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Approved Tech "Aegis" Powered Combat Armor, Mk IV

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  • Classification: Powered Combat Armor
  • Weight: Heavy
  • Resistances:
    • Energy - Very High
    • Kinetic - Very High
    • Lightsabers - High
    • EMP/Ion - Very High
    • Acid / Corrosive- Average
    • Radiation - Average
    • Elemental Extremes - High
    • Sonic - High
    • Biological - Low
    • Chemical - Low
    • Magnetic - Very Low
  • Built to Last: One of the longest-running creations in Samuel's arsenal asides from his sidearm, refined over a significant portion of his life thus far, the Aegis is designed to be constantly evolving with the competition. Nearly any part of it can be tweaked or adjusted, and it can connect with a wide variety of technology, underlays, equipment, and more. This is vastly helpful for being prepared for different scenarios or assignments.
  • Technologically Advanced: Compared to most armors, the "Aegis" has many built-in systems that further bolster its capabilities along with exotic or heavily modified pieces of equipment. Many of which are interconnected with each other to maximize a user's control over the armor.
  • Battle Buddy: A hallmark of the armor is that many of its systems are designed to link to a personalized Droid Brain that has been with him for a majority of his career to a defense system. In combat, it is able to take the liberty of streamlining his fighting and utilize the systems and sensors of the armor to mitigate what damage it can. This can include activating a shield in reflex, or making movement adjustments with Repulsorlift Generators- though it can't do anything extreme. It can even take control of certain weapon systems and fire upon designated targets while the user's focus is elsewhere. Given droids usually have a better reaction time and situational awareness (with sensors) than he does, this gives him a bit more of an even footing against enemies that have capabilities beyond 'normal'.
  • Amplification: Being a powersuit, its systems are designed to augment the wearer's combat capabilities in areas of strength and agility. It does this through small, but powerful servomotors and gyroscopic stabilizers distributed throughout the armor that work in tandem with body movements and any other augmenting materials (such as Reactive Muscle Fibers) from underlays. Should EMP/Ion interfere with the suit, these servomotors are designed with EM shielding and failsafes to avoid harm from malfunctions. It also gives him the edge with reaction time through the many sensors and Droid assistance.
  • Armor Versatility: Unlike previous versions, the armor is both durable and flexible. Able to fend off a wide range of threats, and fare not-too-terribly against others, it provides an outstanding layer of defense (though not as large as bulkier and more robust versions) while still being able to have great mobility in combat, even whilst unpowered. It also has a Reflec coating, guarding against most scanners and the like that would otherwise seek out important component locations or un-obvious weakpoints within the armor. Its many systems also protect against a variety of environmental threats, ranging from harsh deserts to frigid arctics.
  • Down to Size: Given there is less bulker plating for optimized mobility, there exists chinks in the armor that have less defenses compared to other areas.
  • Biochemical Hazard: In its current state, it is able to fend off conventional gases (such as Stun Gas, Dioxis, Etc) that attempt to attack those behind the armor to a limited degree. However, it may struggle against unconventional chemicals and biohazards that targets the plating in an unforeseen way.
  • Overexertion: Though the armor boasts a large lifetime, prolonged, close fights where damage is being sustained in most capacities will see the armor strain to keep up as time drags on. For example, it may struggle against prolonged exposure to potent heat or cold, and damage could weaken other systems depending on its magnitude. It's designed foremost with a shock-troop mentality in mind, for swift maneuvers and skirmishes.
  • EMP/Ion: The armor has a multitude of protections against EMP and Ion weaponry, but with sustained assault it could affect the armor to great detriment, given that much of its utility and combat functionality depend on whether or not its working properly.
  • We're Jammed, Sir!: The situational awareness and perceptive capabilities of the user can be dampened by targeted sensor jamming attempts, since the sensor suite gives a distinct tactical advantage in a fight that is often heavily relied upon for hectic scenarios. Given some of the Droid Brain's reflexive capabilities rely on the utilization of the armor's sensors, this can affect its performance as well.
  • Power-intensive: A power armor needs power. If the power-source fails for whatever reason, it will cause the power-armor to lose much of its capabilities.
  • Stealth: Though it is equipped with adaptive camoflage to better hide itself and countermeasures against detection, this suit is meant for active battlefields and fights. It lacks any significant specialization in stealth.

In the years of his Bounty Hunting career, when he still went by the name of ‘Samuel Gorian,’ ‘Gorian’ for short within the Bounty Hunting Community, his armor was his most important, and prized possession. This armor was created and modified countless times by none other than himself, this being the fourth version of it. Each iteration represented something of a different chapter of his life, modified accordingly to his current needs (and the subtle shift of values over time). Initially, it started out rather basic - using components one could mostly buy off the market, haphazardly combining what he could. Many of his designs and combat tactics were borrowed from Mandalorians, for he considered them among the greatest caliber of Bounty Hunters at the time. This armor is no different.

The Armor’s Story. (Lore)
The first iteration might’ve been considered a bit shoddy by more experienced craftsmen - it was slim and bulky at the same time, adorned with white and deep scarlet markings across the chestplate. The man knew a bit about Mandalorian Color coding, and considering his work a bit of an ‘art’ as well as a hobby, he incorporated such into the armor. Outward appearance made it appear somewhat ‘clunky’, in fact - for the plates sometimes had odd angles or did not altogether fit right due to Samuel’s inexperience. Regardless, the armor he made was effective in hunting bounties (at least the first handful), though he soon found himself up against tougher prey as he came under the employ of a Cartel.

