Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Gillom Rone

    Faction  Ithor Lost - Emergency Assembly [Vonnuvi Herdship]

    -Vonnuvi Herdship- -Open- It was only weeks after the Herd Meet, when news came through that Ithor had fallen under the curtain of the newly arisen Dark Empire. Vonnuvi Elder Priest Gillom Rone was struck with a bittersweet sickness. He had gotten to see his homeworld one last time, but at what...
  2. Amani Serys

    Faction  Herd Meet over Ithor | Herdship Vonnuvi [Jedi, Humanitarians, Civilians]

    Vonnuvi Herdship, over Ithor Gatz Derrevar - Joran Olan - Jasper Kai'el - Alicio Organa - Kitter Bitters - Open The Ithorian people, so dedicated to the preservation of their natural homeworld, choose to live their lives in massive floating cities called herdships. Every three years, these...
  3. Amani Serys

    LFG  Herd Meet over Ithor - Social Thread + Faction Pitch/Intro

    Hey there! For those of you unfamiliar, I have been trying to build up the Vonnuvi Jedi Enclave (and the Vonnuvi as a whole) in a worthwhile RP space for like-minded writers for some time. So while is isn’t technically an introduction to either, I did want to use it as something of a soft...
  4. Milla Kryst

    Private  Chasing Echoes

    Location: Onderon, Silver Jedi Concord Status: In Atmosphere After the credits were confirmed transferred, Scar gathered up her very few belongings in her room and had headed out to the marketplace. Roaming around for supplies before she set off, she told that business exec that there'd be no...
  5. 9-LOM

    Torment of Ithor

    The graceful eye of Ottega shines, like a deity it reigns in hope and potential over a congregation of victim worlds whose sole commandment has been to endure. One such world, reborn from the ashes of conquest and affliction, comes into view. It is Ithor, home to a race of galactic caretakers...
  6. Rosario Perlyn

    The Company of Trees

    "Master, this place is amazing!" Rosario cried elatedly as she emerged from the jungle. Knowing her, Zylah could be sure that the words would have been accompanied by an expressive gesture of her arms, had she not been busy holding her tunic so that it formed a bowl full of pink mushrooms. It...
  7. Elijah Black

    Moving On

    In the years since the fall of the Republic, Zylah had referred to herself as a Jedi without a home. While she had roamed the galaxy, true to the Jedi ideals but without affiliation to any specific order after her own seemingly had disbanded, she did need somewhere to rest her head. That had...
  8. Jak Sandrow

    Approved Location  Ithor International Park

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a public place to relax, take in the sights of nature. ​Image Credit: TeenInk Canon: N/A Links: N/A SETTING INFORMATION Landmark Name: Ithor International Park Classification: Protected Landmark/Park Location: Ithor Affiliation: Ottega system...
  9. Ra Vizsla

    Righteous In Wrath | Mandalorian Clans Dominion Of Ithor/Vanquo

    V A N Q U O Objective: Destroy Pirates, Free Mandalorian Captives, Reclaim the As'mo'Dai Mining Colony. Posts: 1 //78th Taungsday, 845 ABY //Mandalorian Scouting Parties Found On Borders //Death Watch activity minimal in the system. //Clan activity rising. Suspected Clans: Betna, Vizsla...
  10. S

    Burning Baffor[Open]

    Ithor; Baffor Grove Baffor Tree's were perhaps the most unique and interesting plants that existed within the galaxy. They were odd creatures, creatures that by some accounts held more than the simple life of a plant. By all accounted, their forests more often than not became sentient, simply...
  11. Micah Talith

    Star Wars Chaos : A New Generation -- Rise of the Younglings! OOC I have made a thread for the kids of chaos to come forth and frolik!! This is a neutral planet, Ithor -- and this is a sandbox for anyone who would like to join. We are on the floating cities, and there is a lot of stuff to do. I'm tossing...
  12. Micah Talith

    Star Wars Chaos : The New Generation
  13. J

    Projects for Peace (TEC Dominion of Ithor)

    [TEC Members: Refer to this post for planning:] "Grand Overseer? Our perimeter ships are reporting strange activity outside of Null's space. Ships that don't appear normal to the area." Janira paused in what she was doing, which was...
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