Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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force training

  1. Ran Serys

    LFG  Scream From the Mountain Tops - Force Training

    A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away... Ran Serys, Jedi Knight, has arrived at the Jedi Enclave on Jakku to assist in the lessons of a group of willing students. No stranger to danger, death and the isolation of space, Ran is a master of the Force Trance by necessity and will share that...
  2. Garou Shakti

    LFG  Looking to Continue my force training with non sith darksiders

    Garou is coming out of a long mourning period and while he is quite strong in the force he is mostly self train aside from some sith acolyte training as a youngling. I am looking for someone on the dark side to train him that is not a sith as he is in fact a Mandolorian. That being said he was...
  3. Romi Jade

    Approved Lore  Numerologie Arcane: Notes on Bendu Warding Thus Far

    "I got stranded on Eadu after chasing pirates. Then I heard this call through the Force." She continued forward, twisting and tucking under jagged spirals. "The Bendu reached out...and I trained under it for months. After I stepped down, I returned to Eadu to seek guidance on what was next and...
  4. Brooke Waters

    Force Training Witches and Jedi

    Hey All Trying something new. Anyone down for a thread of Jedi, Witches and other light side leaning folks to trade and share their skills and capabilities? If there is something someone is looking to learn, especially from a different path. Let me know who is down!
  5. Willow & Ivy

    LFG  Offense and Defence

    "Hello! My sister Ivy and I could use some help." "Yes! You see we are Force sensitive siamse twins and that has given us some...." "...unwanted attention. One look at us and you can see that we aren't really capable of defending ourselves." "We have a terrific bodyguard that can help us...
  6. Ahani Najwa-Zambrano

    Private  Dogsma (Skorvek)

    Raya was right, for once, about headphones. The simple ear covering headphone is the greatest invention in the history of sapient kind. Sure, one could see the antiquated printing press, or the hyperdrive as the one thing which brought sapient from various planets together, but the headphone...
  7. Madalena Antares

    Private  Retro Fittings of the Force

    Tahali Memnoch The freezing temperatures of Ilum tried to bite beneath the fur coat Madalena wore, but or the moment, she paid them no mind. News of war on the planet had reached her, but she wasn't here for any of that. Instead, she had taken a small stealth ship to a more or less neglected...
  8. Vigdis Zambrano

    Temple of Daughters (Braxus)

    “Leave me.” The Temple of Nussyn in Canthar was once more resplendent after the Ssi Ruuk attacks. A bastion of the religious and politically savvy, the Temple once more took on a guest of high prestige. Amidst the narrow bustle of bodies, a youth in the blossom of her teenaged years took...
  9. Bullwark

    Can't Teach an Old Rock New Tricks

    It had been a good day, and it was only going to get better. Bullwark had that Toydarian arms trader in his back pocket and the winged sleaze didn't even know it. Just one trip to the tavern. A few drinks with a Verpine friend to convince him to take advantage of the opening of a new gun...
  10. Andorreth Vikar

    Elusive as Sand ( Sand bending training OPEN)

    I'd recently become more active withing the Silver Jedi Order. One of the things I'd received recently was a letter from Akira advising me to share what I knew about sand-bending. So I'd left a notice in the Silver temple on Kasshyyyk about classes with me for training in the technique I felt...
  11. Coci Heavenshield

    The Power, The Glory [Ylva]

    Fortress of Dawn [member="Ylva Solveig"] She had sent word to Ylva that the time had come. After the war and after a time in which they had all come to terms with what happened, as best they could, it was time to train the girl. Théo had told her of her ability, that she was attuned to...
  12. Acaleus Thorn

    In search for inner peace

    "Hey" the ship tremble while passing the atmosphere of Ruusan but not because of the entry, but the incoming fire. The cruiser was in high alert, and the engine would be shutting down "Release the fighters, more energy to the shields!" A slap woke him "That will leave a mark" his skin would get...
  13. Broderick Nightwish

    Looking for Force Master

    I'm looking to begin my training with the force, figure that would be a good spot as any to start with. I'm looking for anyone who's looking for a new student to teach in the ways of the force. If interested message me.
  14. Cathul Thuku

    Social Housing Conjuration

    In the five years since Cathul started learning Force-healing, she has been spamming Force-healing as much as she could safely do so. But, understandably, the effect on public finances of a Force-healer tapers off past a certain point. The savings she could do at the early stages of...
  15. Cathul Thuku

    Late night training

    Pretending that Anaki was a patient might have been an excuse to keep M-6PO active at night, Cathul booked a block for Anaki in her schedule on Mandalore. Before the scheduled appointment could take place, Cathul brought several objects from Mandalore's trash cans. And she was wearing the latest...
  16. Cathul Thuku

    Space Witchcraft 101

    For far too long, Cathul has been operating the Mandalore Psychology Clinic full-time (and even more than full-time: overtime and even all-nighters were common for the past few years), charging as much as standard therapist fare plus the cost of the shuttle ticket for the closest off-system...
  17. Bryce Bantam

    Cold Discipline

    Yvara Class: Terrestrial Atmosphere : Type I (Breathable) Climate: Cool Gravity: Standard Primary terrain: Mountains, fungal plains Surface water: Oceans, river networks The Starr touched down upon the snow covered plains of Yvara. Unlike most situations this was not a mission, no one was in...
  18. K

    Harry Potter can kiss my Atrisia

    Vengeance meditated outside of the Academy. He had chosen to be outside for the next phase of training his new apprentices. Who coincidentally did not know each other yet. Part of him wondered how it would turn out. Vengeance was not a rule of two kind of guy but at the same time he felt it...
  19. Setzi Lunelle

    Interest check with Apprentices

    I wanted to see if either or both of you as Darth Azurea's apprentices wanted to join her in some threads where Force training can occur: Here is where she may need some help: Subjugation of Ziost -...
  20. Xanatos

    Looking for New Faction, More Character Development & Training in the Force.

    Sorry for the long tittle. It's been a while since I post any thing in the forums, looking to come back and to start role play again. What I'm looking for is place/faction where I can develop Xanatos even more then I could, which sadly wasn't a lot in the past. I feel there's more to his...
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