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Dominion Bacta the Future [Galactic Alliance Dominion of Thyferra Hex]

A Frightening Reality


Bacta the Future
The breakout success as a result of the Southern Interplantary Linkages Act, Thyferra has been flourishing despite the Alliance’s heavy use of cheaper synthetic alternatives and the ever-present competition from its Core world rival Protobranch. Either due to fear of the ever-present threat of the Maw or the potential business opportunity with the Alliance the two main bacta-producing corporations, Zaltin and Xucphra, also called the Bacta Barons, have lobbied the world leaders of the Jaso Sector to join the Alliance.

By contrast, the nearby system of Tauber has seen little in terms of re-development. With most of its local industry dedicated to research rather than producing a product, the system has only seen its own debt to the Bacta Barons as well as foreign entities such as the Trade Federation skyrocket as they struggle to deal with the loss of government funding from the former Confederacy of Independent systems. The EMPIRE sees an opportunity in Tauber’s time of need and Imperial agents convince extremist groups within the government to begin raiding crucial Thyferran bacta shipments. Led by a COMPNOR fighter wing, attacks on Thyferran shipments and bacta-producing facilities increase causing chaos in the Crimson Lance’s supply chain.

Back on Coruscant politics never change. Perhaps poorly timed, the Alderaanian Senator has brought forth their predecessor’s final proposal. A medical fleet dedicated to providing humanitarian aid to worlds affected by the Maw’s war of terror and to better care for the Alliance’s wounded heroes. On the opposite end of the political spectrum, the senator of Atrisia has a core-centric proposal to encourage trade by providing tax breaks to certain worlds and corporations. Both Alderaan and Atrisia seem to be courting the new world of Thyferra.


Objective 1: The Bacta War

A small detachment of the 5th Fleet has been rerouted to patrol the Rimma Trade Route in order to protect Thyferran and Alliance interests in the bacta trade. Unbeknownst to the brave pilots of the Alliance, the deadly COMPNOR pilots have set a trap at one of Thyferra’s transfer stations. Defend the Bacta at all costs!


Objective 2: Two for One

The senate has been backed up recently due to the war, election, and recent terrorist attack on Chandrilla. For the evening session, the Vice-Chancellor has brought two proposals to be voted on. The first is from the Alderaanian delegation and the second from the Atrisian.


Objective 3: Jedi Diplomacy

The Bacta War has been extremely disruptive to Alliance trade along the Rimma Trade Route. Not only have lifesaving bacta shipments been lost, but other vital shipments of material and luxury goods have been destroyed throwing the local economy of the Jaso Sector out of balance. A delegation of Jedi - one to Thyferra and one to Tauber hope to resolve these issues as Thyferra begins to arm themselves.


Thyferra is a populous agri-world and Tauber is a haven of medical research and technology. Explore our new worlds and explore your own stories.



Bacta the Future

Location: Transfer Station XU-81, Thyferra, Inner Rim
Objective: The Bacta War
Equipment: X-Wing Starfighter
Callsign: Revenant Six

Kelly T. Perris | Addison Porte Addison Porte | Kaul "Joker" Emos Kaul "Joker" Emos | Shar Sieu Shar Sieu | Qellene Tyliame Qellene Tyliame


How could he have been so karking blind. Dagger-shaped wings a blur as it juked and jinked away from him, Mylo let off some potshots on single cannon mode, baiting the TIE Interceptor into a hard bank to port. While traps and ambushes were common, especially in the climate that currently permeated the galaxy, what really peeved him off was how preventable this one was. Number scrolled down his rangefinder and he got closer and closer, making a sharp turn to follow the banking manuever. Perhaps he could already see what might happen, and just ever so slightly, he noticed the fighter try and make a steep climb. It was a good move. An interesting move. A quick move. But not quick enough. He hit the trigger, sending a burst of fire straight through the eyeball cockpit, and slicing straight through the middle of the inferno.

It really was a wonder how much planning it might've took to really surprise them like that. Most of the transfer stations on the Rimma Trade Route had reported similar raids by COMPNOR fighter wings. The same ones he might add. He had requested the mission reports of the previous raids, and spent all night pouring over them like a tireless detective on the hunt for an elusive adversary. Compiling the files and presenting them in a dossier to Commander Chaar, who didn't seem happy to be woken up at that time of the night, they had gone through them along with a few other sleep-walking members of Revenant Squadron and concluded that it was the same unit that was attacking the bacta shipments. That had been a small victory, but a practically insignificant one after they had been exposed like this.

