Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Kitter Bitters

    LFG  Looking for Something New - Which Factions Are Active/Need Members?

    I am a very happy member of GA and have found some really nice friends there, but I've also been writing Jedi since 2007 so I thought maybe I'd try my hand with something else. I was looking at the factions page but it's a bit difficult to see who all is active and who isn't so I thought I would...
  2. Zinayn

    Private  Rivalry Amidst Ruins

    The planet had been calling for a while now. Home. Csilla. The blue tunnel of hyperspace was abruptly replaced by the pinprick stars in the distance...but looming ahead was the broken world that used to be the capital of the great Chiss Ascendancy. Zinayn grimaced. He had been raised here since...
  3. Shavara

    Private  There's always something worse

    Shavara had returned again, seeking out Onrai for knowledge. She didn't know about what exactly, how long it would take, how difficult it would be. But she was on her way anyway. That woman had power and knowledge well beyond what Shavara herself was familiar with, and while Sar Vun's memory...
  4. Elise Ahana-Gwyneira

    Private  Something Criminal

    Kaddak. A world close to Enclave borders, once owned by the Enclave. The Enclave had steadily lost its grip on the criminal world through the years though, and now was overrun with thugs and bandits once again. Elise saw through her mother's eyes, memories of what the city slums were like. It...
  5. Nrarsk Tradrorn

    LFG  Hunter Looking For Something to Hunt

    Hey there, I’m kinda new around here and am just looking to try and see if anyone would be interested in having a Trandoshan around who likes to hunt for sport. I am pretty open to most stuff at the moment as I haven’t really decided where I want this character to go yet so I thought I would...
  6. R

    LFG  You know, I'm something of a scientist myself

    Not really lol, but hey she'll try- Methedra's on a quest to figure out what kind of species she is. Not the adopted Sangnir part, but her birth DNA (which is Aelvar, but she doesn't know that yet). Unfortunately being a Sangnir, all the more makes it difficult to isolate her underlying Aelvar...
  7. Liin Terallo

    Request  Requesting a Rival

    Hello! I am well into my second month on this forum! So far Liin here has been doing fantastic job at creating allies and securing contracts from different sides and organizations. But now the real work begins, ha ha! I am looking for one or more rivals, be they political, criminal or business...
  8. Judah Lesan

    Private  Something Old New Borrowed and Blue

    . R E F L E C T I O N Wearing: xxx Tag: Cambria Zadira Ilum had been close, too close for comfort. The Empire had almost succeeded, and in so doing proven to be more of an evil than the Galactic Alliance had wanted to give them credit. The old Jedi had seen it coming. He had warned an assembled...
  9. Dagos Terrek

    Private  I have something of yours

    Of all the shuttles Dagos had been on this was easily the nicest. The floors were carpeted, the lighting was low but not dim or dark, there was a steady stream of air conditioning and every few minutes there was a spritz or something sweet smelling. Good luck finding any of that on an SC...
  10. McKenna Rory

    LFG  Soldier looking for something to jump into

    Hello everyone! I'm looking to get McKenna into some new roleplays. She is a soldier also highly trained in piloting starfighters. I would really be open to pretty much anything just let me know if you are interested. Thank you in advance!
  11. Aether the Iron

    Private  Something Bazaar

    TATOOINE - BAZAAR The heat reminded him of Home. Home being a relative word as over the past seven years. While the distant world of Verun was not his birthplace, it was where Aether had rested his head for nearly a decade. It was a quiet, yet desolate place. Characterized by sprawling...
  12. Iella Sunscream

    Public  Credits, or Capitalism... Something like that.

    One and a half Years before joining the RSL She was fading in and out. She hadn't eaten in hours, and while most might have taken it to mean she was lazy, or unproductive, her body was quite literally rejecting anything she wanted to do at the moment. in truth, she didn't really care about...
  13. Rax Tremira

    Private  Ghosts & Knuckles

    Nar Shaddaa - A little after Midnight local - The Ram Jam Fight Bar & Entertainment Lounge Rax leaned over, snorting into the bucket presented as the club went wild. He didn't look so hot. Bruised and bloodied, sweating like a racehorse, and his lip was clearly split from the bare-knuckle...
  14. A

    Private  Sun Djem, Or Something...

    As she stepped into his office, Asha was visibly restless. Antsy, even. While he busied himself with whatever work he was tending to, she sort of pottered about the room, picking up random objects which served either functional or aesthetic purpose on whatever surfaces lay about the place, and...
  15. R

    LFG  Jedi looking for Jedi stuff (or maybe something else)

    Hello Chaos, I humbly request threads for my new Jedi Padawan character. Rhys is a kid who has only just ascended to his padawanship. He is currently without a master, though I'm not sure I'll do anything about that just yet. I'm mostly looking to start with light and easy RP like private...
  16. P

    LFG  Something New, Something Dark

    Hello! So, I've got it in my mind to try and create a new little sect of Force Users focusing on some lore and plans I have for an upcoming faction/storyline. What I would really love, besides some interested members, is someone or a few someone's to bounce ideas off of. I have a background idea...
  17. Kyyrk

    Private  Something in the Hills

    fa-play fa-pause Kyyrk could only take bed rest for so long. Of course, it wasn't bed rest per say. But at Alessandra's insistence, he'd been confined to camp for some time. His wounds from Naboo were healing nicely, and Kyyrk was beginning to suspect that she actually drew some enjoyment...
  18. Tye Cahspur

    LFG  Looking for a group to do something illegal

    Tye is looking for some high class low lives to help him heist some technology from a reputable engineering firm on Narr Shadaa. Compensation included pending success.
  19. Gwyneira Vizsla

    Private  Something Worth Fixing

    The door to safe house opened, the sounds of mechanics opening resounding as she stepped into the dark, dreary room. She still had not painted the entryway. It was a bland, depressing, muddled lack of color. Just like my heart... She sighed, pulling her hood off. She felt so horrible. A great...
  20. Jace Rhane

    Faction  Silence Unbroken (Jedi)

    Katarr Local time: 0913 Standard Hours Theme Words, whispered in his mind. A planet, stolen of life. Songs unsung, silence unbroken. No sound, no light, no dark. Nothing. But now, something stirred. Something awoke. And it was calling out through the force. Darth Nihilus had rendered...
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