Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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oukranos cthylla

  1. K

    Faction  Hostage Situation - Reef Fortress, Hapes [GA, NJO]

    Reef Fortress, Hapes Kalen stood before a force cage, peering through the barrier of crackling energy at the man within. “You?” he hissed, eyes widening as he recognized the face of the prisoner. “You’re the Jedi spy?” “Sinsor Galney”, supposedly the stepson of a Ducha, had only recently been...
  2. Kassogtha Cthylla

    Private  You Can Never Go Home Again

    On the morning of their arrival, Kass found Oukranos leaning against the side of the ship, his blue eyes fixed upon the lake where the Silver Rest had once stood. Tall and majestic trees transplanted from elsewhere on Kashyyyk grew along the water’s edge. The landscaping was so well done, if...
  3. Starlin Rand

    The Originality of Good (short story)

    Shortly after the events of Blackest Night... Starlin was surprised the lift was still working while the facility around it was burning. The Mawite raid on the no-longer-so-secret Jakku Jedi Enclave had taken a turn for the worse, and it was now clear to the young Knight that they weren’t going...
  4. Kassogtha Cthylla

    Dev  Hollow in the Ferns [Solo]

    Many years ago… The package arrived the morning before the meeting. After weeks of waiting, Kassogtha Cthylla had barely half an hour to figure out how to use its contents. She rushed into the ‘fresher and tore the box open. Pieces of plastic soon littered the floor. For something so small, it...
  5. Kassogtha Cthylla

    Private  The Monster of Ukatis

    In a field on Ukatis, a starship crashed. The impact was violent, sending up a cloud of disturbed earth. Skidding to a stop, the vessel's klaxons continued their muffled whine for a few seconds before shutting off. Then all was quiet and still. Well, on the outside, at least. Kass sat in the...
  6. Kassogtha Cthylla

    Approved NPC  Oukranos Cthylla

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To codify an NPC for future RP. Image Credit: Alain Delon | Castlefest Castle Role: Oukranos Cthylla is the second-ever Pylantian Jedi Master, the husband of Kassogtha Cthylla and father of their three children. Permissions: Romi Jade subs [Creator's...
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