<"Revenant Squadron! We're under heavy fire.">

<"Transfer Station, this is Revevant Six, hang in there."> He answered through the com, hoping his words of encouragement weren't in vain. Right now, they didn't seem to hold much weight.

He knew that the small wing-sized units that had been deployed to conduct these attacks were purely hit 'n run, nothing even remotely task-force sized. So what was the game here? It wasn't like they hadn't known they were coming and bringing some serious firepower. Surely there was meant to be more of them? His pondered was paused suddenly, by pings from his sensor screen that alerted him to two Interceptors coming round from the south side of the station. Mylo was feeling a little bit.. curious today. This was the first time he had been put into such a bout with these forces, having sat out a previous one due to the patrol rota. He wanted to know how they flew. It was like they always. Know thy enemy, know thyself. And right now, he was about to do a lot of knowing as the two Interceptors or "squints" grew closer and closer, ready and wiling to vape him at any moment.

<"Two marks, hot on my tail.">

A Frightening Reality

Captain Smirnov watched from the bridge of the false cargo transport his wing had called home for weeks. With a cargo compartment modified with TIE racks and lined in hibridium it had been an easy thing to come into striking range of the transfer station and disgorge its massive cargo bay full of TIE fighters. This was a new strategy. Typically they had simply attacked in Kuat Galactic Fighters or SoroSuub StarVipers and run while the Tauber raiders snatched the bacta and ran. Today, however...Today was to be a big score for the Empire against the Alliance. And they wanted them to know who it was that beat them.

"Deploy weapons!" he shouted. The exterior of the vessel rumbled as break-away plates freed themselves from the hull revealing a ship bristling with laser cannons, ion cannons, and turbolasers. It wasn't a Star Destroyer, but it would hold its own against the local patrol craft and maybe even an Alliance frigate. The real attack would be coming soon enough. He smirked. Today the 219th would spell the end for the brave pilots of Revenant Squadron and deal a blow to the hopped up officers of the Crimson Lance.

For the EMPIRE.



Transfer Station XU, Thyferra, Inner Rim
Objective: The Bacta War
Equipment: X-wing
Callsign: Revenant Eight

Mylo Thorne Mylo Thorne | Qellene Tyliame Qellene Tyliame | Kaul "Joker" Emos Kaul "Joker" Emos | Shar Sieu Shar Sieu | Kelly T. Perris


<"Two marks, hot on my tail.">

<"Six, copy that. Eight on the way."> Addy responded quickly to her squadmate's assist call.

Ratching the throttle up to full, Addison swooped the X-wing up on its port stabilizers, then corkscrewed down through a roll that brought her out on the rear Interceptor of the pair on Revenant Six's tail. She linked her offside lasers so they'd fire two at a time and triggered a burst that burned armor from the Interceptor's bent wing arrays but failed to destroy it.


The squint drifted to the left hurt but not down, then it came up in a roll that brought it around and over the rookie pilot's line of flight. Addison knew if the Imp pilot continued to roll, she'd overshoot and he'd end up on her tail! The Taanabian pushed the stick to the left, making a wide turn to port that opened the distance from the Interceptor, but still, let the Imperial fighter slip in behind.

Easy, easy. Trust in the Force and your training...

Keeping one eye on the rangefinder, Revenant Eight kept her snubfighter on the long loop. "Come on, come on. You know you want me," she muttered out loud. A warble came from her astromech droid. "Yes, Gizmo. I know what I'm doing." Feeling a little more confident, she shrugged. "At least I think I do." Another warble came from her R2 unit. He wasn't buying any of it, but not that there was any choice at the moment. There was only hope.

The Interceptor pilot came up fast and flew in a straight line to get quickly to the same point in space where Addison could get slowly with her great loop. Seeing her prey close in fast, she centered and hauled back on her stick, tightening the turn considerably and jamming her body down into the pilot's couch.

The X-wing shot across the TIE's line of flight. Yanking the stick to starboard, Eight rolled her fighter 180 degrees and pulled the stick back to her chest, bringing the T-85's nose up in another turn that reversed her previous course. Leveling out the snubfighter, she sailed in right on the Interceptor's tail and allowed him to overshoot. With a nudge in the Force, she let loose another burst of laser fire. The Imp fighter exploded into a fireball that the rookie flew through feeling rather accomplished after all that effort.

<"Make that one squint down!">

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Be careful what you wish for.

