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Private Big Trouble For Little Padawans


Not everything was black and white on Denon. But there were still some things Iris could go against without any confusion on what was right and wrong. Mostly, drug cartels. In the grand scheme of things, halting one group wouldn't really clean up the planet of Denon. But it'd help the people who lived on the streets where spice was being slung. And, well, Iris still wanted to be a Jedi and help where she could. So she requested some back up, and set to work on figuring out how best to dismantle the local group.

Small steps. First, this street. Then the next. Eventually, if everyone helped, they could one day do real change. Right?

Sitting in a hideout she'd secured, dressed in the paint stained street clothes she picked up to better blend into the crowd, Iris flicked through a datapad. Information on the gang who's hideout she found filled the screen. Most were locals, kids pulled into the life. Kids no older than her. A frown settled on her lips as she pulled the file for the head honcho. Shistavanen. A full list of assault charges. No murders, thankfully. But the guy was bad news. Forced the others in line with fear no doubt.

She sighed, setting down the pad as she instead turned her gaze to the door. Her back up should be here soon, right? Hopefully they'd blend in and they could get things rolling.

Zoar Zoar




Knock, knock, knock.

Looming outside the hideout door was a massive being, plated in battered and repurposed durasteel. Easily cresting ten feet, the metallic titan cut an imposing figure against the dimly-lit street of Denon. Having just knocked on the door, the being straightened back up, the whir of servos conveying choppy, inorganic motions. The visage concealed just how jittery the being inside the suit felt.

This was Zoar's first mission, and on this, of all planets. He figured he had the right to be a bit nervous.

Despite it all, the metallic colossus stood tall, betraying no hint of fear in it's emotionless faceplate. Zoar waited patiently for Padawan Arani to answer the door, running through a few mantras in his head to still his beating heart.

- Iris Arani Iris Arani -



Iris didn't waste any time opening the door. Even before Zoar knocked. There was no mistaking his arrival with how loud his footsteps were. That, or something worse had come by to bother her. But by the colors that came with it, well. Had to be her fellow Jedi. She blinked once she saw who exactly it was. Or, more accurately, what was housing who it was. Big. That was the first thought. Then she just stepped back and motioned for them to step inside.

"Hey. Zoar, right?" A kind smile took over. It was weird, at first, to see such a big suit of armor of all things. But the colors coming from it, from the pilot, were anything but the intimidating nature of the mech suit.

"You feeling nervous?"

Zoar Zoar

After a moment, the door opened, revealing the lithe frame of his fellow padawan. Zoar tilted his head down, the photoreceptors of his faceplate studying the Jedi.

Well, she didn't look too scary. Zoar stepped in, leaning to fit through the doorway, and shutting it securely behind himself.

//Ah, h-hello!// A comically high-pitched voice, garbled slightly by the suit's speakers, returned the greeting. //Yep, that's me. Which means you're Iris Arani. It's an honor to meet you.// Despite the power armor's stony exterior, Zoar's voice held some genuine awe and reverence.

//I am a liiiiittle nervous.// Zoar sounded tentative. Was he projecting his feelings that much? //This is my first assignment as a padawan. Ah, d-don't worry, I'll try to stay out of your way.// Zoar figured he should cover his bases now. Just in case he messed up later.

//What's our plan?//

- Iris Arani Iris Arani -



Iris blinked. Yeah, the high pitch voice came as a surprise at first, but given how the colors seemed to flow from the armor, it actually made sense. Zoar must be someone pretty small inside that suit. So the armor was more than just to protect him physically, huh? The Padawan smiled and nodded to a nearby table where she had the datapad left out. Though paused. Oh, so this was his first?

That did explain why he was so nervous.

"It's okay to be nervous. Scared. Everyone is." She paused, then flashed a grin as she leaned over. Winked. "Even my master gets scared. But don't tell her I told you that. Master Noble has to look strong after all." Would that help at all? Iris shrugged internally before hopping over to the table and sorting through the other actual paperwork she had scattered about. Much like she was dressed, everything was a mess.

