Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private A little light

Mathilde had never quite felt like dead weight before, in no small part thanks to the gentle parentage of Bohemond and Victoria - but now, more than ever, she felt... inadequate. One day, neither her parents nor her Jedi friend could protect her, she knew that much ever since she had dreamed of it. The poor dreamweaver would only drag them down into the thicket with her.

Corazona was right, of course. They were not children anymore, and so the innocence they had about them was gone. Taken from them, and harshly so in the case of her friend. And yet, here she was, still, taking the time to visit her, to ensure that she was well. To offer help, should she ever require such.

The grovetender intertwined her fingers with her friend's own and squeezed her hand, comforted by the feeling of someone being near. Someone caring enough to be at her side. Oh, but how her many suitors would burn with jealousy! Not that she even understood they sought her affection (or, for some, nothing more than a crumb of attention) in the first place, but that was beside the point.

Watching with wonder etched all over her features as the blonde made a small rock levitate with naught but her control over the great fabric of dreams. And, as it landed gracefully onto her knee, she looked... more than a little hesitant. Slowly, carefully, she reached out with her free hand, squeezed her friend's, and tried to mimic her gesture, pouring all of her attention onto the stone sitting on her knee-

And let out a little yelp as it all but shot up in the air, landing close by.

Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania

Seeing Mathilde's hesitance, Cora was prepared to offer support, even comfort if she found the task difficult. An encouraging smile accompanied the return squeeze of her hand.


Up and down the stone went, as if it had been sitting beneath a fountain's geyser. Blue eyes went impossibly wide, startled. She hadn't expected that!

It confirmed what she'd been suspicious of; that Mathilde was indeed Force sensitive.

"Such innate talent!" She laughed warmly, pleased.

Somewhere, deep down in her gut, a seed of dread twisted into germination. Mathilde's inherent power in the Force was great, but without control, she feared that her friend could be exploited - or give in to a powerful emotion and cause something intense. She'd seen it happen before, in those who'd been unaware of their abilities.

But now Mathilde knew. And she was the kindest, most genuinely compassionate person Cora had ever met. Still, no one was infallible despite their best intentions.

"If it suits you, I'd like you to practice lifting the stone slowly, gently." She reached for the rock, holding it out in her palm. "You don't have to now, of course. But I think it'll help."

The blonde chewed at her bottom lip in thought.

"If there was to be a Jedi temple on Ukatis, would you be more inclined to attend lessons?"

Mathilde Leyweald Mathilde Leyweald
Poor Mathilde looked a touch startle at the sudden jolt made by the stone, to be sure, and yet... there was an air of fascination on her features. Innocent and sweet as ever, wholly empty of the lust for power one might imagine in an individual suddenly aware of their "blessing". And she could think of no better company to share such a moment with than her oldest friend, ever-patient and kind. Someone who was, although taken aback by her unique quirks, ultimately respectful of her as an individual, and clearly fond of the brunette. Although the years made their friendship a little more tenuous, the innocent dreamweaver felt a wave of comfort as she realized that their bond held true.

It took her a little moment to realize what Cora had asked of her, her gaze refocusing on the stone after a delay. Evidently, Mathilde's nature as a dreamer with a habit of losing focus on any one task would prove... challenging, to be sure. There was no need for words on her part: when her friend told her that she thought practicing would help, then she put her trust in her and did as she asked, ever confident in Corazona's wisdom. With clear effort on her part, and not a little trepidation, she watched as the stone slowly lifted from the blonde's palm, levitating in the air, and yet... it kept on rising and falling slightly, her hold clearly difficult. Before long, it fell back down into Cora's palm as her friend hugged her legs close, deep in thought, and still a little vulnerable.

"If you think that would be wise, then I would give it my most earnest attempt", came her words of agreement at last. "I can persuade my parents to let me attend, so long as I am able to see them still. But... you and I both know that some among the nobility will see it as the Jedi meddling in their affairs." Ah, ever the perceptive soul. Not quite resistant to change, but worried of its implications, still.

Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania

Silence passed between them like a gentle breeze. It was easy to be this way around Mathilde – unhurried, letting time take its own path. She sometimes felt this way when taking to the countryside or traveling through the woods on horseback with no set destination in mind.

The days where Cora could explore freely were long gone. Now, she worried about time quite a lot.

Blue eyes passively followed the stone as it shuddered in the air and hovered above her palm. She smiled, genuine and distant at the same time. Yes, Mathilde would be alright.

"It's still a long way off, if it ever were to happen."

With both hands placed in the grass behind her, Cora leaned back. "Court seers here just aren't the same. They're trained to understand their visions, but they're not really afforded a comprehensive education in the Force." She sighed. "And even then, only members of nobility or those of suitable standing are allowed to train as one."

Her nose wrinkled as the words left her mouth like bitter tea.

"But…I am glad to hear you say that." A slow smiled worked its way across her face, the expression a bit strained by all of the work there would be to do in order to establish a proper Jedi temple on Ukatis. "You've always been a true friend, Mathilde. Maybe someday, girls like us can change this place for the better."

Mathilde Leyweald Mathilde Leyweald
Whenever she found herself faced with injustice, Mathilde looked back to her first time running home to her parents after being relentlessly bullied by the more... conventional girls. She remembered wrapping her arms around her mother, pushing those tear-stained cheeks of hers against her garments as she sobbed, and told her just how unfair it all was. And, after the gentle dreamer had been soothed by Victoria's touch, the secretive noblewoman shared a bitter truth with her child.

It is the way of the world, little sapling.

Mathilde loved her parents dearly, but as she grew up into a rigid society and found herself saved from its predations only by their exception care, she grew... more and more conflicted when it came to her family's tendency to fear change. It was a trait she shared with them, of course, content as she was to remain within the boundaries of Artois, unperturbed by what went on in the rest of Ukatis, much less the galaxy at large... but they could not hide forever. The Mandalorians had only struck Axilla, but the next enemy might just strike the countryside as well! And, safe and protected as she was from her homeworld's ideas on the place of women... her dearest friend had not been so fortunate.

"It's not fair", spoke the dreamweaver softly in the wake of her friend's assessment of Ukatis' idea of educating dreamers like themselves, her voice so very sad, as if the mere statement was enough to evoke something she had been thinking on for... quite some time, now. "But I think it can change, thanks to people like... like us", she continued, a certain pause preceding that last part. Even now, it was difficult for the sweet grovetender to acknowledge her own worth.

This was hardly the first time Corazona had called her a true friend, and yet... Mathilde found herself misty-eyed, all the same. Now, more than ever, she was determined to make a difference. For the people of Ukatis, for all those dreamers in need of gentle arms wrapped around their souls to grant them a restful slumber, and most of all, for her dearest friend of all, radiant and true. A valorous knight.

"You seem tired, Coco. Please, would you... stay, if only for a night? There is little I can offer to help in your endeavors, but what I can offer you is some measure of privacy, a touch of comfort, a fortifying meal... and a deep, rejuvenating slumber."

Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania

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