Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Braze

    Private  Beneath the Mask: Exploring the Mythos of Darth Revan

    (this is a work in progress) Braze is meticulous in his citation of sources, ensuring that they are presented in three distinct formats: Galactic Basic Association (GBA), Modern Basic Association (MBA), and Modern Aurbesh Association (MAA). Beneath the Mask: Exploring the Mythos of Darth...
  2. DeadpoolMLP

    Private  Exploring the Temple

    The Cathar Knight wandered the halls of the temple, almost aimlessly. A day had passed since she arrived, and already she had met a jedi master, a dream she had only thought would be achieved once the Empire were defeated. Which, by technicality, was true. It just wasn't by her hand, much to her...
  3. Jademar Eurisa

    LFG  Exploring

    Any potential Female Characters want to interact with an adventurish Padawan looking to make friends or potential rivals. She's more into exploring dangerous places, nothing seems to falter her in her adventure. It would be neat if she could encounter a few people along the way. She also quite...
  4. Skorvek

    Faction  Exploring the depths (Family only)

    Ambience He paced around the labyrinth infront of the towering nethergate he had built so long ago ever since he left that place he was paranoid of ever going back into it or any manifestation ever taking place allowing what is inside to roam outward and cause havoc. However his mind wondered...
  5. Ishani Dinn

    LFG  Looking for RP exploring the Netherworld

    Ishani has been experimenting with ways to enter and exit the Netherworld safely—and when I say experiment, I mean every avenue, no matter how weird. Naturally she’ll also be trying to get a feel for the place and learn more about it. I had this idea of roleplaying with her finding a guide (or...
  6. Sakoda Dathu

    Come At Me!

    Hey folks! Recently got around to officially joining the site and even more recently got around to making my first character here. Still dipping my foot in the proverbial pool but I'm no stranger to forum rp [just the RP on this forum, haha] so felt no strong reason to take things slow. Kinda...
  7. Lilla Syrin

    Lilla knew little of...

    “Oh, it has been too long since I last tasted Jedi.” ― Queen of Ktath’atn Lilla knew little of Ktath’atn. If she ever wrote a journal, she was sure every page would start with those lines – for she’d spent her formative years on Tatooine. Or, more accurately, those early years she remembered...
  8. Kinsey Starchaser

    Beasts of the Salvage

    CATHAR Rumor had it there was a crashed space station on the savannah plains of Cathar. Hard to miss, even with some of the grassy knolls and clusters of large-tree cities. This time Kinsey was on her own. No Brak or other fleet member. Sure, she traveled with the fleet and was still trying...
  9. Hype Darkwater


    Hype's worn Kum'rrk fighter roared through deep space. There was nothing here, absolutely nothing. The charts had been wrong. Hype slammed his fist onto his console in frustration. He wished he could wring the neck of that dealer. But, sitting here on the outer edges of the known galaxy, there...
  10. Aela Talith

    Bite of Cold

    Loro Babis System Athiss-Northern Hemisphere "Why is it that Sith never have normal graves?" Aela turned her head as she wandered on the edge of the cliff, one of the padawans that she had brought with her speaking up as they came in sight of their destination. She stopped for a moment...
  11. Coren Starchaser

    New Horizons Pluto Misson So. I've been nerding out about this. The most clear images are on their way. This probe is heading out to our systems farthest major planet (charismatically speaking) This trip has been going on for near 9 and a half years with a launch of January 2006. She's finally...
  12. Aela Talith

    The Other Side of Home

    Borleias It was a planet that was not famous. Nor was it a planet of much use. At least not anymore. This world had once been a fortress, a staging area for war. Many different factions had used it. The New Republic, the Yuuzhan Vong, even the Galactic Alliance. All of them at one point or...
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