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Private Balance Save Us All | [SO][DCN]

As Her Majesty High Queen Kelora Priestly prepared for the daunting negotiations with the Sith Order, a profound sense of responsibility weighed heavily upon her shoulders. Najarka, the first world to have succumbed to Sith control, served as the backdrop for the pivotal meeting. Amidst the palpable fear gripping her nation, Kelora understood the gravity of the situation—they lacked the military might to defy the Sith, and seeking aid from the Galactic Alliance remains a perilous endeavor. Alongside High Commissioner Vhondryl Gallaer and the chargé d'affaires ad interim Ivalyn Yvarro, she meticulously strategized the terms of submission to the Sith Order. Despite the heart-wrenching prospect of surrender, Kelora remained resolute in her determination to safeguard the Commonwealth's way of life. With measured grace and steely resolve, she aimed to negotiate a delicate balance—a status of protectorate that preserved their cherished beliefs, from religious worship to their unique perspective on the Force, while offering the Sith the entirety of their industrial, scientific, and agricultural resources as tribute. Kelora knew that with strength and dignity, she could navigate the treacherous waters of diplomacy. All the while, she fiercely protected the Commonwealth's identity and ensured its survival in the face of looming uncertainty.


"They will be arriving soon," Kelora's wife, Nassira, spoke delicately as they sat in the antechamber of Kiruaagam's Imperial Palace, the epicenter of the world's legislative function—a holdover from the First Order, its imposing iconography looming over Kelora. Her jaw tightened as she steeled herself in front of the long floor-length mirror. Her Majesty held Narissa's hand in hers, bringing it up to her lips for a gentle kiss. "We will survive this," reassured Nassira, "as long as the sun still rises over Dosuun, as long as our people remain free, we will survive."

Departing from the floor-length mirror, Kelora tugged Nassira toward her. "You're right," said Kelora with a smile as she took a deep breath, confident in her decision to have the military stand down, regardless of the plans that the Field Marshal might have had in mind. Her Majesty realized that the only way forward would be to negotiate with the Sith Order. The Dosuunian Commonwealth would have to bend the knee, but they did not have to relinquish what made them unique. "Take it on the chin, as they say," she added as an afterthought.

Nassira gracefully remarked, "This is the right way forward. What good are we if we do not save our people and our way of life?"

Kelora's hands remained in Nassira's just as a knock came to the door. High Commissioner Gallaer had informed them that the representatives of the Sith Order had arrived. "All will be well. Trust in Gallaer, and trust in Yvarro," Narissa reassured her, though Kelora harbored reservations about the Yvarros. History had taught them not to be trusted—a corrupted branch of an honorable Galidraani tree.

Kelora gave Narissa's hand a squeeze and then a soft kiss upon her wife's lips. High Queen Kelora Priestly departed the antechamber, flanked by her guards and accompanied by members of Dosuun's Imperial Knights, resplendent in their old Dosuunian regalia that echoed a mix of Galidraani elegance and ancient prowess. The hall was lined with members of the Commonwealth's military. If the Sith wanted this to end, they would not be standing there. As Kelora was escorted to one of the Palace's conference halls, the Najarkan sunlight spilled in, radiant as ever, as a slew of Commonwealth-loyal citizenry stood outside the Palace's gate.

The Sith Order's representatives would've been escorted to the very same chambers, with the eyes of millions upon them as the media camped outside the Palace. There would have been cheers seeing the face of one Taeli Raaf. For it had been her company that had saved many of their worlds before, and so it was with public confidence that she may help to save them again. Security kept the citizenry and local rabble from doing anything drastic although many were simply too afraid, sobs could be heard among the crowd. No one knew what would become of their nation, their world. It all rested on the shoulders of four individuals, the livelihood of millions across the Commonwealth's worlds.

In the chambers, High Queen Kelora Priestly was greeted by the High Commissioner, and Ivalyn Yvarro. Not a moment too soon the doors fron the other end of the chamber opened to reveal the Sith Order's representatives.
"You seem to be quite popular here, Lady Raaf," Malum spoke turning to consider his fellow negotiator, Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf , for this rather... important event. At least it would be for the Dosuunian Commonwealth as they named themselves, as he gazed around them at the crowds surrounding them. How many within that crowd, with simply a little more courage would have taken up the blaster and attempted to end this subjugation of their nation before it began, how many more with simply a little bit more encouragement taken up the bomb, and become a hero to all their people?

For however more months their people would survive.

With the Palace still ahead of them, he supposed there would still be some opportunity.

Such was a rare thing by his measure, for a polity to willingly surrender their sovereignty for their salvation.