“The only person who is going to give you security and the life you want is you.” - Unknown

OBJECTIVE 1 “The Bacta War”
FLYING: Jedi Starfighter

Wanting to give his new starfighter a “shakedown”, Caltin was going to jump in and fly down to the planet to assist with the talks. He was no diplomat, but he could assist. However the Transfer Station XU-81 was a “soup” as Liram Angellus Liram Angellus would call it. There were TIEs everywhere and Alliance fighters were caught up in a fight for their lives. No, he was needed here. The massive Jedi Master was not an expert pilot when it came to starfighters (up until he designed the type he was in, he couldn’t fit in them…) but he was aggressive behind the stick and a good shot.

Hang on 33… we’re going to have some fun.

Pitching the stick into a dive, Vanagor had caught eyes on two Interceptors coming up behind an X-wing. This would not do. The TIE variants were incredibly agile and normally more than a match for this model starfighter, but imbuing the Force into the controls not only help with the ship but made his sight that much easier. Lining up for a shot and arming the long range cannons…

I got good tone… I got good tone… I got tone!

The cannon shots were inefficient and made him want to create a newer model fighter just to use more efficient defenses and weapons. However they were right on target, hitting the left solar panel of the TIE to the right. The blast sent the starfighter spiraling into its wingmate destroying both.

Slipping to the Alliance Pilots left, Caltin waved, and put on his headset. They would obviously need to communicate. He was not here to lead anything, he was a "wingman".

TAG: Kelly T. Perris | Addison Porte | Kaul "Joker" Emos | Shar Sieu | Qellene Tyliame


"Vanguard" (Secondary - Long Handle)

"CONSERVATOR" (Primary - Long Handle)
HK-88 Robes, Battle Armor,Toraynor-Henkan(mind crystal added) Advanced Jedi Utility Belt
Starship: Spectre, (Jedi Interceptor in the hangar, Dilorian, and Bike both in the cargo bay, the late Karki Eusith's Armor, Shield, Temple Guard Lightsaber mounted on the wall)
Sanctuary Island


There was nothing more Jedi than trying to stop a fight before it happened. In Iris's opinion anyway. Within the shuttle she was piloting, her oddly colored eyes scanning the report. They were in a shipment shuttle. To Tauber. For Tauber. By Tauber. Report said the Empire was busy raiding Thyferra on behalf of the scientists on Tauber. Oppressed by tax sanctions and the theft of their very research. Who wouldn't be angry?

So yeah, Iris was here to try and convince them to stop. The more they used the Empire, the easier it'd be for them to take the region. Become the abusers. Who better to talk to them than some Jedi?

She cast a glance to the pair coming with her. Neither of which she knew. Lyann Nadnia and Calix of Thyrsus. Well, they'd do fine, right? That's why they were assigned with her, right? Iris was good at reading the general mood of people with all the colors, so they had to be better at dealing with people. They were a team! She'd just have faith in the team.

"You guys ready? We'll be landing soon."

Calix of Thyrsus


"You guys ready? We'll be landing soon."

The Thyrsian was juggling a set of datapads, his expression pained as his brain seemed ready for smoke to start coming out of his ears as he tried to absorb everything in the mission brief.

To start with, he felt a lot of pressure even having been selected to accompany these other padawans on this mission. At thirteen, Calix was usually the youngest padawan in any grouping at the Coruscant temple. He did not want to burden either of these companions with babysitting.

...but reading was not his strong suit. Well, he could read fine. Reading comprehension for him. That took time. And effort.

And trying to wrap his brain around Inner Rim stellar cartography at the same time was not helpful.

This was the... Jaso Sector? And Tauber and Thyferra were adjacent systems. There were some raids. The Tauber were selling bacta believed to have been stolen from the Thyferrans. That was about as much as he'd managed to absorb.

"Uhhh," the Thyrsian murmured, his head swimming as he looked up from the mission dossier. Was he ready? Weren't the Jedi supposed to always be ready? Was this a genuine question? Or a test? "Sure?" the boy answered.

Yes, it came out as a question.

No, he wasn't certain.

He would much rather be fighting the raiders. That seemed more of a conflict he could wrap his brain around.

As well as his fist, small as it may be.

Objective two: Two for One
To listen to the vote on the Medical Fleet Bill

Tonight Faith was here as an observer dressed in formal robes of her office as Queen tonight would be the first night that Alicio Organa Alicio Organa would bring forth a bill that she had proposed in her time representing Alderaan to the Senate.

