Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Baal Varad

    Baal Template Stolen From One Of You Without Consent

    The standard Lorem Ipsum passage, used since the 1500s "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis...
  2. Alara Ordo

    Public  The scattered bones of Mandalore (Mandos)

    Location: Krownest The Gauntlet Starfighter rode the snowy gale like a giant bird of prey. Heavy winds caused the ship to buck and shudder, as they threatened to knock it off course. The vessel remained undeterred as it cut through the snow storm, leading a small fleet of Kom'rk-class...
  3. Minerva Fhirdiad

    LFG  Mandos and Jedi

    Hey everyone I was hoping to roleplay a story or two involving my Mando meeting Jedi. Whether it be a simple hangout or some kind of team-up we can figure it out.
  4. Domina Prime

    Private  Mandos Don't Cry

    "And neither do monsters~" Vren Rook Mandalorian Space, Kestri | Local Barracks 10 hours after incident Report There are so many kinds of monsters when considering the deepest, darkest fears of any given individual. Monsters who do not show themselves and cause trouble. Monsters who abduct...
  5. Valery Noble

    LFG  Stories with Mandos on Kestri (Enclave)

    I started a new story arc that has Valery train with some Mandalorians on Kestri to play into her arc of becoming the new Sword of the Jedi in the NJO. This thread OP explains it more if you're interested in understanding it, but a part of her experience is also about understanding the...
  6. Skullvez Vizsla

    GameDev New to Chaos - LF Mandos. Need Help to fill 3D worlds

    Hello, I build 3D worlds/scenes with the Unity3D game engine and it's mostly influenced by Mandalorian lore, legend and cannon. You can see some of my work here. I also recently started my Mandalorian cosplay armor build which I 3D printed myself and I'm...
  7. Skullvez Vizsla

    Hello There️Game Dev Mandalorian seeking other Mandos - I hope....This is the way

    What's up fellow Star Wars fans! I am Skullvez Vizsla. I am a hobby video game developer using Unity 3D game engine to make Star Wars/Mandalorian content in my spare time. I've been doing it for about 1.75 years and been getting pretty good. I also just recently built and started my...
  8. Sergeant Omen

    Private  A Walk Among The Roses

    Location: Taanab Center for Galactic Biodiversity Objective: Have fun and don't mess it up. Omen sat down on the bench outside the massive Taanab Center for Galactic Biodiversity, his clean-shaven head looking from side to side for who he was supposed to meet, hoping she wasn't blowing him...
  9. Darakses

    LFG  Any Mandos in need of some Krayt Dragon?

    Hey there, so in wake of the Great Hunt some Cha'ta'ri from the Mithrax tribe set off to aid their buddy Rocho in catching a Krayt dragon and gift it to the Mandos, since we are waaay to late to submit at this point I was wondering/hoping if any other Mandos want to take it off our hands IC and...
  10. Milla Kryst

    Faction  Her Great White Hunt (Open to DWC Mandos)

    Location: Dagobah This was a long time coming for Milla, literally. Spending almost two-hundred years as a slave, to killing her master. On the run from slavers and criminals alike, only to be caught in the fists of justice called Mandalorians. She only wanted a new life, one to live out her...
  11. G

    The Rescue of Connory Monroe (open)

    OOC/ In the style of my old Weekend Treasure Hunt threads, this is an open thread where I set up a scenario and let people go wild. Don't expect me to respond; just treat the scenario respectfully, write your own opposition, etc. Or backstab each other -- do as you will. Please tag your...
  12. Kanta Tukka

    Mandalorian Tournamentarium: Clans of Mandalore Dominion of Velmor

    Mandalorian Tournamentarium Clans of Mandalore Dominion of Velmor (OOC: Want to join? Let [member="Yasha Cadera"] know! There’s still room!) Objectives: 1) Join a Team of 2 & participate in the Tournament 2) Watch the cavalcade/Enjoy the King’s Private Diplomatic Box. While many planetary...
  13. Allana Badeaux

    This is just not an alliance but an invitation for fun!

    The Hapes Consortium has been a little too quiet and is gearing up for some great story lines. The minor faction of the Consortium does recognize there was a political dominion where the Mando’ade has brought relief aid during a time when the Consortium was in crises. The Consortium where many...
  14. Darth Abyss

    A Challenge for all Mandalorians

    A while back I was looking for a mando ally that could help Abyss build his own little clan in which he would serve as a mix of unofficial shadowy patron, teacher/mentor, advisor and dark guardian in return for the clan being his eyes and ears inside whatever currently mando group is relevant...
  15. Darth Metus

    Seeking Onderon Characters!

    Greetings one and all! The Mando'ade are looking to interact with the natives of Onderon in the hopes of erecting a permanent Colony! As such, we are seeking any player characters who have had leadership roles or heritage on the planet. We would like to write our story with you! Please let me...
  16. Darth Metus

    Major Faction Application: The Mando'ade

    Name: The Mando'ade OOC Hierarchy: [member="The Faithful"] - Faction Owner [member="Vilaz Munin"] - Faction Admin [member="Agenor Dyre"] - Faction Admin IC Hierarchy: The Mando'ade consists of numerous, Mandalorian Colonies upon several worlds. Every Colony is essentially sovereign its own...
  17. Jessica Med-Beq

    Revisiting the past

    Because of the plot I have in mind, that is, Jessica being offered (and ultimately turning down) a contract from a Mandalorian modeling agency nearly 20 IC years ago, Jessica is then assumed to be a NFU at the time. This also imposes a few constraints: The character must be a Mando Any willing...
  18. Michael Shado

    Home Sweet Home (Concord Dawn)

    The Mandalorian stepped out of the speeder as he pulled into the large homestead of his clan, the vegetation that was growing over it caught his eye. He kinda liked it like this, it looked...natural in a sense. Many of his clan members were already here, getting cozy, and greeting everyone. He...
  19. Daxton Bane

    interest check for plot

    I am writing a story and need a max of three unique mando writers to participate. This would require those interested to conduct an investigation and take part in a raid. I will be playing the npc antagonists. Plot involves arms smuggling, a terror plot and conspiracy involving wmds. If...
  20. Darth Abyss

    Katarr Raid OOC

    So I am sure that some people are thinking "what the fk" right now so let me explain. The sith ascension is a movement inside the falling one sith dedicated to defeat the crusade by doing kind the same thing the crusaders are doing only with a focus more on destruction than on raiding. As for...
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