It was the way of the galaxy, one fought for their survival until victory or extermination. Was that not the way of the Sith and the Jedi in their millennia-long struggles? How many times had the Jedi seemingly been destroyed? How many times the Sith?

Yet, here they were, in Najarka, as Sith forces had crossed the border into Commonwealth space, they were not greeted with metaphorical swords.

But with an olive branch.

The Commonwealth, which was unlike many other groups in the galaxy like for example, the Blackguard of Mustafar were not darksiders... what exactly they were was somewhat complex, but they likely shared far more ideals with the Galactic Alliance, than they did with the Sith Empire. Yet, whether it was out of fear of some greater move, they had opened talks.

Now, it was not normally the way of the Sith to ever engage in talks, when conquest was smelled in the air, but the Commonwealth had chosen to be very convincing.

Offering their conditional subjugation to the Sith Empire.

Well, that was certainly enough to capture the interest of His Imperial Majesty.

And thus in his seemingly accidental increasing role as a diplomat, he was dispatched here with... the former Dark Councillor, Darth Arcanix, to decide what those conditions would be. He was not entirely sure what had caused the reshuffle of the Imperial Cabinet, but he was more than willing to take advantage. It had been a tremendous rise so far, apprentice to Darth Ophidia, a knight who had fought across several fronts, and lord who was Emperor of a world, and Lord of an organisation that had sprouted its roots to cover the entirety of the Empire, and beyond.

Yet it was not enough.

The Dark Council would be the next gem to add to his crown.

He was galvanising support across different quarters... yet the fact remained for all he had accomplished... he had been a traitor to half the Empire once.

And he had betrayed the other half when he had defected to the Emperor's... "mercy".

It would be an uphill struggle.

But if he could secure not only the subjugation of the Commonwealth, but too their support for all he would need next.

...Well, it seemed these talks were just as important to him, as they were to them.

After the vehicle stopped at the foot of the palace.

It was a short walk up, a much longer walk through the resplendent palace, Malum certainly would take notes for his own rebuilding one.

Until they were finally escorted to where they were to be.

Stepping through, his cloak billowing in his wake, he offered a nod in respect towards Kelora Priestly Kelora Priestly , not a bow, for after all, there were only three beings in this galaxy that he had bowed to.

And one was killed by his hand.

As she stirred at the back of his mind.

"Greetings from the Sith Empire, Your Grace," Malum stated, noting the two other women in the room, from what research he had conducted, and what he had been briefed upon before his arrival, the Keshiri was the High Commissioner, Vhondryl Gallaer. As for the other... Ivalyn Yvarro Ivalyn Yvarro , the closest thing to a Foreign Affairs Minister that they had at the moment... though perhaps Ambassador would have been more apt.

"I am Darth Malum, of House Marr, King of Alvaria, and Lord of the Tsis'Kaar, I and my colleague," Who no doubt, needed no introduction, "Are honoured to be welcomed to your home, and hope that talks will be most cooperative." He offered a smile, hoping to be comforting, but coming from a Sith, who could truly tell.

Yet, he was a rather strange Sith after all.
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"Some years back, this region of space was devastated by an invasion of the Ssi-ruuvi," she replied quietly to her current companion Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr , looking out to the crowd that gathered. "Aurora Industries, among others, stepped in to help them pick up the pieces. It builds goodwill, something that will no doubt assist with our tasks here today."

It was... an odd feeling, she had to admit as they were escorted to the palace. Many of the people present saw her and her company as a savior, a force that helped rebuild their shattered homes and worlds. And yet, if one had talked with their grandparents, they would no doubt remember a Jedi Master of the Galactic Alliance that had fought against the First Order they held dear. Even though she had been Sith all along, had rather publicly revealed that when Operation Eclipse was launched, those memories would endure in the hearts of some. They had been allies then, and then personal relations... had solidified deeper bonds with the worlds that now formed the Commonwealth.

Still, she knew that there many among the Commonwealth that despised the Sith and the matter would need to be handled delicately. It was no doubt why they had been selected to facilitate the negotiations as two Sith with more measured personalities and her own personal connections to the region. There was also the plotter, the schemer, the politician in her that recognized an opportunity. Empyrean had reshuffled the organization of the Empire again, wiping away and restarting the Dark Council with only three seats. She did not appreciate having to once again reclaim the seat that was rightfully hers but reacquire it she would. Perhaps that was why Empyrean had done so, to reignite the fire.