The offices which had once been hers were now Alicio's and she as a visiting dignitary had temporarily been given the office of a visiting Ambassador. Her staff ran about as usual, Becca grim faced as ever stood trying to make sure everyone ran where they were supposed to.

Faith stood by the window looking out. Since she left office, she had undertaken the course to build relationships with other worlds to support than, support Alderaan and to build Consulates to help refugees and Alderaani come home.

It was going well. She did miss all the activity but slowly she was filling her calendar.

Now though if this bill passed and a medical fleet established...what then?



ALIAS : ADAM VERSILI (Minus Medallion)

Thyferra. Perhaps one of the most valuable planets in the galaxy thanks to it's unique status as the only known source of Bacta. As such controlling this world would grant any major galactic government and instant monopoly over the galaxy's entire supply of bacta allowing it to cut the flow of Bacta towards antagonistic nations while maintaining the flow towards more friendlier nations. As such, when the galaxy's two main bacta-producing corporations, Zaltin and Xucphra, began lobbying for Thyferra's entry into the Alliance, the Empire, one of the Alliance's two major foes (The other being the Brotherhood of the Maw) was quick to react harassing Alliance Bacta Convoys with the assistance of extremists from the nearby world of Tauber. However the Empire was not the only group of interest to have their eyes on Thyferra, although they were the only hostile group.

While the Empire proceeded to raid Alliance Bacta Convoys in an attempt to disrupt the flow of Bacta, the
Intergalactic Shipping Collective saw an opportnity to expand it's presence across the Southern Systems by securing a partnership with the dominant Xucphra Corporation, for it's CEO Adam Versili sought gain exclusive rights to the transportation of all Bacta from Thyferra into the Alliance. While Xucphra was the one producing Bacta, controlling the flow of Bacta would strengthen the ISCs position in the Southern System and mark the beginning of their emergence as a major force in the corporate arena. As such in order to accomplish this ambitious goal, Adam Versili had headed to Thyferra in person in order to meet with the Ex-Confederate Viceroy Daegon Corvinus, who conveniently controlled the Xucphra Corporation, with the goal of securing such a contract.

Thus Adam's
Personal Superyatch emerged from hyperspace arriving at the side of the planet opposite to the one where fighting between the Galactic Alliance and the Empire had broken out. From the Superyatch, a single shuttle would emerge from it's small hangar headed for Thyferra. After descending through the Atmosphere, this shuttle would close in on the Heaven's Gate, the residence of Dagon Corvinus and his wife Seraphiba Corvinus, soon coming to rest on a private landing pod where both the residents and guests of the residence would simply be dropped off and picked up. As he stood behind the ramp of his shuttle, Versili silently hoped that his mission would go exactly as planned. If Corvinus agreed to his proposals that it would only advance the objectives of his superiors, then the stage would be set for future expansion across the Southern Systems, in which could bring unprecedented levels of growth and profits for the ISC. The Peices of the complex puzzle that was the Southern Systems of the Confederacy were being assembled and soon, the ISC would rise to become a force to be reckoned with.

Tags | Daegon Corvinus Daegon Corvinus | OPEN



Location: Transfer Station XU, Thyferra
Objective: Defeat ambush and destroy hostiles
REC-AS02 B-wing Heavy Assault Starfighter
Callsign: Revenant Four
ALLIES: Kelly T. Perris Addison Porte Addison Porte Kaul "Joker" Emos Kaul "Joker" Emos Qellene Tyliame Qellene Tyliame Mylo Thorne Mylo Thorne Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor

Orn'om Orn'om

Shar pushed hard on the stick as his B-Wing barreled through the TIE formation, heavy cannons spitting death, breaking up part of the formation. The B-Wing pilot muttered under his breath: a disguised carrier holding a hive of TIEs. So much for law and order, huh?

The raiders had been preying on trade routes and sowing fear for a while now; TIE wings striking from nowhere, crippling or destroying ships at random intervals and spots along the trade route. Shar was never a particularly big believer of the free in free market, but the actions of the Imps were really beginning to change his mind.

Shar frowned as he adjusted in his seat, working the controls to come around and begin another dive back towards the TIE formation. He disliked Imperials, but he especially hated the COMPNOR spooks and terror troops. To his mind, they were little better than the Sith oppressors of years past, and the memory of that accursed name in the first Empire never really left the minds of the Gossam of Castell, especially the social classes he came from. All the more reason he was surprised an Imperialist still, somehow, managed to retain Castell's senate seat.