"Right, so. The Hyena here, that's what he calls himself anyway, is selling a lot of giggledust and using some of the locals to distribute. Him and his personal thugs are all from across town, people he trusts most of all. But the people here are kept in fear. All it takes is someone saying you're snitching or hiding money he extorts for 'protection' and they get beaten up. No one can trust anyone with him here.

But he needs money to stay in power, right? And he gets money for the giggledust. If we dry up his supply routes into the town he can't blame anyone here for it, right? If we can, I want to leave the locals out of it as much as possible. If we can free them from the Hyena without him retaliating against them at all, I think that'd be a job well done, right?"

Zoar Zoar

Zoar entered the hideout in earnest, his enormous frame eating up the space of the comparatively small room. He approached the table of evidence and information, trying his best to make sense of the disorganized piles of paper, but mostly listening to Iris' words of encouragement. He paused a moment, before speaking again, sounding a touch calmer.

//Don't worry. My lips are sealed.//

The idea that one of the members of the Jedi Council could feel unease, even after years of training and study, was a little comforting. In his years as a youngling, he had been trained to control his fear. Let it wash through him, like water through a sieve. He found that a bit easier, knowing it was a struggle Jedi Masters still face.

//Okay, I think I get it.// The monolithic armor brought a hand up to it's chin, as if it were thinking hard. //Stop the flow of giggledust to this area, without operating within this area. Easy-peasy.// From within the mech, Zoar's cybernetics began beeping heavily, as he dipped his consciousness into the Holonet.

//Well, everyone on Denon leaves a digital footprint.// The suit tapped it's metallic chin. Iris' datapad flashed pink, as Zoar expertly overrode it's security protocols, and downloaded the information on this 'Hyena'. //Transactions, communications, security cams, there's always something. Just have to tug on the right strings to unravel the trail. Have you already found a target, or would you like me to do some digging?//

Zoar suddenly grew a bit bashful again.
//Ooh, I'm a slicer. Should probably mention that.//

- Iris Arani Iris Arani -



"Mhmm! That's the basic idea. I don't want the people here to suffer any more than they have." Iris nodded once, more happy that Zoar seemed to understand what she was getting at. Then blinked as she stared at the flash of pink. What- Oh. Oh. He was a slicer! All things considered that made a lot of sense. The suit of armor, anyway. "Slicer! Slicer is good. Denon is full of slicers and the like. Are you good at uh.. Counter slicing and such? You might have to be, heh. Who knows who will show up. Darkwire is uh, the biggest possible.. Obstacle?"

She hummed, glancing over the datapad.

"Not a threat, but they might not help us."

Zoar Zoar

"Mhmm! That's the basic idea. I don't want the people here to suffer any more than they have."

The suit of armor bobbed it's head affirmatively. It was easy for Jedi to forget the greater consequences of their actions. They were trained to understand what was unjust in the world, and how to combat it. But in pursuit of that combat, a Jedi can do a lot of damage to a community.

If he took nothing else from today, Zoar made a mental note to remember that.

Zoar felt a spike of fear again as the name Darkwire was uttered, his armor shifting uneasily.
//Denon is my homeworld. I-I've heard of them. Boogeymen,// he said ominously. //Mmm... I'm a little rusty, but I've dueled slicers before.//

In his upbringing, he had been trained to think of Darkwire as the enemy. A monster, not to be prodded. Raging against the corpos, happy to overlook him and his gang as long as he kept his head down, and didn't go poking in their business.

He was happy to push Darkwire from his mind, instead focusing on the Holonet, scanning through the vast sea of information, looking for a glimmer of what he wanted. He let the Force guide his cybernetic probe, as another Jedi might let it guide their vision, letting himself be pulled along the current to it's destination.

Zoar suddenly made a victorious squeaking sound, finally pulling his mind away from the Holonet.
//I've got... uh, something! I think.// Iris' datapad suddenly lit up with pink light once more, as Zoar uploaded his findings. //Okay, this is what I've found.//

//So... There's this plant, out in the middle of nowhere. Some kind of scrap refinery, maybe?//
The datapad flashed with an aerial view of a large, non-descript industrial building. //It ships metal by subtram to a speeder manufacturing company in the neighborhood. Inconspicuous. Normal, right? Except...// One final image appeared on the datapad. It was a heavyset human with a bushy mustache, talking to the blurry image of a wolf-man. //Our guy's been talking to the scrap refinery guy. Ergo...// He paused, to let the senior padawan put it together for herself.