Either way, as she raised a hand to wave at the crowd and received the applause and cheers, an opportunity was here... and no doubt the younger Sith next to her saw it too. Ambition, controlled as it was, was ingrained into Malum and to gain a seat at the table would put him beyond reproach from all but the strongest Sith. Would solidify his house's status and wash away the affiliation of betrayal. Bringing the Commonwealth into the Empire in some way, without wasting resources that could be directed Coreward, would be a boon to the Empire.

As they were escorted through the palace, she was reminded of just how varied the cultures within the Commonwealth and the wealth that had flowed through it during the First Order and its successors. Brought to the hall where the negotiations would take place, even as Malum nodded at the Queen and introduced himself and offered greetings, she took a different tact than her companion already. She would give Kelora Priestly Kelora Priestly the respect due and give her a deep bow and curtsey, subtly doing so in the Galidraani style as a message to the Queen's advisors High Commissioner Gallear and Ivalyn Yvarro.

She still remembered the courtesy lessons.

"Greetings indeed, your Majesty," she added, straightening up and smoothing the elegant dress and cloak she had worn for the occasion. "It's a pleasure to be back in Commonwealth space after so long."

Another thing she chose not to do, as Malum had, was get into titles.

"It is my hope that a constructive and mutually beneficial arrangement can be forged today between the Empire and the Commonwealth."
Kelora responded in kind toward Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf and acknowledged her compatriot Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr with a respectful nod. She then looked toward Ivalyn, and that was her cue. "Lord Marr, Lady Raaf, please take your seats and we shall begin our negotiations." Ivalyn was direct and to the point and waited until they were all seated. "First, we appreciate your being here and second, we wanted to open the negotiations with what we can offer you as part of our tribute plan to the Sith Order."

Ivalyn let the small holo projector reveal itself and on the wall before them played out the Commonwealth's manufacturing capabilities, and their scientific endeavors. "We are prepared to offer you the full range of our manufacturing capabilities, as well as our research laboratories and scientific minds." The images moved toward their agricultural technology, "as you are more than aware." A tight smile toward Taeli, "and as you will be aware." A look toward Lord Marr, "many who call this region of space home, were primarily settlers from Galidraan having faithfully followed my cousins all the way across the Core and Outer Rim."

"Armies, navies, and civilians all require foodstuffs, and the Commonwealth prides itself on producing more than it needs. We are of course, prepared to aid the Sith Order by helping to feed its citizens." Ivalyn took a moment to exhale, she was nervous, Balance knows this whole thing could go tits up. She cleared her throat doing her best to not show her nerves. "In exchange, the Commonwealth would like to maintain its autonomy, to continue to worship as we please, to maintain our Force traditions. Although, those... curious enough, who hunger for the Dark Side, shall certainly be ferried toward Jutrand, of course."

Another deep breath and exhale, "we also request the right to maintain our own defensive capabilities, as to not burden the Sith Order." Not that they had much in the way of teeth to speak of. "We are also prepared to offer Sith-owned companies a rather generous tax break."

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There was clearly history here, most of which he knew, though... well, suffice it to say his Mistresses' memories were not like accessing the databanks of a computer, his Mistress had been remarkably intelligent, held a remarkable memory, and what she did not remember, she often wrote down for him to find through the Tsis'Kaar records.

However, and to no real surprise, the fact that Lady Ra- Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf , knew Galidraani etiquette was not perhaps important enough to remember, nor write down it seems.

No doubt Taeli as much as he was hoping to gain a Dark Council seat, and a diplomatic victory here, the annexation of so many worlds into the Sith Empire, without the firing of a single blaster, the ignition of a single lightsabre...

...Well suffice it to say, it may be more than enough all on its own.

Yet, still in competition, he was glad she was here.

Whatever his personal desires, his foremost objective was always the rise of the Sith across this galaxy. Whatever part he could play in that, was a part he wished to play. Taeli had a history that made her apt to negotiate... she too was allied with the Emperor... it made perfect sense to dispatch her. Indeed, it made one almost wonder why he was sent.

As bowed and curtsied, she was the humility, feigned or not, taking the actions of a representative intended to make the opposition lower their guard.

And he was the pride, the pride expected of all Sith, yet pride with a mind that knew not to be like standard, the average, of his kind, to bluster, to threaten... to strike.

It made sense Taeli and they had been peers after al-

No... that was not right...

He shook the strange thoughts from his mind, as his smile failed to crack, taking the offered seat, as Ivalyn Yvarro Ivalyn Yvarro took over from Kelora Priestly Kelora Priestly , no doubt she would be leading negotiations, expected, but he did not know truly if that would be good for him or not, after all... as was demonstrated she certainly had a shine for Taeli, it made sense Taeli had been once married to her grandmother.

Though... if that truly imparted any loyalty, he was unsure of.