No time to think about that. Shar closed in on a group of TIEs and fired; though power was pushed to engines, the firing of 4 heavy cannons and ion cannons was still enough to take out one of the Interceptors at this range. With the B-Wings flying as heavy escort, they had been stripped of most of their heavy warheads and replaced with lighter cannon and shield amplifiers to ward off enemy starfighters. Though it was a good idea, Shar was beginning to wish they had packed more heavy ordnance as he watched the disguised Imperial capital ship close with the convoy.

I still have some missiles and torpedoes. Can still deal enough damage.

Shar pulled on the controls as he broke from the TIEs, exiting the TIE formation and charging towards the capital ship. Its unusual, improvised profile made it hard to correctly identify weak spots, even with the help of his B-Wing's AI and profile databanks.

<"Revenant Four to fighters, I'm probing the enemy carrier."> If he could get close and fire probing shots, his ship's sensors could more properly profile the structure and defenses of the carrier.

Shar reassigned power to shields and loosed two concussion missiles into what appeared to be the bridge. The improvised carrier's point defenses lit up at the same time, lasers and kinetic slugs searing across his shields.

The pilot's focus tightened as he got close enough to fire with his laser cannons, raking the hull of the ship. The B-Wing's sensors began collecting data as the missiles detonated and the lasers splashed across its shields and hull.

Shar pulled on the controls, rotating the angle of the B-Wing's wings even as he skimmed close to the surface of the carrier. He took note of its additions and modifications:

<"Four, check your six!"> Shar spotted three TIEs on an intercept course and changed his vector, pulling away from the carrier.

<"Revenant Four to all available strike fighters, transmitting target data now. Suggest begin attack run now."> Shar's fingers flew across the console, broadcasting the data. The TIEs continued chasing as he changed direction, his rear-mounted lasers firing.

I really should regroup with other bombers now.


Location: Senate Hall, Coruscant
Objective: Participate in Democracy™


The terrorist attack in Chandrila had certainly been a shock, but nothing unfamiliar to the Senator. Forlan had been on the other end of a hit job a few too many times to not feel a certain cold acceptance. A part of him analysed the assassination as a work of craft: it was clean, efficient and escape had been effected. The other parts of him recoiled at the notion that was anything but monstrous.

Who am I to judge?

That notion has been weighing in his mind for a good while. If anyone has blood on their hands and disqualified from quailing from questionable means, Forlan would be near the top of the list. The SIA's new initiative, the recent assassination, even Gore's own politics.

Forlan looked up from the wall he'd been staring at to focus his attention elsewhere. The waiting rooms that led to the Senate seats were quite a sight to behold. Marvels of engineering that acted partially as an adjunct embassy and partially as offices, the Champalan room could be flooded on command to simulate the underwater cities of home, with retractable furniture, water resistant materials and other amenities. There was even an adjustable radiation-

"Senator, we can get going now," Ralfin popped his head into the doorway.

"So what do we have?" Forlan asked as he followed his aide to his platform, taking his seat and familiarising himself with the platform's controls.

"The Alderaan bill is prop- don't touch that button, sir."

Forlan leaned back into his seat, moving his hands away from the controls.

"I think I will leave you to handle that."

"That would be for the best, sir."
Thyferra, Objective 3
Tags: Open

"This is moronic," Pyf scolded. "You should've come ahead of the battle."

"It was short notice, okay?" Jasper retorted. "Look, I got a do a diplomacy. It was diplomacy, right? I should have read that call to action thingy better."

Jasper was in the sky above Thyferra, weaving through the ongoing space battle. He was determined to get to the surface of the planet and help in whatever way he could, even if he really knew little about diplomacy. If they needed extra hands down there, Jasper had to go. He wasn't going to debate it.

"We're gonna get shot down again," Pyf sighed.

"We aren't gonna get shot down," Jasper assured him. "I have the situation under control."

The ship rattled violently, the lights inside flickering for a brief moment. Suddenly, the Philosopher had gone into an unstable dive.

"Uh, can I take back what I said?" Jasper asked his friend.

"No," the droid responded sternly. "No you cannot."

Unfortunately, this was just another weekday for Jasper. He could not stop himself from getting shot down to save his life. He scrambled to stabilize the ship, quickly assessing the damage. The left engine was hit, but flickering on and off. If he could just get it on, maybe they could avoid another crash landing. Jasper scrambled to restabilize the vessel, the ground below rapidly coming into view. Before long, he was trying as hard as he could to pull the ship up.