- Iris Arani Iris Arani -



This was his homeworld?

Iris blinked. Then let her lips thin a little. Wasn't it dangerous to have a Padawan's first mission on their home of all places? It was harder to stay unbiased when it was their own neighborho- Oh wow. She stifled a laugh, at herself. Since when had she started to think like that? "Darkwire isn't as bad as people think." At least from the one she'd met before. Cartri Keswoll Cartri Keswoll . Maybe she'd have to reach out to him at some point.

Not now though.

Her gaze settled on the datapad again, scanning through the images. A scrap facility? That was- Oh. The multi colored eyes of the Keshain narrowed as she nodded once. So that's how they were smuggling the goods in, then?

"We find out how they're smuggling the goods in. Maybe on the transports? If we can get the local authorities to handle it, I think we'll be good. Corrupt or not they can't ignore spice shipments."

She took up the tablet, tucking it away on her belt before flashing Zoar a bright smile.

"Good find. Lets go get this done, yeah?"

Zoar Zoar

Zoar was a bit surprised to hear Iris defending Darkwire, of all groups. Thankfully, the suit betrayed none of Zoar's dubiousness. Unthankfully, the words that sprang from his mouth most certainly did. //Darkwire is a cabal of outlaws, hardcore gangsters, and assassins. It's kinda hard to justify that.//

But he was eager to drop the subject. As if talking about them too long would attract that green and red eye of theirs.

Iris caught on quickly to his thought process, coaxing a nod from the mech.
//CorpSec is very corrupt, yeah. But if we show them something tangible, they'd have to act.//

The suit straightened to it's full height, torso rotating towards the door.

//I've got your back.//

- Iris Arani Iris Arani -



"Outlaws, yeah. Not really assassins, though. Not the few I met anyway." If anything they were punk kids trying to fight against Corpo in the only way they figured how. Not that she thought they were right to do it that way. But she understood. Zoar did too. Corruption was too rampant. But that was a different problem, and not the one the two were going to deal with. If they even could.

Iris nodded once, smiling as she moved after the big suit. It was comforting to know something so large had her back, now that she thought about it.

"Then we got this. I got a speeder close by we can use to travel. .. It should fit your armor, probably?"

Zoar Zoar

//We got this,// the Miln echoed, not as optimistically as his humanoid counterpart, but optimistic enough. He was less sure about his abilities, and the capabilities of his armor in it's first potentially dangerous situation. But having Iris, an experienced Jedi padawan, share a bit of her confidence with him, he dared to believe.

We got this.


Zoar stepped off the speeder slowly, the sounds of complex machinery whirring in the mech's joints. A few blocks away lay their target; the large scrap-plant, belching black smog from tall chimneys, surrounded by abandoned, hollowed-out warehouses. No signs of immediate guard postings, though small security cams dotted the overhangs and sides of the surrounding buildings.

//How are we gonna get the evidence we need from this place?// The mech stared at their target, posting up against a wall. //I assume 'sabers blazing' isn't our Plan A. So, we're gonna talk our way in? Sneak in?// The Miln seemed less enthused by his second proposal.

- Iris Arani Iris Arani -



Talking their way in. Or sneaking in. Despite her Master being quite the Jedi Shadow, Iris never did pick up on it. Honestly, she was terrible at talking, too. Sabers blazing might be the be-

She paused as she caught sight of some scrappers going by. Junkers. Folks there just to dump off some scrap for extra cedits. And immediately she grinned. A wide, far too enthused grin as he gaze lifted right back up to the machine.

"How attached are you to your current paint job?"

Zoar Zoar

Zoar didn't like Iris' smile. It was decidedly too excited.

//W-w-well, I mean, I never really painted it, I p-prefer function over style, and I'm quite partial to the barebones design...// Zoar halted his downpour of nervous quibbling, and sighed.

//Yeah, alright, I see what you're getting at. Just make it fast, please.//

- Iris Arani Iris Arani -



Iris just grinned more and more. Painting a suit of armor? Yes. Absolutely yes.