What he was sure of, however, was how... exceedingly generous the offer from the Commonwealth was, gazing at the numbers presented to them. Indeed, if he was not trained for such negotiations, it may have shown upon his face, he may have accepted right away. Instead, he simply hummed as she finished, considering the offer against the instructions he had received from his Emperor.

It was almost perfect... alas, some adjustments would have to be made.

"The Commonwealth is most generous..." Begin with the good, "Indeed, His Imperial Majesty likely would be willing to accept on most points," No he would not, Darth Empyrean was more likely to kill them all here and now with his gaze alone.

That was why he sent diplomats for this sort of mission.

"...However it shall be on one point that we will have disagreement I imagine," He leaned forward, unsure how to better go about this, "Regarding religious autonomy, His Imperial Majesty is too at the head of the Eternalist Church, and there is concern that allowing the Commonwealth's faith to enter the Empire may cause... friction. I would not demand your beliefs are harmed, however, we must at the very least guarantee that Eternalism will be allowed free entry into the Commonwealth's borders and that the Commonwealth's beliefs do not spread out of the Commonwealth into Sith space." Eternalism was a plague, once it took root, it spread like wildfire.

Such was not exactly the instructions the Emperor had given him, for indeed he wished to push something far more stringent.

Something that may have torpedoed negotiations then and there.

This... this would hopefully do.

"Of course, in exchange, the Commonwealth would be granted a seat upon the Assembly, to always have its interests represented among the rest of the Empire." Hopefully that carrot would be enticing enough.
There was something to be said about the direct approach, and Ivalyn Yvarro Ivalyn Yvarro 's apparent desire to get right to business was refreshing. There was something to be said about how Galidraani, and their cousins on Dosuun, approached negotiations. You never had to guess what the offer on the table was, at least the opening proposal. Like many shrewd cultures, there always other cards they weren't about to play in round one and opening discussions almost never.

That the High Queen and Ivalyn opened with such a generous proposal, well she could see the obvious benefits. She was extremely aware of just how impressive the technologies and manufacturing capabilities of the worlds in the region could be, and how quickly they could be geared towards various needs. There was a small quirk of her lips into a smile as she recalled a few meetings among Alliance officials and their mix of horror and astoundment at just how many ships and technologies the First Order had produced. How rapidly they had adjusted to Alliance doctrines and technologies to make what should have been an even fight, maybe even tilted in the GA's favor, into a slog across the Ison Corridor in the first campaigns.

Agricultural shipments would also be quite helpful as the Sith Order was preparing for a major expansion push throughout the southern Rim and towards the Core. At least three of the worlds in the Commonwealth could possibly be classified as agriworlds, something that could be said was lacking within current Sith controlled space. Even as she began crunching the numbers in her head, her companion began to speak.

What they wanted in exchange for such material and technological tribute was to keep their culture and identity, a degree of autonomy. Galidraani were a proud culture, and the Dosuun branch of the culture was no different. You could advise or suggest, you could even issue orders if they were within your sphere of influence. They had produced many talented military officers and politicians. But one thing you never did with them... was demand they change. There had been a reason, during the old Sith Empire, that Galidraan and its surrounding system had a degree of autonomy within the Sith Empire. Kaine had recognized, perhaps with some quiet prodding from her and... Fiolette, along with his dealings with Natasi and the First Order that it was better to leave to govern themselves and practice as they wished. It had created far less headaches... at least until the Third Imperial Civil War had devolved into its final stages.

As a first point of contention in these negotiations, picking the religious autonomy request was not something she would have ever suggested. She suspected Malum had received different instructions, or perhaps he was making some sort of his own play to guide the talks to an outcome he desired more personally, but no.

"The material and technological tribute in and of itself would be worthy of representation within the Assembly," she replied, following right behind Malum's words. It was not quite an interruption, but one could view it as her asserting a subtle beginning of dominance. "Lord Malum is certainly correct this is a very generous opening proposal, even if numbers have not been solidified. A self-defense force would also likely not be an issue, provided that a portion of it, not one that would weaken the defenses of the Commonwealth of course, could be deployed as an auxiliary to Sith operations if requested or if your Majesty desired to send an expeditionary force."

Her next words would be both phrased as a question, and as an instructional point for her fellow Sith, "I believe the two dominant faiths in the region remain the Celestial and the Enlightened Balance yes?" Her gaze would shift to the Queen's necklace and the black and white symbol rosette it formed. "I recall that during the First Order and the Empire's old alliance that there was an agreement of sorts that allowed those curious to study the others' ways and cultures to move about so long as missionaries and recruiters were not sent into either territory. I see no reason not to revive such an arrangement for both religious purposes and for the Force traditions, rather than building a wall between...