"Come on..." He muttered to himself.

To his surprise, the Philosopher actually stabilized. Jasper wasted no time prepping the landing gear, well aware that they were coming in hot. The D5-Mantis went down, hitting the designated landing zone rather hard. It slid briefly, leaving skid marks and displaced rubble in it's wake. The ship had definitely sustained damage, but Jasper didn't care. They had landed without a hitch (ignoring everything else up until that point).

"See?" Jasper began with a grin. "We're fine. I told you I had it under control."

"You're gonna be the death of me," Pyf sighed.

"Come on," the duelist continued, ushering his droid friend to the hood of his shirt. "We have some diplomacy to do probably."

Jasper lowered the door of his vessel, stepping out to see where he was needed. Hopefully diplomacy wasn't as hard as they made it sound.

Location: Senate Building, Coruscant
Objective: The Democratic Process
Forlan Norsama Forlan Norsama , Faith Organa Faith Organa , OPEN

In the representative office for the Ollonir Boundaries, Senator Lero Sevot sat contemplatively in his seat. His office was decorated in rustic items. Namely, a large shelf with various books, holographic and not. The Lasat himself looked roughed up, changed from his time at the Chandrilan debate. He had been exposed to the gamma radiation given off by Fal Gore's....body, he presumed. A slight bald patch formed around his left eye and temple along with an eye patch.

Medics told him that the hair loss was temporary, and that his screenings for radiation related cancers have since come up negative so far. Yet, the exposure to the bright radioactive light may have caused lasting damage to his retinas in his left eye. He had been in the hospital as the elections went on, but her graciously abdicated from his campaign in support of Senator Auteme Denko-Durren, now Chancellor. He felt he owed her that much for saving his life.

"Alright, Arr-Nine." He spoke to his attendant protocol droid, "What's on today's docket?"

"Sir. The honorable senators of Alderaan and Atrisia have each submitted a proposal regarding matters they seem important to the Alliance." came the droid's posh voice, "Alderaan submits a medical fleet to provide huminitarian aide across war-stricken world in the Alliance. Atrisia submitted offer of tax breaks to certain worlds and corporations in the Core."

"Hmn." Lero gave a noise of vague response, "They're both trying to bait Thyferra. But, I know where I'm going to stand. Come, let's not let the Vice Chancellor wait."

He stood, grabbing a finely carved cane made of Endorian oak and ravinak ivory to assist his walking. Soon enough, he appeared in the Senate chambers, seated in his senatorial hoverpod as he looked over the proposals on a holopad.

Kohlhaase Gotthard



The Corulag Senatorial Office was designed in a simple way with a splash of blue and white upon the walls. Devoid of any personal items at this current time as a simple wooden desk and a few seats occupied the large space. Kohlhaase would gaze up at the various holographic figures in front of himself. Leaning on his simple wooden cane to provide support for his elderly body. "I can assure you, that the situation is going well within the senate." He said with some sense of confidence before being shut down completely. "Going well? You seem to have forgotten that a stronger alliance is counterproductive to everyone involved. How will you reimburse our investment." The voice on the other line was harsh and firm. "If you would just give me a little time to gather the resources, I'm sure your plan can still be salvaged." He tried to explain bringing up a report from his contact within less than savory circles. "Time? We've given you enough time already since your election all those years ago. I don't need to remind you what happens to those that fail us." They interjected and pointed towards the line of carbonate statues of former associates. "Failure is no longer an option, Senator Gotthard. Your life depends on it." They further added closing down the transmissions between his office and their location.

His appearance at the opening of the Jedi Temple assured people that he was nothing more than a senile fool to be taken advantage off and forgotten and he would double down on this facade during today's vote. He gazed over at his chief aide who was sitting within the corner of the room listening to their conversation. "Senator, it is almost time for the vote on the senator's proposals" Juun replied standing up and moving towards the center of the room.

"Very well then, Lets put on a good show for the representatives." Kohlhaase said with a crooked smile, standing up from his wooden desk and putting a device on his projector to purge the transmission recording of his conversation from possible investigation. He would already have in his mind to vote for the Senator of Alderaan's proposal since he was portraying himself as a concordist which disliked large megacorporation control which he foresaw that the Senator of Atrisia would do within her proposal.

