Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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jedi temple coruscant

  1. Mara Palpatine

    Private  After A Thousand Years A Palpatine Returns

    The Diplomatic Cruiser descended on the City World like wings of silver that trekked a path once trod in the sky. The chrome haul shimmered in the sun set light of beautiful orange, traffic ceasless as ships at multiple level of the planet like arteries and veins flowing with light. On board was...
  2. Lossa Aureus

    Private  He Is, Your Brother?

    Tags: Eloise Dinn Location: Coruscant Jedi Temple, Training Hall Wearing: Traditional Robe, Echo Stone Wielding: Lossa's Lightsaber The conversation with Eloise still hung in her mind from the lifeday Gala. The irritation that the purple haired girl expressed sharply contrasting the fight...
  3. Eloise Dinn

    Are You Nobody, Too? (short story)

    Eloise descended the ramp of Jonyna’s ship, leaving the party behind. Despite having been unceremoniously ordered out by a Jedi Councilor, she was more than happy to depart. She breathed a sigh once her feet met flat ground, then placed her wooden pipe between her teeth. “Hello.” A voice made...
  4. Kassogtha Cthylla

    Faction  The Trial of Maxim Koschei (NJO)

    Kass hadn’t given the Koschei case much thought. Between her duties and the war against the Mandalorians on the horizon, the misconduct of an obscure Jedi Master didn’t really register on her radar as being all that important. The case seemed fairly cut and dry, with debate only needed to...
  5. Thelma Goth

    Private  Never Wear the Same Outfit Twice

    Jedi Temple, Coruscant Wearing: xxx It was lunchtime. That meant Thelma was in the mess hall with the other students at the Temple. She sat alone at a table near the back of the room, surrounded by plates piled high with nutrient-rich foods. The amount of food might seem improbable for such a...
  6. Kassogtha Cthylla

    Private  The Crystal Grimoire 2

    Kass' first few weeks as Chief Librarian were met with a flurry of special reserves. Students were requesting items from the vault at an unprecedented rate. Unable to keep track of them all, she decided to familiarize herself with the inventory by conducting a review of everything currently in...
  7. I

    First Reply  A Wookie In Need

    Temple Library, Jedi-Temple, Coruscant . . . The Kashyyyk Viper The Tall figure of an individual approached the historically premier site which was the Great Jedi Temple. Halting in its steps, the individual raised its furry hands to remove the hood which sinked its face away from viewing -...
  8. Zak Dymo

    Private  Ain't No One Got Time For That

    JEDI TEMPLE THE HALLS OF HEALING [ post theme ] In his mind, the boy was transported away. The Kurai Dome on Atrisia. A rave with Herglics pounding in the mosh pit, while Atrisians crowd-surfed to a phat beat spinning off two turn tables and a microphone. Or maybe it was the Thunderdome on...
  9. DeadpoolMLP

    Private  Out of the Ice, and Into the the Unknown

    Having been dropped off by Gotto outside the jedi temple, Jonyna was left to her own devices. She took a moment to just...stare at the outside of the temple. A sight she was denied as a child, the chance to become one of the knights of the galaxy, heroes to all. Or at least, that's what she had...
  10. Thelma Goth

    Private  The Somnambulist

    Though it had only manifested within the past few weeks, rumors had already spread through the ranks of the NJO about Thelma's odd nocturnal habits. She had been spotted in the halls of the Temple, either wandering around or miming activities and talking to herself. It didn't take a genius to...
  11. Cailen Corso

    Private  To Find What's Missing

    TO FIND WHAT'S MISSING A Star Wars Story Location: Jedi Temple, Coruscant Tags: Amani Serys Objective: Meet a new friend Soundtrack: Tranquility In all his visits to the Jedi Temple, Cailen had never seen the Halls of Healing before. The simple natural accents and decor instilled a sense...
  12. Jasper Kai'el

    First Reply  Trials and Tràkata (Jedi Temple)

    Trials and Tràkata Coruscant, Jedi Temple "Run it again." The sound of locked blades sizzling and sparking against one another faintly echoed through the halls of the Jedi Temple, reverberating out from one of the many sparring halls. The hall in question was almost completely empty, with only...
  13. Lossa Aureus

    Private  The Halls are Alive with the sound of Mischief

    Location: Coruscant Temple, Padawan Halls Equipment: Weighted Padawan Robes, Concealed Sling Bag, Concealed Device in left ear, Long Handled Double Lightsaber Tags: Iris Arani No matter where she traveled, she always found the temples of the Jedi to be something of a bland make. Gray and drab...
  14. Kai Bamarri

    Private  Royal Pain

    Jedi Temple, Coruscant Kai was troubled. This was nothing new for him, given the tumultuous course of his life since infancy. He seemed to always be dealing with some new issue that had sprung up overnight, a conundrum or dilemma with no easy answers. He had come to the Temple to blow off some...
  15. Jasper Kai'el

    Private  A Brief Return

    A Brief Return Tags: Aaran Tafo, Valery Noble A wave of anxiety flooded Jasper's mind, causing his thoughts to spin. The Jedi temple lay before him, it's familiar steps leading to the place where he had spent his youth, trained, and ultimately failed to take the next step to becoming a Jedi...
  16. Starlin Rand

    Private  A Familiar Face

    Jedi Temple, Coruscant Starlin was an unlikely visitor to the Temple. Scratch that—Starlin was an extremely unlikely visitor to the Temple. He had lived on Coruscant all his life, and at one point early in his training he had been formally introduced to the NJO’s “Circle”, but his relationship...
  17. Kai Bamarri

    Private  Out of Print

    Kai passed through the library doors and immediately turned toward the aisles of shelves. He walked with a casual gait, his hands in his jumpsuit’s pockets and eyes seeming to wander aimlessly, as if he was just browsing. When he spotted what he was looking for, he quickly tore his gaze away...
  18. Kai Bamarri

    Private  Birds of a Feather

    Jedi Temple, Coruscant At first, Kai had gotten away with taking walks outside of his room by pretending to be Dagon—a disguise which only worked so long as nobody tried to talk to him. He had tried practicing his vocal speech in his room, but he still found the vibrations unnerving, the...
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