Into his head, even as she spoke, the words would slip quietly into his thoughts, "Do not force the religious autonomy issue. There is a better way to mitigate it as a point of contention. Picking at it now will only end with the path of them walking away from the table."

", on a personal note, I've found there is much that can be learned from studying other traditions. Wouldn't you agree, Ivalyn? Your Majesty?"

Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr
Ivalyn waited, she remained enigmatic both as Lord Marr and Lady Raaf spoke. The two had acknowledged that what the Commonwealth had offered was quite generous, however when Marr brought up Eternalism. The way it was presented and how it came across made Ivalyn internally, cringe. Even under Sieger Ren's rule the people of this region had been allowed to worship as they saw fit. It was exactly how the Cosmic Balance spread as far as it did and as fast. The history of the region certainly spoke for itself and it was a history that Lady Raaf was no doubt well acquainted with.

She looked between the two, one was certainly on a mission to present to her what he had been, seemingly ordered to present. The other while direct, certainly softened the blow. Ivalyn looked across toward the High Commissioner, Vhondryl Gallaer who leaned over and spoke with Her Majesty. Her Majesty simply looked in the negotiator's direction. Ivalyn suddenly felt a lot more pressure than she had just a moment ago. It wasn't enough that she knew of Her Majesty's disdain for her family. It had been Vhondryl to call Ivalyn in the middle of the night to say that Her Majesty needed to see her straight away.

Out from the comforts of Avalonia and into the frozen dusts of Najarka. Ivalyn shifted her gaze back toward Lord Marr and then Lady Raaf. She had to choose her own words carefully. The Dosuunian was set to begin to speak, when she caught Her Majesty's gaze once more and this one meant she should lean in the other direction. Ivalyn gave both representatives of the Sith a tight smile, as Her Majesty whispered her instructions to Ivalyn alone. Undoubtedly whatever Vhondryl had told her, gave room for the High Queen to speak to Ivalyn before she addressed the representatives themselves.

Sitting upright, she refocused her attention, "Lord Marr, Lady Raaf, Her Majesty is willing to allow those who wish to explore and study Eternalism to do so under a specialized program. Of which, can be negotiated at a later date, so long as, missionaries, recruiters or any proselytizers not be sent either into Sith realms, and vice versa into Commonwealth realms." Ivalyn paused momentarily trying to decide how to word what it was she had been informed of. "Her Majesty is willing to set aside a token auxiliary force to be used at the Sith Order's discretion."

"Her Majesty is also willing to share any intelligence that is gathered from either of our agencies." There was of course more to this, in fact, an offer that might make the Commonwealth all the more lucerative to the Sith Order. "Furthermore, while Lady Raaf, I trust you are well acquainted with our history and understand that the Commonwealth still considers themselves proud First Imperials. Lord Marr, I will explain in brief, this region of the galaxy was once home to the First Order. The First Order had not only gone toe to toe with the Galactic Alliance of old, this region was able to produce new adaptive technologies, and adapt to their own military doctrines. In a word, they were formidable, having conquered from Dosuun through to Atrisia."

She took a moment to gather herself and after an exhale, "the Commonwealth operates rather uniquely, you see, any world who wishes to join us. Must have a constitutional link to the Commonwealth itself. Meaning it must have been part of either Sieger Ren's First Order regime, or my mother's that is Ariel Yvarro's regime."

"All this to say that the Commonwealth can be instrumental in bringing systems into the fold without the Sith Order having so much as laying a finger upon them. As we speak, there are assemblies and parliaments on the worlds of Vengler, Unnipar, Varada Five, Bestal Three, and Virgillia Seven voting to approve the application process." Meaning the Commonwealth wouldn't enter as simply an eleven-world system, it could potentially enter as a sixteen-world system. Their influence rested on the shared heritage in the region.

His eyes shifted the barest inch towards Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf , as she purposefully lessened their negotiation position, though no doubt for a greater goal, perhaps a man with lesser pride would have felt insulted, a perhaps a man with greater pride might have sought to interrupt, instead, he sat still, more than willing to have Lady Raa- Taeli take command. It was a good coincidence that they were able to negotiate like this without coordination, oh certainly they had spoken beforehand on how exactly to make sure they did not get in each other's way, but unfortunately without calling for a recess or something similar, which unto itself ran into the same problem, there was no real way to communicate with each other without the awkwardness of their opposing representatives.

...Well, not exactly, there was one method.

But peaking into another's head, even just to send a message, may be considered to be a faux pas to some.

