Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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imperial knights

  1. Galen Dooku

    Mission  Dissident Hearts [First Order]

    DISSIDENT HEARTS In the metal heart of Kol Huro’s derelict droid factories, a rebellion is brewing. The system has long been known for its erratic resistance of order, dating centuries back to their alliance with the Separatists during the Clone Wars. Little has changed. In retaliation to...
  2. Aculia Voland

    LFG  Minor Faction Ad- Empire of the Lost

    Hey there everybody! I don't have amazing art or photoshop skills to dazzle you with, but what I do have is a willingness to collaborate, a determination to be active, and fun story ideas! What is the Empire of the Lost? A coalition of former Imperials and displaced refugees rallying behind...
  3. Empire of the Lost

    Empire of the Lost

    The Empire of the Lost is an Imperial faction made up of a coalition of Imperial Remnant, Eternal Empire, and Elysium Empire members and refugees who have come together to restore order, law, and prosperity to their region of the galaxy. They have their capital on Lianna, a large ecumenopolis in...
  4. Argilac

    Private  Glorious Spring

    OUTFIT: x TAG: Aoki-Barran Mira | Cataca Atra | Imperial Knights LOADOUT: in bio ANOBIS, BRIGHT JEWEL SECTOR, MID RIM, SUMMER 879 ABY "I have never advocated for war except as means of peace, so seek peace, but prepare for war. Because war... War never changes. War is like winter, and...
  5. Aurelian Sigismund

    Approved NPC  Imperial Purge Troopers

    Imperial Purge Troopers OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create the new Imperial Purge Troopers. Image Credit: Jedi: Fallen Order Role: Imperial Security Bureau and Imperial Knights enforcing Strike Teams, Special Operations Capable Permissions: Links: Purge Troopers GENERAL...
  6. Aurelian Sigismund

    Approved Tech  Phase III Purge Trooper Armor

    Phase III Purge Trooper Armor OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Create an armor for the new Imperial Purge Troopers. Image Source: Jedi: Fallen Order Canon Link: Phase II Purge Trooper Armor Permissions: TriTech, Jaeger Primary Source: Purge Trooper Armor PRODUCTION INFORMATION...
  7. A

    Character  Arianna Sarreti

    WIP... ARIANNA SARRETI NAME: Arianna "Ari" Sarreti [ARR-ee-AN-uh Sar-RET-ee] FACTION: The Empire DIVISION: Force Corps - Imperial Knights RANK: Knight Errant FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes FORCE ALIGNMENT: Grey/Neutral AGE: Young Adult GENDER: Female SPECIES: Human HOMEWORLD: Bastion...
  8. Corvallis Tavlar

    Character  Corvallis Tavlar | Impenitent Son | The Empire

    WARLOCK Music HOW HEAVY THIS AXE Aliases Marcus Tygo Class(es) Imperial Templar Duelist Inquisitor Birthplace Bescane Age Young Adult Personality Traits Ambitious Cynical Wrathful Education Traits Formidable Banneret Lifestyle Traits August Scholar Rank(s) Knight...
  9. Sahar

    Private  Reverence

    Sahar|Imperial Knights|Bastion Tags:// Rurik Fel MUSIC The tomb of Fel was a foreboding sight in the skyline of Bastion, looming over with its jagged spires and dark monolithic walls; it was the resting place of Rurik Fel, Emperor of the Imperials and guiding father of the new order. A place of...
  10. Lucien Dooku

    Populate  Operation Arbiter | The Tion Necessity

    AN AGE OF STRIFE STORY THE TION NECESSITY OPERATION ARBITER THEME With the Chiss Reclamation's momentum brought to a grinding halt after the dual strategic victories upon the battlefields of Nirauan & within the Redoubt cluster itself, the KNIGHTS OF THE EMPIRE are afforded a moment of...
  11. Aoki-Barran Mira

    The Road To Squirehood.

    "The Jedi were supposed to be peace keepers, defenders of the weak and harbingers of justice. Unfortunately, they had strayed from that path, so I strayed from them. Daughter, I encourage you to do the same." It was high noon. The maple trees lining the edges of the pathway offered little shade...
  12. Aoki-Barran Mira

    Approved Tech  Utaken ~ Aoki Mira's Songsteel Katana

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To make a traditional katana for the Atrisian hybrid, Aoki Mira. Passed down by her father. Image Source: Here. Canon Link: N/A. Permissions: N/A. Primary Source: Songsteel; Songsteel Sword; Sword; Electro Sword. PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Aoki...
  13. Aoki-Barran Mira

    Character  Aoki Mira

    Name: Aoki Mira. Species: Mirialan-Atrisian Hybrid. Age: 20. Sex: Female. Eye Color: Blue. Hair Color: Black. Skin Tone: Green. MBTI Personality: ISFJ. Big Five Personality: RICAD. Faction: The New Imperial Order. Rank: Imperial Knight Squire. Force Sensitive: Yes. + Calm and Disciplined...
  14. Lyra 'Sybila' Voikryt

    Faction  Faceted [NIO]

    New Imperial Order : Imperial Knighthood 874 ABY : Dantooine, Sandral Fields Imperial Mining Facility and Khoonda Field Station Ripples In The Sand 'As the Second Great Hyperspace War drags out, the need for resource and innovation in the power sector grows. Amidst the war ravaged fields...
  15. W

    Character  Knight Admiral Wilhuff Krieg | NIO

    F E R R A T A General Information | Name | Wilhuff Tiberius Krieg | Aliases | N/A | Age | Appears late thirties, early fourties | Species | Human (Cyborg) | Homeworld | Bastion | Force Sensitivity | Yes, Very Low Midochlorian Count | Faction | New Imperial Order , Imperial Knights, Chapter...
  16. Rurik Fel

    Major Faction The Order of The Imperial Knights

    K N I G H T S _ O F _ T H E _ E M P I R E THE PROTECTORS OF THE ORDER THE ORDER OF THE IMPERIAL KNIGHTS THE OATH The Galaxy is embroiled in chaos and as the old order continues it self fulfilling cycle of death and devastation between the Darkness and the Light. However, there is a third...
  17. IMPCOM

    Dominion  The Last in Line | Reclamation of Dantooine | NIO

    PENTASTAR OPERATION PART 1 | HOMECOMING New Imperial Order D A N T O O I N E 865 ABY LAST IN LINE The wounds of the past had only just barely head. No quarter. Operation Harvest Dark. The Imperator's plan to break through the fortified salient at the Braxant Run and...more importantly...
  18. Gat Tambor

    Approved Starship  Eta-11x Crusader-class Interceptor | NIO

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Make an Imp Knight Starfighter Image Source: CY-80 Starfighter Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Kuat Entralla Engineering Affiliation: New Imperial Order Imperial Knights Player Characters Only...
  19. Darth Voyance

    Dominion  Knights of Avarice | Dominion of Brosi | Warlords of the Sith

    //CHAPTER ONE// STORY SET UP: With the end of the Helgardian War between the New Imperial Order and the Sith Empire - the NIO seeks to expand its grip over the Tingel Arm by exploring economic expansion into the Corporate Sector via worlds outside of Sith-Imperial yoke. This includes the worlds...
  20. IMPCOM

    Campaign  In Pursuit of Ghosts | NIO Imperial Knights

    I M P E R I A L _ K N I G H T S I N _ P U R S U I T _ O F _ G H O S T S THE OUTER RIM MALA Mala. It was a storied world, as desolate as it was it'd meant that many ignored its blip on many holomaps but all the same, Mala was a site paramount to Galactic history. The very planet which played...
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