Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Victor Thrash

    LFG  Smuggling and Meeting People

    Wanna do some smuggling and meet new people. Break some laws. Race some law enforcement.
  2. Nej Tane

    Public  Crooks/Crystals

    EMPRESS TETA ALLIANCE SPACE There were a lot of things worth a lot of money in the galaxy. From Spice. To weapons. To fuel. But nothing, nothing really came as valuable, or as dangerous as- Kyber. It was the most dangerous smuggling operation. The heat was the most intense that...
  3. Lossa Aureus

    Private  Did You Expect a Welcome Party?

    fa-play fa-pause Location: Corellia, Dive Bar off the Spaceport Equipment: Skinsuit, Rusty Green Jumpsuit, Jacket, Left Bracer, Plastoid Shingaurds, Mix and Match Harness Weapons: Lossa's Lightsaber, Concealed Blaster, Nasty-Stabby Tools: Fusioncutter Ship: Skiptown with 'Skid' Tags: Rik...
  4. Jt1989

    Work In Progress  Work station

    Stuff and things will go here
  5. Jt1989

    LFG  Trying to get back into this!!!

    Just looking to find some people to start back up with m, seeing as it’s been like 7 years since the last time I was active here. But I’d love to get back in it and run my new character Nola and possibly¿ find a new crew she can storm the galaxy with?
  6. Y

    Approved Lore  Sandmoth - Yu Karloo's Smuggling Operation

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Create basic details for Yu Karloo's smuggling business Image Credit: N/A Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: Yu Karloo, TranStar Logistics, Inc, The Pharaoh III, Isabelle Tam GENERAL INFORMATION Organization Name: Sandmoth Classification: Criminal...
  7. Y

    Work In Progress  Sandmoth - Yu Karloo's Smuggling Operation

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Create basic details for Yu Karloo's smuggling business Image Credit: N/A Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: Yu Karloo, TranStar Logistics, Inc, The Pharaoh III, Isabelle Tam GENERAL INFORMATION Organization Name: Sandmoth Classification: Criminal...
  8. Y

    Work In Progress  Sandmoth - Yu Karloo's Smuggling Operation

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Create basic details for Yu Karloo's smuggling business Image Credit: N/A Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: Yu Karloo, TranStar Logistics, Inc, The Pharaoh III, Isabelle Tam GENERAL INFORMATION Organization Name: Sandmoth Classification: Crime...
  9. N

    Private  How to Spice Up a Vacation

    Location: Wielu Space Local Time: 10:32 Ah, Wielu, one of the most beautiful and private resort planets in the Inner Rim. An oasis of golden sands and sapphire waters, dotted by islands supporting some of the most advanced luxury hotels in the sector. And of course, populated entirely by...
  10. N

    Private  A Simple Cargo Transfer

    Location: Golden Sands Hotel, Tyrena, Corellia Time: 20:41 local Tyrena, one of Corellia's premier luxury resort experiences, brimming with lavish hotels, pristine natural views, and plenty of upscale, family owned agricultural farms scattered across the lush countryside. All fairly standard...
  11. Aithche Wierz

    Private  Booze, Cloak, and Dagger

    Aithche had long resigned herself to the fact that her chosen profession meant frequenting dives and holes of all types. The current bar she was heading for was probably on a local law enforcement watchlist, mostly a warning to anyone to stay away unless you were coming in with a full platoon...
  12. Corvusrattus

    LFG  Smuggling Scumbag

    Hey hey! I'm looking for my first roleplay thread to debut both my writing and character, the adopted Twi'lek smuggler Pav'ati Vier, and have some fun with her various illegal adventures :] I write in paragraph format, but short threads are fine with me! I just don't want to try and handle...
  13. Aktur Seii

    Starjump Enterprises

    Note: This is a an update of the previous entry here. OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Source: Me Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: N/A CORPORATION INFORMATION Corporation Name: Starjump Enterprises Headquarters: Terminus Locations: Denon, Caravan Station, Pembric II Operations: Goods &...
  14. Tomon Salgar

    LFG  Black-Marketeering O'er Bothawui

    The RP I have in mind is fairly simple. Two (or more?) sides centred around a weapon shipment. Tomon Salgar, a smuggler and black marketeer, is delivering weapons purchased by Bothan dissidents and is looking to hire muscle to defend the cache and his ships while he does the exchange. The...
  15. Damien Cross

    Factory  Cross Export Corporation

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Source: N/A Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: Coruscant , Arkania CORPORATION INFORMATION Corporation Name: Cross Export Corporation Headquarters: Coruscant, upper levels Locations: Coruscant, small operations on Arkania (headed by a different branch of the...
  16. Aithche Wierz

    Private  Tariffs & Taxes

    Aithche finished the final post flight checks and settled herself in the battered freighter chair. She allowed herself a moment to groan and rub at red eyes with the palms of her hands. The last eighteen hours of the run had been labouring enough, especially with something going wrong every...
  17. Juniper Jett


    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Source: Image created by me, with logo edited from a design on PNGFind. Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: N/A CORPORATION INFORMATION Corporation Name:JunieCorp Headquarters:Legal Headquarters: P/O Box on Coruscant. Practically, the company is based wholly...
  18. Aithche Wierz

    Private  Backwater Intrigues

    The bar stank. Aithche's nose wrinkled but on further reflection, she had to admit that she wasn't doing too great either. The humidity had hit her the moment she'd arrived at the spaceport and she wondered what sadist had insisted on building a settlement so close to the planet's equator. She...
  19. M

    First Reply  Punch It [First Reply +1]

    "You wanna take the Mara Corridor straight up through the Scar Worlds, don't bother stopping to see that Hypergate. Ain't been touched since that business with the ghost bots a few months back. Once you hit Lianna's where it all gets dicey. See, that's right on the NIO's border, at least on the...
  20. Spek Zhio

    LFG  "Smuggling gone wrong" RP and/or possibly forming a crew.

    Hey guys! Would anyone be interested in this? I'm open to suggestions, but the basic idea is the usual "move stuff from point A to point B, and something unexpected happens in between". Currently, this character is a lone wolf type of freelancer - not all his jobs are illegal, this one might or...
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