, Wayland System Objective I : Deal with the hostile criminal presence Objective II : Scout the system for suitable locations for bases and defenses Objective III : BYOO, help the cause of securing the system any way you see fit Location : Smuggler's HQ, Wayland Objective : 1 and 2 The...
  10. Galaar Fett

    Private  One stone, two birds.

    H U N T Location: Hamra Equipment: Beskar'gram, DT-12 Blasters (2), Modified EE-3 Blaster Post: #1 Tags: Mira Eldar There had been plenty of unfavorable places he had decided to hunt targets at in this galaxy. Hoylin was no paradise to grow up on, but when one travelled to Rodia, Ryloth...
  11. Runi Kuryida

    Private  Once Lost, Twice Found

    Examination & Interview/Interrogation :: Undisclosed Location, Hefi Last Known Whereabouts: Garang City, Dantooine :// Subject was last seen engaged in battle against the invading New Imperial Order on The Sith Empire-held Dantooine. Confederacy of Independent Systems' Dauntless forces...
  12. Tharil

    Faction  A Hutt Load Of Trouble (The Enclave)

    High risk, high reward. That's the sort of bounty this was. Tharia stood outside of the contractors estate, yeah, estate. Damn Hutts needed to flaunt their wealth with estates or something these days. Didn't matter too much to the Chiss, but if she could make fun of it, she certainly would. She...
  13. Vren Rook

    Character  Vren Rook

    VREN ROOK Full name: Vren Rook Homeworld Kestri Species: Human Gender Male Age: Adult Height: 6"1 Weight: 80kg Eyes: Brown Hair: Dusty blonde Force Sensitivity: No Faction: Mandalorian Enclave Rank: Karjr Mandalore. It always came down to that cursed planet, didn't it? If it...
  14. Voices of The Deep

    Character  Domina Prime | The Mad Witch of Mandalore

    "You can see God when i take my mask off~" BLACK SEA || RAIN || SHINE ON YOU CRAZY DIAMOND || ENEMY Enigmatic hell hounds croon havoc, vexation upon the bloodied sands, while the predatory, Apex of the apex remains nestled within the safety of sovereign walls. They suckle, drink heavily at...
  15. M

    Character  Zahira Shrike

    Z A H I R A || S H R I K E Birthplace:Manas Age: 28 GSY Species: Nasvalo (Tsolvalo) Gender: Female Height: 1.98 Meters Weight: 58 kg Hair: Blackish Brown Skin: Medium Tan Eyes: Brown Force Sensitivity: No Face: [x] Voice: Jen Cohn as Pharah As a youngling, Zahira Katirci was told stories about...
  16. Gwyneira Vizsla

    Bounty  Crimson Hunt - Crimson Blood [Mandalorian Enclave Hunt for Alina Tremiru]

    Crimson Hunt ~ Crimson Blood. Equipment: Location: The planet Thule. Friendlies: Alara Ordo @Dima | Open Hostiles: Alina Tremiru Main Objective: Bring Sith scum target in to justice at the hands of the Mandalorian Enclave. Secondary Objective: N/A. The arid world of Thule plotted to choke...
  17. The Quartermaster

    Dominion  The Frontier War: Home Front | Dominion of R-Duba

    F R O N T I E R W A R AMBUSH. The Mandalorian Enclave’s expansion into Wild Space had sent the various criminal factions of the Frontier into retreat. Victories at Kaddak, Lyran IV, and V’Shar had all dealt serious blows against pirate captains, crime lords, and other scum and villainy. But...
  18. L

    Character  Lesha Priest

    T R I V I A ~Lesha Priest~ ~"There should be a similarity between yourself and the ocean - calm most days, but unpredictable, even destructive on a good day. That's where true strength lies."~ Full name: Alesha Vittoria Priest Nickame: Lesha/ Lish/Vixen Actual Homeworld Zanbar Species...
  19. Zlova Rue

    Private  Even a Dark Flame illuminates The Way

    Resa, Kestri Along the Cin'ciri Mountain Range After Kranak Vizsla and Zlova Rue sparred together and established their warrior's prowess with one another, the tall Mandalorian had reached out to the outrageously Sith vod with a request. The man wanted to explore a means of defense against...
  20. Shai Maji

    Private  Forging the Future

    Tor Valum/Halls of the Forgemasters Morning/Snowing In the Halls of the Forgemasters, Shai stood by the anvil of a forge with a tray full of Durasteel ingots in one hand and a hammer in the other. Her road to recovery was still far from complete and it was something she hated with a passion...
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