Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Silas Westgard

    Private  Where Is My Mind?

    Location: IIum Temple Objective: Calm down Tags: Valery Noble The IIum temple was a far cry from the baron green hills of Azbrian. It would have been strange seeing a temple of this style on the planet, but considering he had visited many planets before and after the "incident" it wasn't...
  2. Valery Noble

    Private  Call to my Cause

    Location: Corellia Valery: Appearance Tag: Dhalinar Greystar Change. It was never an easy thing to sacrifice or abandon the things you've grown used to in favor of something entirely new. It came with risk and required great determination to fully commit to the new route, and see it through...
  3. Lief

    Private  You Scratch My Back, I'll Scratch Yours...

    Well, he was no closer to home than he had been prior to Esiss' betrayal but that didn't mean he hadn't made any progress in general. After being spat back out from Elsewhere and into 'Realspace' once more, Eliphas had found himself in orbit of a space station in goodness knew what part of the...
  4. Maeve Ar'klim

    Private  In my Family's Name

    She did not live on Alderaan, her mother did, her Aunt did, her cousins even did but she did not. When the request came from Faith to bring medical supplies from MandalMedical she hesitated. She knew in her heart she should say yes without question, but it was the Mandalorian Civil War that had...
  5. Holly Starstorm

    Discussion  Royals, Nobles, Rulers... Oh My!

    Holly is doing a small piece about some of the rulers of the galaxy. Basically I'd like to interview a few people who lead a planet, or a cultural group, etc. I'd also like to compile a list of who is ruling over what though and maybe if there is enough diversity this could be a small mini...
  6. Gula the Hutt

    Private  A Fine Addition to My Collection!

    "Yeah come on baby!" Gula lifted the 1000 pound Barbell over his head while his men looked on, this was what? His 30th rep? Who knows the Hutt lost count 15 minutes ago, he spent the entire morning at one of his suites in Nal Hutta exercising and hyping himself up. "Who's a fine looking...
  7. Allyson Locke

    Private  I Always Shoot My Shot

    //: Lower-Lower Levels of Coruscant //: //: Valeria de la Vallée //: //: She Kind of Hot //: After the attack, Allyson found herself diving headfirst into her work. The investigation on the One Sith artifacts that resided in the depths of Corusants underbelly went by the wayside. Because of...
  8. Griffa Jallen

    Question  Can I hide my linked accounts?

    I don’t wish to delete my old characters just yet, but I would like to hide them since I’m currently reworking their quirks. Is there any way to do that on a character account?
  9. Beltran Rarr

    Poking my head up from under my rock...

    I just wanted to say that I'm going to be trying to get back into writing Beltran, so if anyone is interested in threading let me know! :D
  10. Ignatius Rausgeber

    Request  A Sig A Sig! My Kingdom for a Sig!

    As the title suggests, this is a request for art. Specifically a signature for the boy, Ignatius here who is fast becoming a favourite of mine to write. And his signature, is painfully barren. Ergo, the open ended request. I actually have no clue as to what I want aesthetically, but I would like...
  11. R

    I'm new. I'd like ideas for a character in line with my interests.

    Hello everyone! As you can tell.... I'm new! Let me tell you a bit about myself. Or as Austin Powers would say allow myself to introduce myself. I am RV Co and I am a student gemmologist/mineralogist and jewelry enthusiast who likes roleplaying. In light of that, any suggestions for a...
  12. Okkeus Dainlei

      Looking For Y'all's Feedback On My Writing/Characters

    (Now posted in the correct forum) Hey y'all, I can't remember the last time I did one of those Feedback things, but after my total post count hitting 1263, I think it is time for another one. I'm always looking for ways to improve my writing skill/ improve my characters, so I'd love to hear...
  13. Kitter Bitters

    Interest Check: Hapans, Force Academies and Crime Oh My!

    I’ve got a bit of time and wanted to put it to use with a series of stories. Could be a minor faction or a campaign. Idea # 1 Hapan Stories - The last faction left off with the queens death due to illness. We could build a new monarchy and build out some of the worlds in the Hapes Cluster...
  14. Allyson Locke

    Private  Hell's My Paradise

    //: Vaylin //: //: H O R N S //: There is a thin line between love and hate. Both emotions are plagued with a burning desire, but by two different names, passion and rage. The universe continues to force two people together, and when they come together, their meeting is met with explosive...
  15. Guardianofwinds

    My luck ranges from barely tolerable to cataclysmic

    Hello, I'm new here. I have been involved in a menagerie of star wars role plays over the years ranging from the cringe worthy ones on Gaia Online, to table top runs for Star wars Saga Edition, to a few runs on discord. I hope yo get to play and go on adventures with all of you
  16. Zori Kapshan

    Discussion  My character is open to being bounty hunted and caught. Are you?

    I don’t actually care if my character gets caught or not, but he’s a massive walking tax fraud. If any bounty hunter is willing to pursue, we can roll by the seat of our pants. I don’t prefer scripted roleplay, though, so if all these bounty hunter writers complaining there’s no game in town -...
  17. Jsc

    LOA  Hello Star Trek Online RP Forum! Where my Catgirls at?

    Made you look. :p Anyway. I've been away for awhile and I thought it was a nice little vacation. I enjoyed the break. So much In fact that it's probably gonna stay that way for quite some time. So I'm make my RP vacation indefinite. Adios amigos! I'll see ya around the verse'! TIll next time. :)
  18. Jairdain

    Private  Light of my Life

    This was not going to be the first time Jairdain had set foot in the Netherworld and she had the feeling it wouldn't be the last either. This day, she was here for a purpose and that was to find her husband. The man that had been the light of her life, her support, and guide for many years. She...
  19. V

    Private  Can You Feel My Heart

    x METALORN TOMB OF TRIBULATION 867 ABY To cut through the light was a thing many had thought was impossible - its rays were meant to shear through the darkness, it was implicit in its existence that darkness could only be where light was not, that it could not grow unless its rays shrank. A...
  20. Briana Sal-Soren

    LFG  Allies, Foes, Mentors?

    After coming back from my most recent LOA, I am now feeling ready to better explore this character. To start that journey, I am looking for all types of characters/aliens/whomever might be interested in writing with me. Whatevs. Briana is destined to eventually become a Jedi, something she...
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