Still, he could assume what the strategy was, though they had no opposition to react to the religious question, as it likely would become to be known in these talks, preempting his harsh ask with... almost anything, could go on greatly to soften the blow.

And in this matter, he was more than willing to bow to Taeli's experience on the matter, she clearly knew these people better than him.

It would just be a matter of making certain whatever agreement they crafted would be palatable to both the Assembly and the Emperor.

He held onto the expression forged onto his face, the mask holding strong, resisting the urge to turn towards her and narrow his eyes. While personally, he would be more than willing to accept such a thing, more than willing to learn of the Celestials and the Enlightened Balance... well, the latter he could already imagine he would certainly disagree with.

So much that in the future, it would need to be ripped out, root and stem.

He was more than willing to allow it stay, to allow them to win the galaxy, before facing the only enemy that mattered.

But did the Emperor share his opinion?

He held his face still, even as a familiar voice drifted across his mind, it seemed she found no rudeness at all with the idea, though he could not truly blame her, in the prior discussion, they had mentioned the possibility. They held a manifest advantage over their opposition here, the fact that they did not need words to communicate, at least with each other.

"I know that very well, T- Lady Raaf, but you know as well as I, that the Emperor will be far from pleased with us negotiating an agreement that will leave his paramount concern unaddressed, or addressed in policy which he would not abide. I know the agreement which K- Darth Carnifex held with Galidran, yet this is a different Empire and a different Emperor, do you believe His Imperial Majesty, he who heads the Eternalist Church will abide by a similar agreement with Dosuun?" He translated in response, his eyes never leaving the three women in front of him, still offering all smiles.

"Certainly, there is much all parties can learn from each other, a victory every time groups meld and merge," Perhaps one greater whole would be created, or more likely, one would be subverted and consumed into the other.

Exactly which the Commonwealth sought to evade today.

Their words, most likely his, though Taeli had brought up the rather novel idea of Commonwealth vessels serving auxiliary to the Imperial Sith navy, which no doubt a boon to those like Admiral Hightower concerned with the military, Lord Blepharon concerned with the economy, and the Emperor, concerned with both and all more. Their words had brought some moment of conferment needed with the opposing negotiators, as Ivalyn Yvarro Ivalyn Yvarro and Her Majesty, Kelora Priestly Kelora Priestly , along with the High Commissioner, began to discuss quietly.

Allowing him some time to think, he imagined Lord Blepharon would be happy when he heard the news, so many agriworlds and industrial worlds brought into the fold, perhaps not directly administered by the Empire and thus more difficult to exploit, but at the very least they would save on reconstruction costs.

Lady Yvarro's return held his rapt attention as her words strummed across the air.

She agreed to allow for a special program to allow for those to study Eternalism... a question of what would happen when they returned left in the air, but truly, he supposed not his concern.

She agreed to dispatch some kind of small force to join with Sith campaigns.

It was the rest of what she said that had him enough to raise an eyebrow.

Intelligence and ever further expansion.

Now certainly Tsis'Kaar had infiltrated across the galaxy, but as wide as one infiltrated, it made the depth of the embedment lesser, though ironically enough the Ouroboros Crisis though having once shattered the Tsis'Kaar, had only done so within Sith space, those from outside still held loyalty, the greatest losses only from those that went rogue after Fiviune, to be dealt with someday soon.

Suffice it to say, he knew the Commonwealth's intelligence agencies were formidable...

...Now if he could have control of them, as was technically his right by way of his command of the Tsis'Kaar, and thus giving him command over matters of all foreign intelligence... well, he certainly would not be opposed. Just like the New Imperial Security Bureau was beginning to fall under his control, so would the Commonwealth's.

It was indeed in his very biased mind a superior boon to questions of further expansions of the Commonwealth, and thus the Sith Empire.

"Those are certainly very intriguing possibilities, and I know in my own role as the Sith Empire's... well the closest approximation to your government might be a Director of Foreign Intelligence, I am certainly intrigued at closer cooperation between our intelligence communities, for our mutual defence against all foreign powers."
Malum began, knowing that Taeli would rather quickly figure out his intentions, yet frankly, it might have been more suspicious if he was not interested, "The idea of more systems joining the Sith Empire via integration is certainly an interesting concept, and one which we would be willing to support."

"Her Majesty and her subjects are certainly very generous."
Malum finally noted, before words were slipping his mind towards Taeli, "You have a better chance of winning them on the Religious Question."
The thought would drift into Malum's mind in reply even as the Queen and her advisors muttered among themselves to prepare the next move in the game they were playing. "The Emperor's focus on religious matters is a means of control over the population, but you can't control Galidraani that way. You can't control Echani that way. The Commonwealth is a pragmatic nation, and pragmatism is what will bind them to us far better than zealotry. Besides, his goal has clearly begun to shift to further conquests."

