Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Shan Pavond

    Private  Temple Training

    Relaxation. Peace. The Force. Those were the things that Shan was focusing on in his current training session in the temple of Coruscant, with the various droid remotes flying around him, firing off small little blasts in his direction. Though he wasn't attempting to pay attention to the bolts...
  2. Jonyna Si

    Public  Chillin on New Cov, Temple Edition

    Jonyna needed a break after everything that had happened to her over the past month. Between returning to Cathar, taking on her first mission as a jedi, moving in on Coruscant, and rediscovering her old base, and finally building a new set of sabers along with her new sword, she needed a chance...
  3. DeadpoolMLP

    LFG  Looking for some social times at the New Cov Temple.

    Jonyna's been going around a lot, but I feel like I could get some milage out of her just futzin around the New Cov temple. Anyone up for some casual RP?
  4. Matsu Ike

    Approved Location  Temple of the Generalist

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To codexify Matsu's holocron temple Image Credit: City of Atlantis Canon: N/A Permissions: My Subs Links: Clarity Gate Artificial Intelligence Collected Stars Pathway Module Warehouse Module Modular tubing Crew Module Medical Module Internal Suite Advanced...
  5. DeadpoolMLP

    Private  Exploring the Temple

    The Cathar Knight wandered the halls of the temple, almost aimlessly. A day had passed since she arrived, and already she had met a jedi master, a dream she had only thought would be achieved once the Empire were defeated. Which, by technicality, was true. It just wasn't by her hand, much to her...
  6. Ishani Dinn

    Approved Location  The Sky Temple

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To codify a location for future RP. Image Credit: Chris Ostrowski ATArts ATArts "Bedroom" Jaime Jones Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: Heart of Electrum Gods and Monsters A Taste of the Good Life SETTING INFORMATION Structure Name: The Sky Temple...
  7. Nathan Bloodscrawl

    Approved Tech  Lysandra's Pike

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Create a standard unique lightsaber. Image Source: Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: Lightsaber PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Lysandra Crownwraithe (Deceased)...
  8. Caden Evesa

    Private  Night in The Jedi Temple

    Location: Courscant - Jedi Temple With: Briana Sal-Soren Equipment: Jedi Robes | Lightsaber Caden hadn't intended to still be on Courscant. It had been a busy few weeks. First the incident on Mortis had occured, where he'd ended up fighting with Darth Centax. Then he'd been asked to go to...
  9. Mairéad Solus

    First Reply  First steps into the Jedi Temple

    Location: Coruscant Objective: Approach the Temple Tags: Looking for NJO members to encounter Mairéad and provide her first experience of the temple. More than 1 is fine How many times had Mairéad been driven past this building on coruscant, and yet, like most coruscant residents, she had...
  10. M

    Private  Temple Crosswalk Little

    Jedi Temple Coruscant It was a cool morning out on the Temple promenade. A crisp wind blew through the red pattern trees and shuffled the potted green garden plants. It caused the gardeners to pull their hoods up, just a little bit closer, against the new morning chill. Everybody was expecting...
  11. Elias Edo

    Approved Location  Dagobah Jedi Temple [RJC]

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To establish a Jedi Temple on Dagobah; To codify the headquarters of the RJC; To provide a new and interesting location for future stories Image Credits: [X][X][X][X][X][X][X][X][X]; Edits by Elias Edo Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: Rimward Jedi...
  12. Elias Edo

      Dagobah Jedi Temple [RJC]

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To establish a Jedi Temple on Dagobah; To codify the headquarters of the RJC; To provide a new and interesting location for future stories Image Credits: [X][X][X][X][X][X][X][X][X][X]; Edits by Elias Edo Canon: N/A Permissions: [Please link any Marketplace...
  13. Makko Vyres

    Private  White Lies

    Valery Noble Corazona von Ascania The temple, it turned out, had plenty of quiet corridors that were barely walked. When other padawans were in class and there was free time for them, they found that many corridors were not well trodden. Makko had been paying more attention to his studies...
  14. Maeve Linahan

    Private  A Temple of Ghosts

    Maeve climbed the steep walls of the Pardaith, the glacial mountains that cut across the planet’s landscape like a knife, as the cold bit into her skin. She had never seen a storm come down so fast, so rough. The wind lashed her back, and snow blurred her entire world white. It was like the...
  15. Iris Arani

    Faction  Jungle Partay (New Cov Temple, Jedi Welcome)

    War, war, party with fights, party with terrorist strikes, parties as jobs. There was never a chance just to unwind without something going wrong. At least with others in some kind of party scenario. So.. Yeah. New Cov. Farther away from everyone's problems and such. Maybe. It was at least far...
  16. S

    First Reply  The Dragon and the Temple

    The shuttle made little noise as it flew towards the Abandoned Sicemon Temple located underneath a massive hill. It had become covered in moss and grass since the disappearance of its caretakers all those many moons ago during the Old Republic Period. According to the historical records, a group...
  17. Gotto Sorendu

    First Reply  Urban Jungle (Coruscant, Jedi Temple)

    Urban Jungle Coruscant, Jedi Temple It had been a good five years since Gotto had been to the Jedi temple. The temple had currently been remodeled after a Sith attack on Coruscant some time ago, but the general layout seemed to be relatively unchanged. It was unusual to be back in it's halls...
  18. Minerva Fhirdiad

    Private  New Cov Delivery

    Location: Mid Rim, Churba System, Planet New Cov Objective: Escort force sensitive youths to the New Jedi Order Tag: Valery Noble The gunship came out of lightspeed in front of the lush world. At the pilot's seat Minerva viewed the planet before her own eyes. "It's so…green. I have never seen...
  19. Hollis Orenn

    Private  Temple Life

    Location: Jedi Temple, Coruscant Outfit: xxx Tag: Addison Porte (After the gala, but prior the Ilum Invasion) Home. For the first few weeks of her time on Coruscant, home was definitely still back on Naboo. But now, she was beginning to think of the Jedi Temple as her new home. Sure, things...
  20. Briana Sal-Soren

    Private  Letting Go

    fa-play fa-pause Wearing: XoXo Equipment: Training Blade Location: Coruscant, Jedi Temple, Training Dojo Tag: Kyell Laysel Before her departure for Hapes, Briana had often tried making use of the Training Dojo and its sparring droids, and after her earlier business with Justice Lesan...
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