Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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LFG A Mandalorian visit(GA edition)

Hey gang I decided to throw in my Mando to visit the Galactic Alliance following the Battle of Ilum. I came up with a reason ic-wise with her being assigned by the Enclave for the time being as a (low rank)military attaché to the Alliance to observe and assist the Enclave's allies(combat or otherwise) and promote their people's cause(mostly by example since she's not a politician lol).

Of course at the same time she will do her own stuff as well. Specifically check out Coruscant and see what the fuss is about it since she has never been there.

OOC-wise I'm looking to roleplay stories where my Mando in various incidents hang out with GA(military or civilian) and Jedi and get to know some of them. The possibilities can range from hanging out at a cantina, a sparring session, teaming up against local threats, touring some parts of the city planet or getting caught in misadventures and mysteries.

But if anyone has alternative ideas like a story taking place somewhere else instead of Coruscant we can figure it out together.

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