Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Enzo Bancraft

    Contest  Psssst, would you like to win ALL the UCs?

    How would you like to win 80K+ UCs? Yes, you heard that right! I gathered up quite a bit of UCs from posting like a mad man the last few weeks and I realized I'd like to spread the love around a little bit. So I had an idea. Why not encourage even more public thread making and story...
  2. Ragos Terrek

    Private  I woke up like this

    He woke up with a gargled gasp from a dream he didn’t remember having. His breathing was ragged and labored. It was becoming clear that it wouldn’t take long before he wouldn’t be breathing at all. He was drowning. It made no sense, he was on land, very on land it would seem. His eyes scanned...
  3. Yusha

    Public  Would You Like to Know More?

    VERUN - LOCAL WATERING HOLE The Shiraya Expanse. When what remained of the Confederacy set foot into the region, they thought it was uninhabited. After all, there wasn't a star chart from here to Coruscant that even mentioned the region. But, a lack of information did not mean a lack of...
  4. Sakadi Marathi Sinvala

    Private  Market Encounters

    K N O S S A -M A R K E T -S Q U A R E O S S U S The market was wide awake. The shops were stuffed, manned by their owners, who shouted their prices like auctioneers. It was necessary too, for the street vendors obscured them from sight. Their stands narrowed the streets leading up to the...
  5. Aeris Lashiec

    Faction  How would you like to go see the School Counselor? [NJO]

    In a small office somewhere on Prosperity sat a tired librarian with a book in her hand. Thumb rested between the pages of a small nondescript page turner that someone had managed to sneak into the shelves somehow. Nothing crude or anything like that, but a small piece of fiction that still...
  6. Rex Valhoun

    Discussion  PETITION: Revert the "Like" button to a thumbs up

    Sign here if you want to see the "Like" react return to a thumbs up. The new one looks like a dog being petted. Why is it blushing? Why are the eyes closed? That seems more like a "Thankful" or something rather than a "Like". It's borderline smutty. Lame
  7. Lief

    Private  There's No Place Like Home

    "Here she is..." Two arms of the Besalisk crossed against his stomach, while one of the other set gestured toward what could only be described as a literal scrapheap of a ship. How it was held together was anyone's guess. Its hull was rusted and patchworked together, so much so that it was nigh...
  8. Tefka

    Question  What is the biggest change you’d like in 2022?

    Last year, we rolled out some pretty hefty changes to the PVP environment, including the introduction of the planet killing Annihilation events. What direction, new features, or updates would you be excited to see on Chaos moving into 2022?
  9. Brandyn Sal-Soren

    Resolved  Why does the NIO hex cloud look like a weird dog licking its butt?

    So, while staring at the map, I started to see weird shapes and like the humans of ye olde times I saw pictures in the stars. The NIO hex cloud thingy looks a little like...well...see the title. I am a noob with the map game. Is this because of the 4 unconquered hexes? What is up with that?
  10. Aurelion Nova

    Private  With Friends Like These.....

    Aurelion's Lightsaber Station above Kayri III; CIS Space "Where does one go when they abandon the Dark but the Light won't accept them?" Aurelion's hands tightened around the strap to the bag containing what meager belongings he was able to bring with him. After his time with the...
  11. Jenn Kryze

    Private  No time like the present

    Tap. Tap. Tap. Jenn's footsteps were the only man-made sound as she walked through the makeshift settlement, keenly aware of how inconspicuous the location was. Frak, had she not been looking for a specific location, she would have completely overlooked something so innocuous! But she was a...
  12. R

    I'm new. I'd like ideas for a character in line with my interests.

    Hello everyone! As you can tell.... I'm new! Let me tell you a bit about myself. Or as Austin Powers would say allow myself to introduce myself. I am RV Co and I am a student gemmologist/mineralogist and jewelry enthusiast who likes roleplaying. In light of that, any suggestions for a...
  13. Pyrrah Tae

    Stories You Would Like To See

    Hello y'all! First off, I would like to apologize for not having many threads being made for this faction. With only myself and two others running the faction, getting stories out can be difficult at times. I do not want to put any of the blame on them though. One problem I have with running a...
  14. Sergeant Omen

    Private  Running Like A Blind Tatoo-rat- Open to Darkwire and Denon Underworld, Ask First Before Posting

    TAG: @Peyton Steele In one of Denon's many corporate towers: Owen Gates looked at his office out onto the beautiful city he called home, or at least the upper sections of the city that is. The lower portions he probably couldn't step in without being shot by "revolutionaries" as they loosey...
  15. Samantha "Sam" Kamura

    Public  Like mynocks to a salvage ship (BOTM)

    Location: Jakku Krayt's Head salvaging outpost, a rusted diamond in the middle of the desert. A gathering of vendor stalls covered in colorful awnings, makeshift buildings pieced together from scrap and the remains of an Imperial star destroyer that gave the outpost its name. Not the most...
  16. B

    Twenty five people you'd like to see as vampires

    Just a random idea I just had
  17. Cadere

    Private  Just Like Old Times

    Denon SykoCorp Power Plant The power plant was deserted, everyone had clocked off for the day and everything was silent. Then the sound of a large explosion could be heard coming from inside one of the buildings, following the explosion came a figure shooting through the side of said-building...
  18. Darth Abyss

    Looking for dedicated mercenaries and bounty hunters

    Yo, I'm currently looking to recruit up to three mercs/soldiers/bounty hunters for Abyss empire of crime and anarchy to work as constant contracts. This means that your character wouldn't be bound exclusively work for Abyss, but rather a binding agreement (IC) to support his operations whenever...
  19. Ibby

    Milo Otis, the most Awkward Person You Might Ever Meet

    NAME: Milo Otis FACTION: Order of Trilliaris RANK: Explorer/Xenologist SPECIES: Human AGE: 21 SEX: Male HEIGHT: 6'1 WEIGHT: 150 EYES: Brown HAIR: Brown SKIN: Light FORCE SENSITIVE: No...
  20. Ibby

    A Drunk, Sort-Of-But-Not-Really-Merchant and a Drunk, Really-Is-A-Veteran Go to A Ship

    [Continuation of THIS THREAD, THIS THREAD RIGHT HERE THAT IS LOCATED AT THE END OF THE SENTENCE RIGHT HERE.....just kidding it's here. But not here.] [member="Edward Blake"] After three falls on her part, a couple of breaks on Eddie's, and finally a taxi cab paid by both, Crix and her newfound...
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