He soon arrived within the Senate Chambers within his own pod and took his seat. His various aides stood by to give him advice on the vote moving forward but they were simply there to portray him as a not to mentally sound senator who counted on them and in turn could be manipulated into doing whatever.

Forlan Norsama Forlan Norsama
Faith Organa Faith Organa


Lyann Nadnia



We come today in hopes of peace and solidarity

Esteemed leaders and people of Tauber

Will you just listen and stop being the puppets of an authoritarian government you braindead tools

Didn't matter how many times she tried, the 'diplomacy' wasn't forthcoming. Too weak. Too simpering. Too... well, too angry. As much as she'd absolutely love to lecture a bunch of planetary leaders about their obviously terrible choices, Lyann had just enough self-reflection to realise that it'd be a bad idea. Even if she was so clearly right about everything that she said.

Scowling, she put her pad down as she ran her fingers through her hair, thinking a little bit more. Being sent on a major diplomacy mission for one of her first major tasks for the Order. Either someone had great faith in her abilities, or there were a few Masters in the Temple laughing at their little joke. Well, she'd just have to prove them wrong, wouldn't she? Fortunately, they'd sent her with two other padawans who seemed a little bit more experienced... even if one of them looked a bit of a pipsqueak.

"You guys ready? We'll be landing soon."

Lyann looked up and shrugged. "Ready as I'll ever be," she replied as she felt the shuttle pull down towards the planet. Sliding the datapad back into her bag, she took a moment to fix her appearance. Best make a good impression for the stuck-up, overpaid, brainless bi- the precious, sweet and exemplary ruling class of Tauber, of course.

She looked at the younger boy with them, the one with the worried look on his face. Gave him a short shrug.

"What's the worst that can happen, kid?"



The Mirror-class Star Yacht Rasselas touched down quietly next to Versili's own Mirage-class. A minute ticked by before the ramp lowered, allowing Caulder Dune and Luca Caldogne to disembark. The Galactic Alliance had come to Thyferra, which meant the flow of bacta would once again be a chief concern for the galaxy. The Commerce Guild would be among the flock of vultures circling the planet.​
Here they were now at Heaven's Gate: to kiss the ring of the planet's despot and see what money could be made. Caulder was loathe to miss a meeting of the senate, but alas, some things were just that important. The Guild would be transmitting its votes and issuing its statements by proxy.​
For now, though...​
"Oh, would you look at that," Caulder droned to his colleague, indicating the "superyacht", "Vanguard will be so happy to see their yachts side by side."​
Crowding the chateau's landing pad together, like hyenas fighting over a fresh kill.​

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Things had slowed down the last few months.

The Commerce Guild was operating like clockwork, refined, sharp and meticulous, but the trio of businessmen didn't meet so often anymore. Luca accepted this as a fact of life. In truth, part of him wondered if Caulder Dune Caulder Dune and Marcus Tritium were alive, until Dune called him about the Alliance's plans to expand to Thyferra and the opportunities to break open the wider galactic market for bacta.

It was a relief to know Caulder was still alive.

"Perhaps you'd like to take a picture." Luca responded dryly as he followed the gesture to the set of yachts next to one another. "You could send it to Vanguard's social media campaign and perhaps receive a commission."

Clearly joking.

Wasn't he?

"What do we know about this Corvinus character? Is he going to be a reasonable fellow to negotiate with or do we expect it to be an ordeal?"

Hopefully the former, but Luca was always prepared for the latter.



"I'm sorry, could you repeat that?"

Alicio's new aide, a young Chiss man in a smart black suit, pointed at a message on his datapad, displaying some amount of anxiety. "One of the first items on the agenda for the floor this week is slated to be proposed by you, Senator."

"What item?" Alicio stood up from behind his desk, suddenly very nervous. "We haven't submitted anything. I've barely moved into my office."

"It looks like a proposal from Queen Faith Organa Faith Organa . About a medical fleet."

The aide placed the datapad on Alicio's table, which he quickly palmed, and began flipping through. "Mmmm... Okay. Okay. Get me everything you can find about the project, Orso. And get Becca on the line." Ferdo'rs'owmowmu nodded, sharing some of his senator's panic, as they both began desperately making calls.

Faith, what did you leave me?



Alicio stood as tall as he could at the forefront of his pod. His black cape and dress attire was meticulously pressed. His notes were on the datapad in front of him, if he needed them. He and Orso had ran through every possible response. He even had Faith nearby, in case he needed to sidebar.

