Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Cedric Grayson

    Invasion  Kill Them All And Let God Sort Them Out | AC Invasion TSE Ziost, Mirial, Ruuria |

    They laugh away mercy, and so they shall receive none. The Crown remains unbroken. The message was ignored. An offer of mercy rescinded, the compassion of the Ashla rebuked with degenerate hubris as it so often was. No longer would the servants of the faithful be forced to bow to the wanton...
  2. Grundark

    Faction  Sith Eternal Politics

    The light of the sun barely pierced the masses of foliage on some parts of Felucia, and yet as the shadows danced on the Cragmoloid's face he couldn't help looking up to try to see through it all. The Graug had made no secret of their mustering, and they'd done all but sent out flares to...
  3. Darth Solipsis

    Invasion  Beasts of Babylon: BotM Invasion of SE held Felucia

    BEASTS OF BABYLON FELUCIA '65 The Great Journey | BROTHERHOOD OF THE MAW THE BROTHERHOOD OF THE MAW WILL INVADE SITH ETERNAL HELD FELUCIA: 05/18 - 06/01 Site Administrator: Valiens Nantaris BotM Staff SE Staff Darth Solipsis The Mongrel Kyrel Ren Maestus Aspect of Passion Darth...
  4. Aspect of Passion

    Dominion  The Siege │ SE Dominion of Voss & Folende

    The Siege Voss Tion Cluster 865 ABY With the pyrrhic victory against the Silver Jedi Forces within the Ossus Hyperlane, the Sith Eternal finally brought their fleets to the culmination of their plan. The Siege of Voss was long coming - a fortress world who's very position threatened the...
  5. Aspect of Passion

    Dominion  The Smog │ SE Dominion of Chandaar

    Chandaar Cronese Mandate 865ABY The Graug war machine marches forward after its conquest of Ossus - bent on subjugating more worlds, more land for their teeming masses, backed by the will of the Sith'ari. Hoping to form an autonomous buffer zone with the Bryn'adul, the Graug and the newly...
  6. A

    Dominion  The Truth in Pain | SE Dominion of Ossus

    The light has faded on Ossus. Now and forever. The planet burns following the Sith Eternal strike at the world, it's surface pulsing with the darkness left behind. Yet the plan to taint the surface of the world had failed, the obelisk being purified and shattered during the Red Dragon's plummet...
  7. Darth Prazutis

    Merger Talks

    Hello TSE! This is something that hasn't been brought up lightly, it's been discussed extensively by the staff team its important that we pose it to you, the community in order to get a sense on how everyone that calls the Sith Empire home feels. There is a path for the Sith Empire to merge...
  8. Valut Amanya

    The Pilgrim - Bastion - Dark Lord's Palace

    One must truly wonder -- would the Sith mind if I ate a few of their citizens? The pilgrim was alone in his journey, it seemed. His heavy metal feet thumped against the front stairs of the Dark Lord's Palace, his blackened staff ringing every two steps. The midday sun obscured the orange light...
  9. Cathul Thuku

    103 Million Dollar Baby OOC

    IC thread The premise of the skirmish is that it is about a false-flag operation, conducted by some Dominion remnant faction. So please, don't meta the presence of GA personnel...
  10. Cathul Thuku

    103 Million Dollar Baby

    After the recent skirmish on Tython was over, the people in the Core came to a grim realization: they could no longer dismiss the Sith Empire as being confined to the northern edge of the Mid and Outer Rims. Plus the Dominion Remnant, kept a low profile after being defeated on Mirial and...
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