Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Zane Hawke


    A former slave and aspiring mechanic that was experimented on by a mad scientist; Or basically just a mechanic looking for threads to get this boy rolling. At this point I'm open for anything. Light siders meet a force sensitive? Dark siders attempt to corrupt? Mechanic meets mechanic? Somehow...
  2. Vinis Rimen

    LFG  Starliner Boarding Thread Interest?

    I had an idea for a thread but wanted to check if there was any interest. It's a fairly basic, pirate adventure. The thread will be open, though I'll put a request for anyone joining through the Open tab rather than here. The "sides" are pretty open: - Joining alongside Rimen - Unfortunate...
  3. Surea

    LFG  Random Hype For The Character, So Time To Thread.

    You ever have a character that you make on a whim and it clicks with the muse? Ye that's Surea here for me. The idea of a Sith who's body is filled with a rotting decease and uses it to fight sorta gives me Scion vibes (low key one of my favorite Sith just for the 'too angry to die' meme.) Sorta...
  4. Kyrel Ren

    LFG  Kyrel Down (Capture, purge style thread)

    Greetings! Lately I’ve had an itch for a story I’m looking to tell! I’ve always wanted to do a Purge style story. Meaning Kyrel here is always wanting to hunt down Jedi, hell anyone that is bad news to the Maw. Could be Imperial Knights anybody. What I’m looking for is facing off against a group...
  5. The Monster

    Hosting thread for all unofficial creations.

    See title. Nothing here is certified through the factory, and therefore is unofficial. Don't care for comments, so keep them to yourself. I won't respond to them, nor read them, so don't waste your time.
  6. Cass Gemini

    Boost thread for KC and HSC - enjoy

    A hopefully fun United thread to also earn some UC. And to make our mark in the HSC
  7. Tefka

    Staff  Underworld Rewards Update Thread

  8. Valery Noble

    LFG  Fun thread or two

    I no longer feel meh and would love another thread or two for Valery here :) Can be with other Jedi, NFU's or whatever you'd like to write as — I'm sure we can work something out \o/ Only got two small points for consideration: Love writing with new folks, so if we've never written before or...
  9. Viz Harridan

    Work In Progress  Practice Thread

    - HEADING "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in...
  10. Arcturus Dinn

      100 RP Thread Feedback!

    It feels like forever since I last did one of these, and frankly I don't think I've ever done one for Arcturus, but here I go all the same. Arcturus just recently hit 100 RP Threads! That milestone came with the decision to finally Knight him. I must say he's probably had the longest journey to...
  11. Rex Valhoun

    Planets, Lore, Important Figures, Thread List

    Planets and their Lore: Spindle VI: The Capital of The Empire, given as a gift by Mercenary General Monkrove Hammer and Anvil (Praeda System): A fire world and a gas giant, the source of power for Damascus station. Damascus Station: The Pride of The Empire, Damascus Station is home to...
  12. B

    Public  Meetings with the Underworld [Casino Thread]

    MEETINGS WITH THE UNDERWORLD SEA OF HEARTS CASINO: CANTO BIGHT While the world of of Cantonica might not be so famous around the galaxy, a single city upon the planet had drawn the most attention from the galactic elite. From crime syndicates to megacorporations and everything in between all...
  13. Aculia Voland

    Gamble  Aculia's Dice Testing Thread

    (Since it's not enabled on other forums, just wanted to test out and see how modifiers work, etc temporarily). Made a little thread for it so people could test out dice before rolling them. Feel free to use it for yourself if you need to as well.
  14. A

    LFG  Threads For The Thread God

    C'mon friends, don't be shy, I need moar of the roleplays... More I tell you! I'm currently writing a few different characters, and pretty much all of them are in dire need of a thread shake up! Overview w/ thread links following: Asha Hex, Je'daii Master. Always exploring random corners of...
  15. Lirka Ka

    LFG  Pirate looking to thread

    Decided I haven't overloaded myself with threads enough, looking to get a few more new ones going. Open to pretty much anything, fighting, social, business, or anything in between.
  16. Speaker of the Assembly

    Factory & Codex Thread

    NPC: Charl Masin Companies: Pantora Mining Company Locations: Installation B2
  17. Evelynn Ostium

    Anyone want to do a thread with a Crime Lord?

    If anyone wants to do a thread with Evelynn then let me know. It can be anything. From conversation, dealings, to combat or similar threads. Open to anyone. Main location tends to be Coruscant since her business is there.
  18. Amani Serys

    Thread Gremlin Asks Politely For More Threads

    Like last time I was here, not really searching for anything in particular, just tryna get back into exercising my writing muscles a bit. So if any of y’all think you'd be down to try something out, hit me up, wouldn’t mind seeing some familiar faces again. Amani is definitely the character...
  19. R

    LFG  Thread with a Je'daii or two?

    Hello Hello! I'm looking for some RP for my new duo of characters, Rhia and Ideon. Either together or separately! Mostly I'm hoping to fill in some of their history, so obscure worlds/uninhabited places in the Outer Rim would make the most sense! She's an independent protector type, trying to...
  20. Kal-K

    New Character

    Hey yall, Finally got my character made and ready to go. Lissa wields the force but still is a novice at most but after the death of her friend she feels nothing but anger and hatred, (you can read more in my character app to get a better idea) anyway I'd love to rp with a sith or any force...
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