Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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lfg small groups

  1. Dired Mieflow

    LFG  The mandalorian bounty hunter with a lightsaber

    Hello! I am new to the Chaos server and I am looking for Rp. Dired Mieflow is a mandalorian bounty hunter who just also happens to be a sith knight. He is someone who can really interact with anyone, given the circumstance. I can do whateverr situation you'd like. Can't wait to be rping with...
  2. Roth Likonis

    LFG  Moonshot Agency: seeking pilots, rogues, scoundrels, and slicers / mechanics

    = = = = = Hello all, and greetings from the Mooooon! Moonshot Agency is a small group of thieves, fixers, and scoundrels who focus on heist, smuggler, and gunslinger RP. Not a faction, we work as a group of writers towards the common goal of consistent and fun threading. Currently we're...
  3. Jyoti Nooran

    LFG  Far From Home (Oswaft Migration)

    Background: In light of the expansion of the Sith Empire and now the Bryn'adûl across the north-eastern portions of the Outer Rim and Wild Space, several members of the Oswaft race have concluded that it's best to relocate from their home nebula to another within the Deep Core. Many remember...
  4. Chris Walker

    LFG  Looking for tank crew and able soldiers

    Putting together a team for the Nothmiro Federation and for the Imperial Directorate to help crack any ground targets that may present themselves. I don't have any threads for combat just yet, but given enough time you'll get a chance. You'll get some of the best the two factions have to offer...
  5. Rygo Ghast

    (Is this an odd request?) Looking for someone to play this character

    So this is an odd request I think? I thought of a character that I'd really like to have join my character, Rygo's campaign and so I went ahead and made that character but then I realize it'd be really weird if I was RPing with myself... So yeah, um, if anyone wants to RP as this character I...
  6. Rygo Ghast

    Looking for friends on Tatooine

    Hey yall So just made this character and it's been about a decade since I've RPed. I wanted to start off small since my knowledge of SW lore and stuff is rusty compared to most of you (probably), so my character is just a simple scrub on Tatooine who scavanges for parts to trade, or steal...
  7. Percy Vaceldau

    How's business?

    Well, roaming around space and seeing odd species on odd planets takes up quite the bit of credits. Fuel isn't that cheap.. Well, it can be but that's besides the point. I need to get quite a bit of business done. You need books smuggled into The Sith Empire territories? You got it. You need...
  8. S

    Have you always wanted to be a Sith abomination? Well now's your chance!

    So. I'm looking to see if anyone is interested in RPing as one of these and if they would be interested if they'd also be interested in kinda forming a little group with yours truly. I understand not many people will probably be interested but I thought I'd throw it out there
  9. Dak

    Seeking Organics.

    -------------------- Looking For: 1-2 x Gun(s) for Hire, 1 x Slicer Job: Aid in investigating, securing and re-activating an orbital facility. Requirements: Environment Suits. Radiation and heat resistant gear would be strongly recommended. Location: Disclosed upon approval. Transport will be...
  10. T

    Such a Good Show

    So...just finished watching the Mandalorian on Disney plus, and it got me in the mood for some bounty hunter work with an awesome looking helmet on the side. Decided I would like to do that with some new friends, and have a lot of fun along the way. So, basically if you would like to join up and...
  11. Voices of The Deep

    Along Came A Spider [Sith Training LFG]

    Alright so, figured it's been long enough since i've thrown my hat into anything faction related so i think it is about time i get Ravenous out there and begin causing a ruckus in the TSE and reintroduce her to things. Within her personal story she's been gone for a pretty long time so the...
  12. Zam Ulgo

    Scholars, Academics, Researchers, Scientists, Pilots, Mercs!

    Hello all, If anyone here is interested in threading around the study of anomalies, artifacts, scientific expeditions or dig sites, let me know. [member=Zam Ulgo] is a Jedi Consular who's totally down for that sort of thing. So if you're a fellow scientist/researcher/explorer, or even a pilot...
  13. Kresslyn Cantor

    Let's get it started

    Well, the day has finally come. With Observer being approved as a technology/AI, I'm now able to start threading! A little backstory for Observer can be found in my character bio. Jumping down to the Personality Cores section would probably benefit you the most because if not, the thread might...
  14. Nyree Justice

    Looking for a few mates

    So, I figured it was time to work more on getting this gal off the ground. I'm looking for a few mates; some people who want to write or are willing to give writing with Nyree Justice a go. Nothing too big, and you don't even have to be willing to write together if you don't want to, but I would...
  15. Credius

    Looking for assassins and bounty hunters

    So, I was thinking. Credius is a character who's usually rather bored and always on the lookout for interesting folk to bind to his own cause and schemes. However, he is also someone who has a need for exercise and excitement. Anyone willing to go for a wild ride, hunting a wealthy nobleman who...
  16. G

    Mandate of Heaven (In the right spot)

    This is a little event that I will be hosting, it will consist of six players (not including me). It will be based off of the horror movie (not ripped directly from it, just the concept is based on it. I will be using horror elements and will be me trying to break your characters. My...
  17. Kay-Larr

    Investigators/Detectives Wanted

    To further advance a big story arc that I'm working on that could lead to this character's demise, I'm looking for investigator/detective types on any side of the fence to look into at least a couple of cases. The first will be small, the second will be much larger. It could be Jedi, Sith...
  18. Laertia Io

    Silver Noir

    I had this really cool idea... Laertia, my character has gotten word that an old enemy of hers has changed their identity and become a Jedi within the Silver Order. This Sith has been responsible for numerous atrocities and regarded hiding as cowardly, so this sudden about face cannot be...
  19. F

    Corellians Wanted

    Friends, Corellians, countrymen lend me your ears. Sorry I couldn’t resist. Anyway I’m trying to set up a story about members of the Corellian Defense Force engaging local raiders/insurgents during a patrol near the Kolene Colony at Socorro’s Belt. Corellian navel personal and starfighter...
  20. Fatty

    Interested in a short Aquatic Adventure?

    Hello! I have made a series of codex submissions featuring the Bildog [Canon] and the Barisoni [Canon], and I've made a crew of Barisoni on a ship called the Bildog's Beard, who call themselves the Oaths-of-no-Oath... the Oono Crew. Is anyone interested in a short adventure where you play as...
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