Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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malcoma hesse

  1. Malcoma Hesse

    Private  Ashla's With Us, Still

    fa-play fa-pause The recent invasion of Tython was not a topic of discussion among anyone living at The Guesthouse. It was a privilege to not be part of the war against the Sith—to not even think about them often—but it was also a dangerous ignorance. Malcoma knew that now and had know that...
  2. Malcoma Hesse

    Private  The King and I

    If there was some way that she could do all her work by staying in the safety of her Guesthouse on Coruscant, she would rarely leave its halls. However, to be an operator of the Freedom Trail meant personally laying track and lighting lanterns along the way. Neither of those things could be done...
  3. Malcoma Hesse

    Private  We Belong Way Down Below

    It had taken a couple weeks for Malcoma to gain the confidence to travel alone again after her interaction with Brandyn Sal-Soren . Even a made woman in the Core's most powerful mob could be shaken up. What's more, she had been. She still was, honestly, but she had finally put her foot down...
  4. Malcoma Hesse

    Character  Saint of The Family :: Malcoma Hesse

  5. Malcoma Hesse

    Private  Spring Cleaning

    It wasn't spring, but Mal never ignored a random urge to clean, for she got them so seldomly. She had been in a rundown, single story house for a few hours already. Though it was suitable for residence, it had been being used for storage since Malcoma moved herself and her girls into the hotel...
  6. Malcoma Hesse

    Private  The Line Not Crossed

    Onique knew that Damris was following her. And he knew it. Ever since Iayn had left for Naboo, and then to follow her dangerous dream on to Nar Shaddaa, Malcoma had been keeping a closer eye on all her girls, especially the half-zabrak's closest friends. It was like Mal was postpartum and...
  7. Malcoma Hesse

    Private  Foot in the Door

    Eden’s Club was rowdy, but that had nothing to do with the preceding fashion show. In fact, Mikka and her friends weren’t anywhere in sight. There were mostly men in attendance. A suited security guard, whom the bouncer had called over as Miri was trying to enter the establishment, led her to a...
  8. Malcoma Hesse

    Private  Denon in the Distance

    Malcoma left the bedroom that Vahleet would now be sharing with Eyana, easing the door almost shut behind her with one hand and glancing down at her other, to her silver and crystal wrist-chron. It was half past one in the afternoon. She was late. Catching up with Yu had taken longer than the...
  9. Malcoma Hesse

    Private  It Takes a Family

    It was a quiet day in the Guesthouse, perhaps quieter than normal, but that was entirely by design. When they were bought and brought to their new home, slaves were often gawked at. This new home would be different, a good sentence to begin the tabula rasa of another life. Malcoma stuck the...
  10. Marcella Fiora

    Faction  The Family - We Make Our Own Justice

    06:47; 19-345 Promenade, Denon M A R C E L L A⠀ F I O R A fa-play fa-pause 'Unchain My Heart' Almost a galactic standard year had passed since Malcoma Hesse's incident on Denon, months of scouring the galaxy for her abductor, Jysya Irard, had passed with no fruition thus prompting a call to...
  11. Malcoma Hesse

    Private  Riches to Riches

    There was something freeing about stepping into a house that had snuffed out the freedom of so many others. That had to be true of slavers and traders. If it didn't stoke a sense of superiority, why would anyone slave or trade? But for her the power trip came out of knowing what she was here...
  12. Malcoma Hesse

    Private  Playing Shepherds

    Asking for help was not Mada—Headmistress Hesse's forte, but the Family had for seen fit to grace Malcoma with one more chance to get this playing nice thing right, so it was of great import that she figure it out, and quickly. Thus, when one of her girls—now all living in the Guesthouse rather...
  13. Malcoma Hesse

    Private  Conference and Consequence | { invite }

    Ivory Stroud (The Donna) Marcella Fiora Dedata | Celty Ree Imosen Cadera Cass Gemini Kardek Alpha + invite (PM for one!) For the first time in recent to semi-recent history, Malcoma didn't give a womp rat's arse about her appearance. She was still in her vigilante bodysuit, just as she had...
  14. Malcoma Hesse

    Character  Headmistress Hesse

  15. Malcoma Hesse

    Private  Tucked in the Coruscanti Dream

    Malcoma couldn't get that damned hiss click out of her head— —or his words, but she managed to push both from the forefront as she hyperfocused on a slight scraping at the door —down the short entryway —dancing around the keyhole. It suddenly paused. A beat passed, then the key turned...
  16. Malcoma Hesse

    Public  Original Sin: Take Two

    < Location: Eden's Club | South Loop, Uscru District, 1910 Storyville Street > < Wearing: open for business furs > < Track: (explicit) > When Malcoma stepped out of the back hallway onto the main floor fifteen past eight on the Benduday indicated in her HoloNet ad, she was a bit surprised to...
  17. Mercy

    Private  Bow

    DENON Malcoma Hesse Her Darkweb page binged her an alert. Another sentient in need of her services and Mercy was only too happy to oblige. The details were sketch to say the least, but apparently the meeting would be at a local bagnio so to speak. There were two possibilities- either the...
  18. Malcoma Hesse

    Private  A Netherish Bargain

    make war, not love Kal "Needa get 'em young now'days, 'eh Madam?" She had nodded at the slaver. "Good conditioning rarely kills. Call it a little employer's insurance." A nearby shout from drew her into reality. A Mirialan peddler was trying to sell her some wares by shoving them very nearly...
  19. Malcoma Hesse

    Private  It's a Sex Worker Thing

    fa-play fa-pause ~ Shae ~ The Star Lounge was filled with a soft cadence of jazz lulling Madam Hesse nearly to sleep. She could relax here, between the music and the tabac and the spirits, in a way that she never quite could at Eden's—even when alone in her own suite. Most of the offerings and...
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