Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Gir Quee

    A Time for Transition

    We handle a lot of our discussion on Discord, but there are two big things for the faction that really should be discussed on the board because not everyone is on Discord, or actively follows our chats. 1) Some of you already know this, but I will be resigning as the SJC major faction owner by...
  2. GreyJedi

    Private  Birth of the Jedi Out of Time.

    The Battle of Jabiim was a major battle of the Clone Wars between the Confederacy of Independent Systems and the Galactic Republic that took place on the planet Jabiimi in 22 BBY. The Republic had stuck it's nose in a civil war that had rumbled on months in order to preserve Jabiimi mining, and...
  3. Persephone Ambrosia

    Private  On time, In Spades

    "So, I'm looking him right in his eyes... Just like this, in fact. And he lies." A bloody hand rose up, turning to the other of her kind in the room, giggling to herself. Her victim in the chair seemingly going into shock. Well, a light shock, he could still hear and understand. She suspected...
  4. WolfMortum

    LOA  Taking some time away.

    I'm sorry to have to do this but I'm going to need to take a break away from Chaos for a while. Life has been pretty hectic lately and I've been finding less time and energy to write than I used. My degree in Social Work is also picking up again and I have full-time placement this year in the...
  5. I

    LFG  The Time has Come

    Greetings I am looking for threads with Dark Dwarrow Sithy. He is the Forgemaster for the Brotherhood of Darkness as you can see by all the factory subs I’ve been putting out. Any kind of story is fine or even if you have something in mind for us to roleplay
  6. hado

    Approved Tech  sleepy time long sleep pill and spray

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a pill/spray for the purpose of rendering a person unconscious and immobile for long stretches of time without causing damage to the person. Image Source: N/A Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Name...
  7. Valery Noble

    Private  A good time to talk

    Location: Apartment Valery: Appearance Tag: Iris Arani After a good talk with Iris in the apartment she shared with Briana, Valery felt it was something worth repeating. They spent a lot of time training together and had their missions, but they hadn't spent enough time to just talk freely...
  8. Iris Arani

    LFG  The Warm Brain Passes, Time For RP

    Yay no more covid! So congrats to me on that. But also yeah I'm gonna click that reset button on basically all my rps (there's a couple I plan to finish, I'll let ya wonder which) and start anew with threads. So yeah. The list o' folks I'm using: Iris: This lass. All scarred up and doing...
  9. Iris Arani

    LFG  It's That Time Again

    Iris's new arc started a couple weeks ago, and I've been focused on finishing off her older threads to make room for new ones. Now's that time for new ones. Iris, now heavily scarred after being thrown from a train, sets out to regain her confidence and remember the more peaceful times. That's...
  10. A

    Hey, I'm Back, Again... For The Third Time... Or Is It Fourth?

    The title really says it all. I don't know how long I plan on staying, probably a while. It's always irked me that my character never got the conclusion he deserved so I'm here to fix that. Don't think that's the only reason I'm back, I still wanna do a lot RP, But throwing Avery into his...
  11. Darth Vow

    Work In Progress  test time

    cookin up some DIVVVVs
  12. Iris Arani

    Private  It's Time To Paint

    The apartment Iris was living in with Briana Sal-Soren was home. Or at least starting to become home. Gone were the numerous layers of paint, instead replaced by a single, pale blue. One that the Padawan hadn't changed in almost a week. It was surprising in on it's own, but then again, her talk...
  13. Valery Noble

    Private  Time of Change

    Location: Stobar Valery: Appearance Outfit: Factory Link Tag: Iris Arani This was going to be a rather big day. It wasn't often that planets with much ongoing conflict reached important diplomatic solutions that would be beneficial to all. But after rather intense negotiations, political...
  14. T

    Public  Blood of the Lorekeepers

    Korriban, Day Time Wreckages of Tombs The sounds of the sand slowly pushing against craters and destroyed pillars could be heard and even felt from all around those who walked along the old valley. Failed attempts to purge the world multiple times, attempts to destroy all that was great and...
  15. Christina Locke

    Private  The Strange Idea of a Fun Time (Ask to watch/join)

    Tag: Kyyrk Location: Milagro Local Time: 20:32 - Dusk Equipment: Spacers Leather Jacket, LabRec Harness, Ruby Rumbler, Utility Belt, Necklace The meeting point between two trade runs made for a spectacular sight of mix matched merchants coming and going. A variety of goods, services, and...
  16. Rath Nihro

    First Reply  Bypassing Time

    Location: Tatooine, Mos Espa Gear: Nelvaanian Longsword | KC-95 "Ace of Spades" It wasn’t often or normal for Rath to stop by such an isolated planet without much of a goal. Other than fueling his ship and the process of acquiring more supplies. Of course he does so without his armor, but he...
  17. Julius Sedaire

    Private  Maybe It's Time...

    Selinica Miriya Cailis had pulled him out of the bottle and woken him to... Things... He wasn't sure where that was going. Not sure he wanted to know. But he owed the woman twice over. Comms had gone out to the regular cast and crew. Romi Jade . Coren Starchaser . Veino Garn . Even the long...
  18. Gwyneira Vizsla

    Private  Down Time, Finally

    Gwyneira finished dressing, looking herself over in the mirror. Her dress was both gothic and gorgeous, and she had washed out the pink and red dyes in her hair, instead adding smaller streaks of crimson red. She was wearing eyeliner and black eye shadow, which further stood out against her pale...
  19. Avra Elru

    It's That Time

    Hello. New here but not new to any of this kind of thing by any means. Hopefully we all get to have a good time with some spooky Dathomirian witchcraft and the like right?
  20. Jenn Kryze

    Private  No time like the present

    Tap. Tap. Tap. Jenn's footsteps were the only man-made sound as she walked through the makeshift settlement, keenly aware of how inconspicuous the location was. Frak, had she not been looking for a specific location, she would have completely overlooked something so innocuous! But she was a...
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