Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Tefka

    Suggestion  Its time to suggest new Mandates

    Do you have suggestions? Post below.
  2. Volya Sasiq

    LFG  New Jedi looking for master

    So this character is supposed to be a brand new member of the jedi order, I'm not used to using a force sensitive character
  3. Aveline Cuiléin

    Private  New Beginnings

    Jasper Kai'el "Yes Master" Blahblahblahdiblah "Of course Master" Aveline's tutor, Master Rane, was being sent off on a secret one-man mission by the New Jedi Order. They had barely been here two weeks and they were already ordering Rane around. The Kel-Dor made sure Aveline didn't feel left...
  4. C

    New member

  5. I

    LFG  New Hutt Slithering

    Greetings Ozzmo is an up and coming Crime Lord currently operating out of Dolly Lane on board Damascus Station. He is a member of the Gorensla Kajidic who mostly do Black Market Activity. He is far beyond your typical hutt overlord in that he is quite gullible and easy to manipulate. I want to...
  6. Phalsi Drynchen

    Private  The New Murmurs of Vulpter

    SHADOWS ABOUND Objective: Find De Way Location: Vulpter Equipment: Under-Armor, Clothes-The look, The Mask, Scope- on belt, Wrist Device, Slicing/Gaming Tool, The Encoil, Zerek Stowaway Node, ICE/iBorg Clarion Personal Translator Weapons: Four Zenji Needles, Hard Light Weapon, Pair of Shock...
  7. Minuteman75

    Question  Where to place a new world?

    Hello everyone hope you folks are doing well. On this occasion I’m trying to figure where to set a world I’m planning to develop. As part of the concept it was going to be somewhere in Wild Space and is inhabited and semi-isolated from galactic affairs. The thing is I been looking around in the...
  8. Navu Myther

    Private  New Beginnings

    (OOC: Dantooine: 16 years ago) "What do you want to be when you grow up?" The boy stared at the woman his bright blue eyes staring up at the tall, smiling woman. They were sitting on the tall, grassy plains of Dantooine away from the orphanage. The orphans were busy having fun against the...
  9. Iris Arani

    LFG  I Want To Meet Some New People

    Hey it's me again to try and feed the insatiable monster that is my muse. But this time with a twist! Iris has, for the most part, been around the same crew and gaggle of characters. Like any good netflix series there are new characters every season that add a lot to the story, but y'know. Jedi...
  10. Darlynn Arard-Milbon

    Private  Bright New Shiny Trophies

    Location: Nar Shaddaa | Gula’s Palace Tags: Gula the Hutt Darlynn lounged in the uniform of a Hutt’s entertainment slave that she loathed so much. Gula the Hutt was in a rare moment of rest. It was bound to end quickly so Darlynn enjoyed the respite while it lasted. She still had to be aware...
  11. Velran Kilran

    Private  The Admiral's New Groove

    Location: On the bridge of The Eggman "Sir!" Ensign Lewis jogged towards Velran who was dancing on the bridge. Two ear pods were inserted deep in the Admiral's ear, Velran was in his groove again an urge to listen to music and dance like crazy. It usually stems from euphoric feelings like...
  12. Velran Kilran

    Private  Under New Management

    Location: New Alderaan The flags of the Empire flew proudly over the city of New Alderaan while the citizens of the planet remained in shut in their homes. Their fearful eyes observing Stormtroopers march proudly through the streets side by side remaining vigilant for any sign of trouble...
  13. Koyi Mateil

    Public  A new player joins the fray (Eternal Empire)

    Location: Kalidan-Lysenia Koyi Mateil walks the streets of the capital of the Eternal Empire, whom she believes is the best place for her for now. She darts her eyes around, seeing patrols of troopers and civilians alike moving almost as if a wave in the streets. She is hoping to serve this...
  14. AutomationEvolution

    New Start! (Again!)

    Hey gang. I'm new and old all at once here and now I'm back! Just wondering a few things: 1) Are Shards ok as a player race? I have backstory of years behind this OC and I'd love to share with you all! 2) Any grey force user factions around? Shards are force attuned by nature, but Harbinger is...
  15. Z

    Private  New Surroundings

    Light hearted Zeke Dystra Security detail Coruscant, a beacon of civilization throughout the galaxy for thousands of years. It had everything you could think of, all of which showed off the true benefits of the alliance. In the midst of that was the Jedi, who had found a home within the...
  16. Volya Sasiq

    Public  New Inductee

    Location: Coruscant, just outside the Jedi Temple The Twi'lek would look up at the grand building in absolute awe for she had never seen just a magnificent or large structure in her life. For her whole life up to that point she would hide from the Jedi Order, not wanting to give up her life for...
  17. Volya Sasiq

    LFG  New force sensitive character

    So I just made this character and super excited to mess around with it, especially a light side character. So I'm open to ideas!
  18. Mig Gred

    Faction  New Clients (CST/EI/NPC)

    Mig sat in the port hanger of the Keros' Kad as it, two Shield-class Escort Cruisers, and a pack of Neebray-class Cargo Frigates loaded with new HF-3 Aran Long Range Heavy Escort Fighters reverted to real space near the delivery coordinates given. Ah it was his second time seeing the station...
  19. Faith Organa

    New Senator for Alderaan

    Everyone please congratulate Alicio Organa he is the new Senator for Alderaan for the Galactic Alliance. woohoo!!! I've been meaning to thank you for taking on the role !
  20. Judah Lesan

    Private  Something Old New Borrowed and Blue

    . R E F L E C T I O N Wearing: xxx Tag: Cambria Zadira Ilum had been close, too close for comfort. The Empire had almost succeeded, and in so doing proven to be more of an evil than the Galactic Alliance had wanted to give them credit. The old Jedi had seen it coming. He had warned an assembled...
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