Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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sith sorcery

  1. Darth Vinaze

    Character  Darth Vinaze Reborn

    Darth Vinaze Theme Orchid - Black Funeral Full Name Derleth Par Alias(es) Darth Vinaze Prophet of the Sith'ari Title(s) Sith Lord Class(es) Sith Sorcerer Sith Scientist Dark Side Mystic Origin Umbara (Birth) Malachor V (Death and Undeath) Age Early 70s Lived for centuries in...
  2. Srina Talon

    Private  The Cradle [Alchemy & Creation]

    Tag: Madrona A’Mia Location: Jutrand [Empress Private Quarters] ______________________________________________________ The sun rest in a lofty cradle over Jutrand, castling long, artful shadows throughout synth streets and techno modular homes. Srina was buried up to her elbows in the dirt...
  3. Dis

    Approved Tech  Wisa-Ziur | All-Seeing Eye

    Intent: Creating an interesting find/artefact for the Cat’s Paw and the Greystone Mercantile that they can later exchange or sell. Image Source: Link 1 | Link 2 | Link 3 Canon Link: N/A Permissions: Link Primary Source: Sith Alchemy | Sith Magic | Flow-walking Manufacturer: Darth Shadia...
  4. Alke'nesh Malekor

    Character  Darth Sirek

    DARTH SIREK Information: First NAME:Malekor Secound NAME: Alke'Nesh Homeworld:Korriban FACTION: Lords of the Sith RANK: Dark Lord SPECIES: Human AGE: About 34 Years Old SEX: Male HEIGHT: 2,05 Meters long. WEIGHT: 100 KG EYES: Shining Yellow HAIR: Black Hair SKIN:Bright...
  5. Teynara Jeralyr

    Approved Tech  The Tirdarian Codex

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a personal data storage item for use by Tirdarius and his apprentices Image Source: Original Image Canon Link: N/A Restricted Missions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Name: The Tirdarian Codex Manufacturer: [member="Tirdarius"]...
  6. Yidhra

    Approved Tech  Wisa-ziji tzihra

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: A useful tool for Hidden Hand agents. Image Source: X Canon Link: X Restricted Missions: / Primary Source: / PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Yidhra Model: / Affiliation: The Resurgent Empire (Sphere of Intelligence) Modularity: /...
  7. Yidhra

    Approved Species  Sheoggoth

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Sub the fruits of Yidhra’s experiments. ​Image Credit: X | X | X | X | X Canon: X Links: / GENERAL INFORMATION Name: Sheoggoth Designation: Semi-sentient (very very very rarely Sentient) Homeworld: Technically none, as they are alchemized...
  8. Yidhra

    Approved Tech  Sosûtiyizatsa

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Sub some more creepy Sith alchemy. Image Source: Legend of Korra, Nickelodeon Canon Link: X Restricted Missions: / Primary Source: / PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Yidhra Dottash Model: / Affiliation: Yidhra Dottash Modularity: No...
  9. Yidhra

    Approved Tech  Ananotia

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: A security system for Yidhra Dottash. Image Source: [x] Canon Link: / Restricted Missions: / Primary Source: / PRODUCTION INFORMATION Name: Ananotia Manufacturer: Yidhra Affiliation: Yidhra | Resurgent Empire (with permission on individual...
  10. Ellie Mors

    Approved Tech  Vale Fire Amulet

    Image Source: Bernd Haier Intent: To create an artifact to help Aria Vale progress further into the dark side. Development Thread: N/A Manufacturer: Darth Vitium Model: N/A Affiliation: [member="Aria Vale"] Modularity: None Production: Unique Material: Transparisteel Strengths: The bracelet...
  11. Bass

    That Darkness which Illuminates the Cursed Void

    To sleep was to walk in a world of nightmares. This one was different from normal. He knew he was asleep, knew it was all a dream, and yet he felt compelled to move forward, to continue down the path ahead of him, that grew ever darker and starved for light. Every instinct screamed that it was...
  12. Sage Bane

    Tangled Web

    Sage gazed at the Holo-projection of his latest experiments, growing in the Fresian earth a few miles away from his study. The Sarlaac cam showed great progress in his creatures over the last few weeks. He’d lost a few of the subjects as expected, but there was one that proved to be much...
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