Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Auteme

    Who Has Everything

    When she was done eating, as she did every year, she walked on the thin path through the wild grasses to the modest headstone. She’d never asked Loske, but she suspected the unmarked footpath was a deliberate choice. Most of the property was well-kept; most of it was crops, now harvested as...
  2. Auteme

    This Ain't No Place for No Hero

    Written with the help of the most excellent Ryv SHORT CHANGE Cold. Frost; a coat of white snow, hiding a fire beneath. The heat of her breath became wisps in the clear air. It was crisp in her lungs, yet still she held that warmth of life. For a moment the glaciers ahead were silent. An...
  3. Auteme

    Subfaction Step By Step

    Written with the help of the lovely Ryv Post-Triumvirate Talks VETERAN Auteme pulled out of the embrace. No matter how many times Ryv promised, she’d always be relieved to see him home safe. Only now, back in one of the Coruscant Temple’s meeting rooms, did they have a moment to properly talk...
  4. Auteme

    Better in Color

    Written with the help of the lovely Ryv Who reads the news anyways? “I… don’t think you should’ve said that. I know the Sith are bad, but you shouldn’t have… called out Darth Metus, or Srina Talon, just because they’re Sith. I mean, as far as I can tell, they’re more like weird Dark Jedi...
  5. Auteme

    Promise Me

    Written with the help of the lovely Ryv . The countdown was excruciating. Korriban. To be headed there, the home of the Sith -- it was no wonder the Jedi on this mission were nervous; afraid. Fear was the path to the dark side and they were headed straight to its heart. Everyone had their...
  6. Darth Voyance

    Private  Prophecies of Cron [Ryv and Voyance]

    Ryv [Music] Cron Drift, Auril Sector Outer Rim Epsilon XVI was an asteroid spaceport engraved into the bowls of a hulking chunk of planetoid debris that once was a world within the ancient Cron Cluster. Aeons ago, in legendary times, the world was a member of a multitude of other worlds in...
  7. Auteme

    Private  Witches Be Trippin' | Ryv

    Ryv Stories never really ended. Even when things seemed cut and dry, wrapped up nicely, with a little bow on top, there was always something more. It was always a difficult idea to wrap one’s head around -- all sentients had a better sense of self than of other things. Auteme was no different...
  8. Auteme

    Private  Talk Later | Ryv

    R E N E G A D E Tag: Ryv The ship rocked slightly as it entered hyperspace, and Auteme took that as her cue to go and talk to Ryv. She took a deep breath, pushing away the anxiousness of the coming conversation. The padawan stood and walked quietly out of her quarters as to not disturb the...
  9. Auteme

    Private  Lazy Sunday | Ryv

    P E A C E Tag: Ryv Absolutely nothing. Nil. Nada. Zip. Zilch. Not even a burrito. A free day. When was the last time she'd really had one of those? Most of her time was spent researching, but just yesterday she'd finally finished collecting her work on the Suerton probability manipulation...
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