The Count had assumed his debut in the Senate would be a quiet affair. He'd listen to speeches, and vote for what would help the Alliance's people. He hadn't expected... this.

But, after a few sleepless nights, he was ready for it.

- Kohlhaase Gotthard - R-4ZR R-4ZR - Forlan Norsama Forlan Norsama - Faith Organa Faith Organa


The senator of Aphran sat quietly in his seat as he patiently awaited the proceedings. He had arrived quite early, giving himself time to settle in alongside his aides. Being a military man, there was always a necessity for promptness, even when not conducting warfare against the enemies of the Alliance. That promptness helped to keep one on their toes, and one step ahead of rivals. In some ways, politics was very much a battlefield. One needed to assess their potential allies and enemies, and find creative ways to move resources in an effort to achieve victory. Perhaps that was what made Reiner good at his job.

"Senator, here's the reports you requested."

One of Reiner's aides produced a datadisk, which the senator quickly placed into his personal holopad.

"Very good. I hope that your efforts were... unhindered."

"Quite successful, sir. It seems that no one was expecting you to take such an interest in the matter."

A sly grin produced itself upon his stone cold face.

"They never do. That is why we remain one step ahead. Keep up the good work. I'm sure we'll have need of your skills again in the near future."

Vincente was a good man, a loyal one too. Reiner had picked him up during the Third Imperial Civil War, the lone survivor of a Serennoan refugee ship in Sith Space. He had found a way to weasel himself into Sith Imperial society for a time, and had been feeding intel to Reiner throughout the war. Getting him citizenship in the Alliance was simple enough, Reiner simply had to pull the right strings. And having a former spy as an aide was particularly useful, as it opened up many doors that otherwise may have remained closed. Quite the productive resource upon the field of battle that is politics.


(OOC: A few hours before the battle.)

"It's about damn time it showed up!" Kaul chuckled rubbing his hands while the carrier Droid arrived with a large package in his metal arms.

<Kaul what is this?> R5 beeped rolling next to Kaul while he eagerly tore the brown wrapping paper around the package. Once again, Revenant Squadron had received the call to patrol Rimina Trade Route and Kaul was nowhere near ready. The slacker once again overslept snoring loudly in his room. It took R5 a 1,000-voltage shock from his prod just to wake Kaul up and even then, he was dragging his feet, reading the latest issue of Podracing Quarterly and spending over an hour deciding which white shirt he was going to wear.

Just another day in Kaul's lazy life.

"This is a stimulant!" Kaul whipped around showing R5 a large black jar. "Specifically, a nootropic: Bacto Blast! It's said that one drink from this bad boy can increase your cognitive abilities through altering your neurotransmitters in your brain. You can work up to 10 or 12 hours with this stuff. No more laziness from me! The Alliance got a war to win!"

<It's nice that you're trying to be a productive member I guess.> R5 whirred. <But the side effect of this nootropic is concerning. It says that a possible affect is that you will feel more..... wild.>

"Oh please!" Kaul said. "I'm ready to help my squad! I don't want Tren Chaar Tren Chaar to be chewing my ass again and again!"

<Perhaps you should develop a better work ethic rather than relying on a nootropic that uses your body like a battery that'll easily burn out?>

"Look at you R5!" Kaul snorted pouring some water into a glass while opening the Bacto Blast. "You whine when I slack off, and whine when I take the initiative to do something! Foolish, foolish R5!"

After stirring the powder, Kaul took a large gulp smirking at R5. <Kaul.....> R5 beeped. <How do you feel?>

(OOC: At the beginning of the battle.)


The Pilot accelerated alongside Shar Sieu Shar Sieu when he suggested to make an attack run on the carrier. "OH BOY! I SEE FIVE BOGIES!" Kaul said. "FIVE EYEBALLS IN FORMATION READY TO KILL US! BUT THEY HAVE NOT SEEN KAUL THE KILLA! KAUL THE MAN! THE HERO OF JEDHA BABY!"

<I apologize in advance Mylo Thorne Mylo Thorne > R5 whirred. <Revenant Five has taken a nootropic which has sent his cognitive abilities into overdrive not too similar to a narcotic.>

"I WILL FRACKING KILL THEM BABY!" Kaul said zipping towards the squadron targeting one in the middle. After a barrage of blaster fire, Kaul managed to down two of the five approaching Tie Fighters.


Addison Porte Addison Porte , Qellene Tyliame Qellene Tyliame , Kelly T. Perris, Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor , Orn'om Orn'om
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