The agreement that a small force would be provided for an auxiliary was welcomed with a smile, although it did make her wonder. Their arrival had been met with the typical fanfare and show of power that any minor nation in the galaxy would roll out for one of the galactic factions and their ambassadors. Plenty of ships in orbit, in perfect formation, along with troopers on parade and in their best.

But the Concordia, the flagship, was also present. That in of itself would not be too odd as the warship had long been the flagship for Dosuun and the Queen had likely taken it as her flagship as well. It would only be appropriate for her to arrive in such a ship for high level talks that would determine the fate of her nation.

But its place was supposed to be on Dosuun. Curious.

Regardless, she was also very pleased to hear that not only would they be willing to share intelligence, but also that the diplomatic efforts to grow and re-establish old connections had continued. Part of her wondered if Effekt was one such world that might be incorporated, even if she was no longer sure who ruled it.

"I agree, that is a very generous offer to share intelligence," she replied. "And I'm glad to hear that the Commonwealth is continuing to re-establish the old ties from prior times. This region of space has always benefited from the ties built during those years, and integration is always preferred. Less... contentious and it saves immeasurable time and resources."

She honestly wasn't too worried or concerned about Malum's intentions with the Tsis'karr and his intelligence operations. She had her own operations and Ophidia had always struggle to access the Sith side of her power base. Oh, she was sure plants had been made around the Aurora and Spaarti facilities, they were public companies always in need of workers after all, but her inclinations to secrecy had long stymied infiltration into her experiments. Something she loved to dangle over Braxus' head every time they engaged in their game.

Plus she knew something about these people Malum didn't.

"Everything on the table is rather weighted in our favor, Ivalyn, your Majesty. Beyond the agreement mentioned early, what would the Commonwealth require of the Empire in more material terms?"

Ivalyn Yvarro Ivalyn Yvarro Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr
Ivalyn beamed and it was a smile that would remind Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf of Djorn Bline Djorn Bline as if Ivalyn's lineage needed to be specified beyond her name. "Certainly, Lord Malum, it wouldn't do for the Commonwealth to hold back from the Sith Order now would it?" It would be quite difficult if they were to move forward with this idea of a protectorate and not assist one another. Then again, they could not know what Ivalyn knew, and what the High Commissioner and High Queen already knew. Ivalyn paused as she was tapped to lean over and listen to Her Majesty speak. Once again she shifted in her seat and faced Lady Raaf and Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr directly.

The representative listened to what Lady Raaf had to say, and responded, "it most certainly does, and it would ease the minds of citizens in this particular region of the Galaxy. You see they still have memories of what the Eternal Empire has done to the Reach." A long time ago Dosuun had reached an accord with Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex and the Pacanth Reach. A member of its own Knights of Ren held the title of Queen of Panatha. Not to mention they had adopted a Bakuran religion early on, and thus between the Reach's demise and the Eternal Empire's genocide of Bakurans. "And other worlds in the area, they are weary about those who are influenced by the dark side, let alone Sith."

"Therefore it may be, easier if we, the Commonwealth took lead on such matters. Given our shared constitutional histories with worlds here, we may be better suited to soothing those fears," and controlling them, consumerism and propaganda had been the easier tools. Indoctrination just a little harder but the Commonwealth was no stranger to it. The First Order had taught them everything they needed to know on the matter.

A touch of warmth danced in Ivalyn's voice, "I am so very glad you've brought this up, Lady Raaf."

"The Commonwealth has noticed that your economy is in a state of deterioration, and we feel that we can assist you in these matters," of course she would need to pretend to be a little dumb about the matter in future meetings. "We also could not help but notice a lack of preservation of your history, not even a single commission." Because if you controlled how your history was taught, you could control how people thought, further by controlling history, one could control the language around it. "The Commonwealth would have no issues aiding in the matter, you see, we have a few organizations that are quite keen on such matters. You are not familiar with them now, but I trust in the future you may become intimately familiar with them. I won't bore you with those details, but trust that our Imperial heritage is closely associated with yours."

"This is of course, in exchange for allowing the Commonwealth to maintain its currency, culture and autonomy. You see, it is a rather odd thing that we champion the right of the individual and do see to preserving the freedom that individuals are able to maintain about themselves. Such is of course this free will that the Commonwealth so loves." Ivalyn continued, and then a breath later concluded, "therefore by allowing us to maintain ourselves as much as possible. We can work on the Sith Empire's behalf with other nations in the Galaxy who may otherwise be hesistant to do business."

