Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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jasper kai'el

  1. Lossa Aureus

    Private  Accounting for Rumors

    fa-play fa-pause Thread Context Location: Jakku Jedi Enclave Equipment: Outfit - Missing Left Arm Tags: Jalen Kai'el A message from the core worlds had reached her datapad on Naboo. The Zeltron letting the humor of the whole thing settle in as she tapped out her reply with care. While a...
  2. Silas Westgard

    Private  Two Jedi Walk Into A Bar...

    Location: Coruscant Objective: Catch up with his friend Tag: Jasper Kai'el At the entrance of the Jedi temple, a lone figure was leaning up against the pillar of the Jedi temple and looking out into the city in silence. The man in question, Silas Westgard was awaiting a good friend to finish...
  3. BB-610

    Private  Built to Last

    | LOCATION: NJO Temple, Coruscant | | TAG: Jasper Kai'el | When it came to a lot of things, droids were often at a disadvantage, especially when one was something as lowly as an astromech. Like the rest of his line, BB-610 was built to repair starships and calculate hyperspace jumps, and that...
  4. Thelma Goth

    Approved Tech  Jasper Kai'el's Fancy Vest

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a vest for Jasper Kai'el. Image Source: Hollywood Shrine Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Thelma Goth Affiliation: Jasper Kai'el Market Status: Closed-Market Model: N/A Modularity: No...
  5. Jasper Kai'el

    Character  Jasper Kai'el | Sentinel of Harmony

    JASPER KAI'EL SENTINEL OF HARMONY NAME: Jasper Kai'el FACTION: Galactic Alliance, New Jedi Order RANK: Knight, Jedi Council: Sentinel of Harmony SPECIES: Human Clone AGE: Early to mid 20s SEX: Male HEIGHT: 5 ft 11 in WEIGHT: 190lbs EYES: Gray HAIR: Blonde SKIN: White, with a slight...
  6. Corazona von Ascania

    Private  The Chips Are Falling

    The Crown Prince was dead by the hand of his own wife. Even worse, his union did not leave behind an heir. The King was beside himself with rage; as any father would be, especially at the death of his only child. Their monarch's tenuous health was a well-guarded secret, and now the court of...
  7. Jasper Kai'el

    Character  Jasper Kai'el | Sentinel of Harmony

    JASPER KAI'EL SENTINEL OF HARMONY NAME: Jasper Kai'el FACTION: Galactic Alliance, New Jedi Order RANK: Knight, Jedi Council: Sentinel of Harmony SPECIES: Human Clone with partial Anzat DNA AGE: Early to mid 20s SEX: Male HEIGHT: 5 ft 11 in WEIGHT: 175lbs EYES: Gray HAIR: Blonde...
  8. Resh

    Private  Original Sin

    A cult festers in the bowels of Coruscant. With the Jedi’s focus so long distracted by threats beyond their borders, they failed to notice the one spreading beneath their own shadow. Until now. Recent reports have ousted the cult’s activity as they grow more brazen from complacency. Murders...
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