Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Briana Sal-Soren

    Work In Progress  Naboo Jedi Enclave - Shiraya's Sanctuary

    Intent: To codify a Jedi Enclave on Naboo and offer more opportunities for roleplay on the planet Naboo Image Credit: Jumarlo Hex, Fantasy Flights, L-Wing, Paul Tobin, Reddit, Pontus Ryman, Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: Naboo, Crystal Caves, Brotherhood of Cognizance, 25 Chambers: A Jedi...
  2. Braze

    Private  The 'Skyward' Sanctuary of 'Elevated' Enlightenment: II

    LOCATION: Lothal TAGS: Nir Si Rayne Lo'to Micah Faolan As Braze settled onto the root he'd occupied during his previous visit belonging to the massive tree he had chosen previously, his eyes danced over the tree. Beside him, was Nir. Today wasn't just about revisiting a place of comfort; it...
  3. Braze

    First Reply  The 'Skyward' Sanctuary of 'Elevated' Enlightenment

    LOCATION:lolthal TAGS: @ Ooc: Will take more than 1 first reply, dm after first person to join Braze surveyed the expansive grasslands of Lothal, his eyes seeking a tree sturdy enough to bear the weight of his ambitions. The planet's climate was predominantly arid, the land populated by...
  4. Siobhan Kerrigan

    Approved Starship  Ring of the Celestial Sanctuary

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To sub a vanity project. Image Source: Here. Here. Canon Link: N/A Permissions: Blanket permission for anything made by Val here. Permission for all subs made by Laira Darkhold's writer here and here. Blanket permission for AMCO's stuff here. ARGH tech...
  5. Alicio Organa

    Work In Progress  Sanctuary City, Alderaan

    "True strength is being crushed underfoot, and finding the will to stand again." - Alicio Organa OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To finally codify an important refugee city on Alderaan. Image Credit: Cross Fate city concept by Adam Varga Shan Sui City 1 by MAD Architects Spaceport City...
  6. Caltin Vanagor

    Approved Location  Sanctuary Island

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To make a private residence for Caltin Vanagor, Chrysa Vanagor, and anyone close to them. Image Credit: Sotheby's International Realty Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: N/A SETTING INFORMATION Structure Name: Sanctuary Classification: Homestead Location...
  7. Caltin Vanagor

    Work In Progress  Sanctuary Island

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To make a private residence for Caltin Vanagor, Chrysa Vanagor, and anyone close to them. Image Credit: Sotheby's International Realty Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: N/A SETTING INFORMATION Structure Name: Sanctuary Classification: Homestead Location...
  8. Inosuke Ashina

    Work In Progress  Hirata Estate, Forgotten Ashina Refuge

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Expand on locations relating to Ashina, and flesh out the headquarters of the Lightsworn. Image Credit: Blood Moon Crows by Quentin Bouilloud Canon: N/A Permissions: [use it w/e you want] Links: The Lightsworn Inosuke Ashina SETTING INFORMATION...
  9. Eina L'lerim-Vandiir

    Approved Location  [Netherworld] Særlogn | Sea of Tranquillity

    Intent: To create a Force Nexus for the Valkyrja capital, the Sanctuary. Image Credit: Sanctuary | Headers, divider, me. Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: Sanctuary | Valkyrja | Netherworld Nexus Name: Særlogn | Sea of Tranquillity Nexus Alignment: Neutral Location: Sanctuary | Netherworld...
  10. Faith Organa

    Sanctuary City

    If you would like to assist in the build and design of this city please join this thread - This is a City part of Alderaan history - I look forward to anyone joining.
  11. Primeval Architect

    Dominion  Sacrilege on Cophrigin (Bryn'adul Dominion of Cophrigin V)

    Cophrigin V stood as a testament to the despicable weakness that the Draelvasier sought to annihilate in their great Crusade. Even as the pair of mighty Phedrak Carriers drew closer to the indefensible humanoid habitation, members of its spiritualist cabal gathered to pray to whichever deities...
  12. Jamie Pyne

    Public  Long Live [Open To Sith / Bounty Hunters]

    . S A N C T U A R Y An oceanic planet laden with hundreds, if not thousands of islands rather than continents was nestled within the crook of The Sith Empire and The Bryn'adûl. Here one might consider a Jedi taking up isolation dangerously close to an enemy as old as time itself to be...
  13. Soliath Devin Talith

    Approved Location  Sanctuary

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To submit a safe haven for all Jedi ​Image Credit: Thomas Dubois Canon: N/A Links: N/A SETTING INFORMATION Structure Name: Sanctuary Classification: Jedi Temple Location: Abafar Affiliation: Jedi big & small Accessibility: Though in it of itself rather...
  14. Sawa Ike

    Approved Location  Pandamonia

    Name: Pandamonia Image Source: From Dusk Till Dawn 3 The hangman's Daughter Classification: Abandoned Temple Location: Gromas 16 Affiliation: [member="Sawa Ike"] Description: Public Area: An old structure that has long since been buried in the sands from disuse. Restored initially in the...
  15. Ryn'Dhal

    From the Darkness, Comes the Light

    Sanctuary The largely oceanic world, dotted with islands, was where Ryn found himself drawn to this time. He had been voyaging, seeking peoples to aid, and generally just trying to redeem himself in his own mind for misdeeds never done. While this mentality was not healthy for the young...
  16. R

    For Generations to Come [Boolon Foundation & Friends]

    Somewhere In Hyperspace On Route to the Unknown Regions. Dear Seroth, I planned to write you sooner, but things got a little crazy. You'll never guess who I found at Yavin! A holopic selfie of her and [member="Jaxton Ravos"], grinning from ear to ear fell below, Teth's vast forests in the...
  17. Zak Dymo

    Somewhere in the Middle

    THE PLANET S A N C T U A R Y THE OUTER RIM An ocean world boasting a temperate climate, there were few havens in this galaxy that could compete for the title of paradise. Founded by political and religious hippies, seeking escape from the Imperial draft, it had been a world long proud of its...
  18. Amelia von Sorenn

    Finding Sanctuary

    There were billions upon billions of stars in the Galaxy, with millions upon millions of worlds that one could call habitable and even millions that could be made so; yet few were of such legend or soft spoken myth as those that seemingly were 'lost'. History though has a way of making itself...
  19. Zak Dymo

    Sanctuary: Be Bop a Daiya

    | CEC XR-95 Luck's Revenge | The Outer Rim Corellian craftsmanship was a legend. From hyperspace lanes through the Core, the Rim, and even Wild Space -- fringers, senators, the extremely wealthy, and the most impoverished junker traversed a sea of stars on the trustworthiness of a brand that...
  20. Switch

    Seeking Sanctuary (Geneviève Lasedri)

    Teeth dug sharply into swollen lips as a devilish grin fought to overcome the young woman's face. With practiced ease, nimble fingers practically blurred over the display of her datapad as the faces on the passenger manifest jumped from name to name. The entire trip had been fraught with...
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