The second iteration was the one with the longest lifetime, though it had to be a completely new frame. The scarlet of his armor was gone, instead replaced by a black and white-chrome armor consisting primarily of Duraplast. It was far more true to the form of a ‘Power Armor’ than the first, as it was far taller and bulkier than him, boosting his height by a few feet, and increasing his strength from the powerful hydraulics within it. The aforementioned ‘tougher prey’ included many Force Sensitives, and as such was taught by more experienced Guild Members of the tricks they used, and picked up many more in his numerous encounters with these foes. As such, a breathing apparatus that took much space was built into the armor, though it served the purpose of nullifying the effect of Force Chokes. It contained more systems of his implementation - Equilibrium Stabilizers and Shock Absorbers were some to name. Many people who met him whilst he was wearing the armor (which was practically the only thing he ever wore out during that period of his life) believed him to be a Gen’dai or some other similar creature. This was the intention - for at the time, he was an intimidating enforcer of this Cartel he had been employed under, and a fearsome Bounty Hunter within the Guild of the area. He made no effort to hide his armament that adorned the armor, for it was complete with particularly large ‘Mandalorian-Style’ gauntlets, and a rather inaccurate shoulder-cannon (For he was still learning more about electronics as he went). It made him the equivalent of a walking armory for a time, with the armor going under the name of “Ares, Mk II.”

Something odd happened during the time between the second and the next iteration, and it became noticeable that the man’s designs differed from thereon. The third iteration used the frame of the first iteration, giving it modifications of the second. The plates that were misshapen or at odd angles were re-fit, re-shaped, and placed back on proper (to the relief of the joints of the frame, which often ground together harshly and strained the whole thing). By then he was obtaining a far better idea of his craft, and with a less clear direction for his path, the third iteration was far more form-fitting than the last. Its technology was a bit more refined and custom-tailored to Samuel’s experiences and preferences, boasting a proper system suite within its helmet and armor and causing the visor to glower with a cyan light. He started to take creative liberties with the armor, adding a large cloak that obscured much of the tall armor and its armaments. Its colors remained White and Black, though he perceived such colors in far different perspectives than he did the second iteration. This iteration was also far more modular than the second, allowing him to swap out components of the gauntlets, or ammunition types between jobs to best fit the need. Much of the modified and experimental technology he uses saw their first test runs in this suit. A droid brain was implemented into the system to aid him, though it was not optimized. Though, he became far more selective with what bounties he pursued from thereon, and opted more for bodyguard work for the Cartel (as the armor was still rather intimidating, and even more-so as effective).

The fourth and final iteration (for the moment) of the armor saw a return to the sleek design of the first, mixing the principles taken from the second and third. It still used the frame of the first and third iteration, though that necessitated a large overhaul in its components and a redesign from the ground-up. It is a culmination of what he has learned thus far, about technology, armor, and a bit about himself over the course of his career. The White color still remained, having been present for each iteration, but the secondary color of Black had been swapped for a brilliant Red. While Mandalorian Culture had begun to be fouled in his mind, he still much enjoyed the customs of the armor colors. It contained the most electronics out of all of the three, and much of the designs from the previous version (hence requiring more EM-shielding material). Even still, it was designed to have components shifted around and retrofitted, and it held a large degree of connectivity with other things, such as weapons, bodygloves, and more tech of course. One bodyglove in particular was designed to go with the armor, providing a foundation for it to build upon as time went. By then Samuel had become wise to the element of surprise, and of being the first to make a move in a fight. As such, the materials he used aided in blocking out scanners trying to find the locations of sensitive pieces of equipment, or gleam weak-points in his armor. He maintained the cloak, though it was downsized and woven with better materials.

Unlike the second and third iteration, which were mostly designed for intimidation and strength, the fourth iteration was designed for its versatility to handle a wide range of scenarios. It had a far more form-fitting, flexible design to the detriment of pure defensive capability against Energy and Kinetic weapons compared to previous armors. This gave the armor more maneuverability, and cleared space that was being taken up by excessive plating. This space made way for more complex systems that Samuel implemented into his armor - an endeavor that he continues to modify and improve upon to this day, though he doesn’t wear the armor as much now. The armor boasts an extensive suite of sensors compared to previous versions, and allows for the ability to connect a Neural Link between the systems and the user. Technologies such as a personalized Droid Brain Defense System were incorporated often because of this, further streamlining efficiency of the wearer on the battlefield. It was also designed to integrate seamlessly with a personal shield generator (being Samuel’s way of making up for the lost defensive capabilities of the plating), which would serve to highlight his role in the waning years of his career as a bodyguard. This change was further signified from the change of name from “Ares” to “Aegis.”

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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Samuel Exel Samuel Exel

Very nicely made and extremely detailed sub! One things, your ratings are underpowered (-1), if you want, you can edit. And the first weakness is not a weakness, because you mentioned "Samuel, however, already has been through this process." And instead of this, I recommend to add one more PvP relevant weakness. Most of them are PvE only.
Samuel Exel Samuel Exel

Very nicely made and extremely detailed sub! One things, your ratings are underpowered (-1), if you want, you can edit. And the first weakness is not a weakness, because you mentioned "Samuel, however, already has been through this process." And instead of this, I recommend to add one more PvP relevant weakness. Most of them are PvE only.

Thank you! Bumped up EMP/Ion to 'Very High' since the suit has all those built-in things. Added 'Overexertion' weakness to try to give a reasonable, non-niche weakness for PvP!
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