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Private A Camping We Will Go (Padawans)

Amazin Sky


The padawans had their backpacks slung over their backs as they hiked through the forest. The trees were beautiful and somewhere in the distance they could hear a stream. It would have been pleasant if they werent nervous about the training exercise. Surviving the week alone in the woods was going to be a challenge.

“Do you think we should tell ghost stories around the campfire?”

Amazin voiced the question to the entire group. She did not know any of them well yet, having only arrived at the Praxium last week, but she was desperately hopping to fit in. The girl was always worried about being the oddball, what with her disorder that kept her body temperature so low. Indeed she did look odd in a winter hat and gloves on a sunny hike, but so far nobody had said anything. She thought longingly of the campfire they would build and pulled her jacket tightly around her.
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Mejalie Sato-Viren

Mey hated hiking! She was clutching a stitch in her side, and thinking about the air conditioned temple. It was hot and sweaty outside and there were bugs. She would so rather be at the library.

“Are we there yet?”

She pulled out her canteen and took a swig of water before slapping a mosquito off her shoulder. This was a nightmare! Why couldn't they just simulate a camping trip with holograms?


This was bound to happen.

Iris was older. Wiser. So, naturally, she'd be the one in charge of this camping trip. But already she had no idea what she was doing or how to handle anything about this. She'd never actually gone camping. Not outside of sleeping in her X-Wing or the like. Here she was, with Amazin Sky, Mejalie Sato-Viren, and whomever else was coming along, and inwardly panicking.

“Do you think we should tell ghost stories around the campfire?”

"Ah, maybe? I don't want to scare the younger ones though.."

“Are we there yet?”

"Almost! Don't worry."

Someone please help.
Iris Arani Iris Arani Amazin Sky Mejalie Sato-Viren

Camping? oh, how had he been so excited for this.

Walking through the dense forests of Kashyyyk was a fascinating experience, one that allowed him to ease his mind of trouble and let it wildly wonder as it should. He absolutely adored the outdoors, nothing could beat a long trek in the middle of a green jungle. Although, some of his fellow padawans around him thought differently about the whole ordeal.

"I know a few ghost stories from my homeworld I can tell, but like miss Arani said I'd rather not needlessly scare those who wish not to hear it ones of our pack," he said with a brief look to Iris. He'd let them decide their fate in the end, would they want a calm night under the stars or an evening of nightmares? the choice was theirs.

"Don't fear, I doubt we are that far away now." he reassured the restless child, before rolling up his sleeves and readjusting the heavy pack on his back.

Deep down, he secretly hoped there were still many miles to walk and take in the atmosphere of the luscious green planet. But unfortunately, all good things must come to an end.
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Camping... Kyle had not been camping in a long time, and the chance to camp in the forests of Kashyyyk was not going to be something he was going to miss. There had been a lot the teen had to do in order to arrange his schedule enough to actually be able to fit it in, but the extra work was going to be well worth it. He just knew it.

Kyle drew in a slow breath as he double checked his gear before loading up with the rest of the group. He wanted to be ready for anything they would face on the trip, and yet they could only pack so much gear. It was the ultimate test of outdoorsmanship, and the fact a certain padawan would be there for company had him excited.

How Millu Lee Millu Lee had convinced her master to let her go on the campout would be a mystery. Every time Millu and Kyle went anywhere, trouble seemed to follow them. He hope that would not be the case this time. The truth was he liked the girl, a lot, and the trip could mean more time with her in the future, or less. Which ever of those options his future held would be determined by the trip... it needed to go well.

Amazin Sky

Amazin was treking along behind Iris, listening while the group debated ghost stories. Some people got scared easily but Amazin was not one to lose her composure. That is until she noticed the cute boy in their group and stumbled over a tree root because her eyes weren't on the path. Naturally she went flying and landed on her backside. What a way to make an impression on the other padawans!

She sighed and got to her feet, trying to act like her face wasnt as red as a Naboo pear fruit. She started collecting the gear she had dropped and noticed her pants were ripped at the knee and she had a scrape that was bleeding. Just fantastic. She was the first to need medical attention.

Ruddy brilliant.
Tag: Amazin Sky | Mejalie Sato-Viren | Iris Arani Iris Arani | Silas Westgard Silas Westgard | Kyle Torchwood Kyle Torchwood

It has been years, many, many years since Dreidi had been on Kashyyyk. She couldn't even remember the day she had left Kashyyyk and the SJC homeworld, she just remembered that she needed to get to her Master and away from the Order where her father died. Being back on Kashyyyk was weird but she was travelling around and curious to see how things have progressed on the planet she was born on. Dreidi had braided her long blonde hair, loose long braid as she stretched as she looked around the planet, she hadn't been on Kashyyyk long but she heard there was a camping trip going that sounded like it could be some fun and it gave Dreidi a chance to hang out with her peers. She hadn't really been around others more similar to her age so she was a little nervous.

Walking behind the group, she was listening to the conversation, tilting her head. Training as a Nightsister, there were stories that were creepy and definitely could scary though there was historic truth to a lot of them as well. Hell, even just speaking an incantation could creep some people out. She just flexed her fingers slowly and allowed her green Magick flow through her fingers and around her arm. Just practicing to use her Magick without having to say a word. It was hard and involved a lot of concentration so she almost missed the other Padawan who tripped and fell over. Offering a hand to them, Dreidi offered a warm smile best she could.

"Dreidi Xeraic, ghost stories are pretty cool."

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