Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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shadows of the force

  1. Romi Jade

    Minor Faction Faith & The Unblessed: Nameless Horrors (JJE & TU)

    Written with Unblessed --- A collaboration between the The Unblessed & The Jakku Jedi Enclave
  2. Romi Jade

    Public  Jade v Pantora: Testimony of Caltin Vanagor

    Shadows of Redemption: Jade v. Pantora Caltin's Testimony Pantora The high-profile trial of Romi Jade, a revered Jedi Master turned alleged perpetrator of war crimes, and now a fugitive, commences on the planet of Pantora. The legal stage is set for a dramatic and unprecedented event as...
  3. Romi Jade

    Minor Faction Shadows of the Force | Jakku Jedi Enclave

    ----- Thread Timeline
  4. Romi Jade

    Work In Progress  Whisperstone

    Whisperstone Familial & Chronological Information Type Force Artifact Owners Jakku Jedi Enclave Shape Irregularly shaped Color Light tan Material Stone The Whisperstone is a mysterious artifact discovered by a keen-eyed Jedi student at the Jakku Jedi Enclave from in the...
  5. Romi Jade

    Private  Shadows of Departure

    She meticulously recorded messages to those she held closest. As Romi spoke into the holorecorder, her astromech droid, R2-J9, stationed nearby, awaited the encoded directive hidden within its circuits. Each message held a piece of her spirit, a farewell etched with emotion and wisdom earned...
  6. Romi Jade

    Private  My Oath, My Vow... [Valery]

    fa-play fa-pause CORUSCANT JEDI TEMPLE, JEDI COUNCIL CHAMBERS Valery Noble The Jedi Council Chamber on Coruscant stood as a hallowed space, bathed in the gentle glow of holoprojectors that cast an ethereal light upon the polished stone walls. The air was filled with a soft static -- the...
  7. Mother Askani

    Faction  Shadows Beneath the Sands [Jedi + Lightsiders]

    fa-play fa-pause The Wrecked Destiny Oasis - Jakku The relentless Jakku sun hung low on the horizon, casting long shadows across the desolate desert. The air shimmered with heat, distorting the edges of the towering sand dunes that stretched endlessly. In this vast emptiness, the hidden...
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