"I trust that this is sufficient to present to your Assembly and Emperor," Her Majesty began, drawing the attention of both the High Commissioner and Ivalyn Yvarro. Kelora was determined to see this through and pressed on. "It is understood that the ultimate decision regarding our annexation lies with them, but if I may," she addressed Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf and Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr directly, steadying a hand to prevent the High Commissioner from interjecting. The High Queen's gaze settled on them both, "this decision has not been taken lightly, but in the keen interest of preserving my people— the entirety of all eleven worlds, and potentially more— alive. Not merely alive, but to continue thriving as they have for decades without so much as a whisper from your government or any other."

"We are a proud people, deeply rooted in our heritage, and we remember well the transgressions inflicted upon us, some time ago," Kelora's gaze narrowed on Taeli, recognizing that while that fading generation might be dwindling, the memories of their suffering remained embedded in the collective consciousness of her people. "However, we acknowledge that we cannot oppose you. We can assist you in your ever-expanding conquest of the stars, but we will do so on our terms and our terms alone."

"This region once propelled the First Order to prominence, for it was by our founders' hands and determination that we governed the stars and the numerous worlds that inhabit this sector of the galaxy," she shifted her gaze toward the younger of the two representatives. "We possess the economic means to sustain your nation. We can furnish you with the facilities and the workforce necessary to fuel your war machine. Understand that we will do so on our terms; you may dispatch your missionaries, and we will not impede them in their duties."

"The Dosuunian Commonwealth of Nations must, I insist, maintain its autonomy and the freedom to conduct ourselves as we see fit. This encompasses the freedom to worship according to our beliefs, to voice dissent, and to exercise our right to vote. These principles are the cornerstone of our identity, and should we align with the Sith Empire, it will be on these terms, our terms," Kelora asserted, her gaze shifting between Ivalyn and the High Commissioner and then her attention fell back toward Lady Raaf and Lord Marr. She drew in a deep breath, feeling the weight of the meeting pressing upon her, and exhaled slowly. "I trust you now understand our position and what we offer to your nation."

Having made her stance clear, High Queen Kelora Priestly rose gracefully from her seat, her regal demeanor unwavering. "With that said, I must excuse myself," she declared with a courteous nod towards the Sith representatives. "There are other pressing matters that demand my attention."

As she turned to depart, she paused for a moment, her gaze lingering on Ivalyn and the High Commissioner. The two understood fully what their task was as the High Queen was set to depart, and then Kelora looked back toward Lady Raaf and Lord Marr once more. "I urge you to consider carefully the proposal we've laid before you," she said softly, her words carrying the weight of Commonwealth history and determination. "For while we may be a small nation, our resolve is formidable. We do not seek subjugation, but partnership—a union that honors both our autonomy and your aspirations."

With a final nod, Kelora swept from the room, leaving the Sith representatives to ponder her words, and the High Commissioner and Ivalyn Yvarro to finish the job, a task that Ivalyn was already hoping to secure before the meeting's end.
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She could see how Ivalyn lit up as Taeli turned the conversation to more practical, material, grounds. She also could see the heritage of the woman, although she would refrain from mentioning it was through her actions her father lost an arm, shining through as she smiled and discussed what an outside perspective saw of the Sith economy. Rightly so, in her opinion, and it was but one reason she had taken lead, with Malum, on negotiations. A counterbalance to other influences within the Sith that saw economic might as a means of self-enrichment and outsized influence.

So that was the underlying game that the High Queen and Ivalyn were up to. Yes she could see the appeal. Acting as a loosely autonomous power, able to maintain relations with other galactic factions even if the Sith could not outwardly do so. Bring in other worlds diplomatically under the Commonwealth and they could slowly mold them.

How very... First Imperial of them.

"More than sufficient, your Majesty," came her reply as she graciously bowed her head to the monarch as she stood. She could see the underlying message in the Queen's words too. The Imperials of this region had long memories, and she already knew they were fiercely prideful. Better a peaceful acquisition than an insurgency that would tie up valuable Sith resources or even invite atrocities that would then engender martyrs for the cause. Plus, it would provide the weight of eleven worlds to the Assembly and any Sith they might support in the emerging game of politics below the Emperor. She would need to make a note to Merryn to increase investment in the region by at least ten percent.

She watched as the High Queen left before turning her attention back to Ivalyn and the High Commissioner. "I must say, I have always enjoyed this region of space and the... directness that one can experience here. The proposal as is would be adequate to present to the Assembly and the Emperor for ratification, although I'm sure there are more in-depth details on economic integration that could be discussed."

Ivalyn Yvarro Ivalyn Yvarro Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr

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