"Okay. Just hold still~"


It was a surprisingly quick process. Iris had been painting all her life, and even though it was a suit of armor she still could get it done pretty quickly. And all she did was paint it to better match her own hoodie. A colorful array of different shades of purple, blue, and green. And some stuff that'd glow in the dark, but wasn't visible yet. They had to look like they matched, if only for the plan she'd come up with.

Freshly covered in her own paint she wiped her brow. Unironically adding another layer of paint to her forehead.

"Okay, there. Now, we're scrappers. We're here to drop off a shipment and you're my droid. It'll give us a good look close up and we might be able to sneak in from there. Make sense?"

Zoar Zoar

After an unexpectedly short time, Zoar opened his eyes to discover his body's new coat of paint. The tall form brought it's manipulators up to it's face, regarding the splashes of color that decorated the turadium-durasteel alloy.

//I don't... haaate it,// Zoar squeaked, unsure. It wouldn't be his first choice, but... he did like that it matched with Iris. It made them feel more like a team. A unified front, against whatever unexpected turns would greet them.

//Yeah. Sounds like a plan. Let's go recon.// The mech suit turned towards the building, where a couple rough-and-tumble guards posted up around the main entrance. He began the short trek, posted up alongside his new 'master'.

Think like a droid. You are a droid.

- Iris Arani Iris Arani -

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It worked better than expected. With the hulking 'droid' behind her, no one dared to try and slow her down. Whether it was intended or not. With Zoar in tow Iris stepped right into the camp, lugging along some scrap in a bag. Most she let Zoar carry. Her eyes stayed ahead. Why not take advantage of the suit and let him scan the field? There were some guards out of sight. Seemed the gang didn't want folks to know this was a gang.

Probably to try and keep it secret.

Deeper in, she'd set down the scrap. Motion for Zoar to do the same. The Weequay there raised a brow, but didn't argue. Instead, they tossed down some credits. Just a handful, probably enough to buy a lunch for one. She squinted.

"That's it?"

"Yeah. Move on. More people comin' in."

She bit her tongue, mostly to keep from making a scene. Stepped to the side. They were here for recon, not scenes. Her gaze shifted around as she took the credits.

"See anything?"

Zoar Zoar

As the pair of padawans bluffed their way into the building, Zoar's head was on a swivel. His suit's rather complex targeting system began tagging potential points of interest, security cams, hidden guard positions, the beginnings of a tactical map forming in his head. His actions went mostly un-observed, with most onlookers concerned with how big the 'droid' was, and not where it was looking.

As the two Jedi pawned off their scrap at an insultingly low rate, Zoar noticed something interesting. A computer terminal, behind a nearby table. Closed circuit, far more security than a scrap factory computer had any right having.

Zoar couldn't slice it remotely. That terminal needed a personal touch.

Iris' datapad buzzed, displaying muted pink text.


It was time to make a scene.

- Iris Arani Iris Arani -



Iris glanced to her datapad. Blinked. Then nodded. Distraction. She could do a distraction. The Padawan moved, shoving aside one of the larger scrappers before slamming her hand down on the counter.

"Hey! You cheated me out of my credits! I knew something fishy was going on, where's the rest of my cash!"

The Trandoshan she shoved aside glared at her, but the fact she'd been robbed from her catch was enough for him to wait. No one wanted to be cheated out of their money. The Weequay wasn't as impressed.

"I gave you the goin' rate for the scrap you brought. You want more credits, bring better scrap. You really wanna make this an issue?"

He set a blaster on the counter, which caused everyone in the line to tense up. Iris's eyes narrowed for a moment, practically glaring.

"Then you missed the microcompressor."

She wasn't going to back down. The man squinted, then glanced to the scrap heap again where her stuff was set. Then sighed. Sure enough, there it was. He put the blaster aside, rubbing the back of his head. Then set out the credits.

"Alright, alright. My bad. Take your credits, n' a little extra. We good?"

Iris nodded once and took up the credits, swiftly moving off. She couldn't say anything else, not this time. Her heart was still pounding in her chest after the blaster had been set down. She scooted off to the side, waiting for Zoar to come back.

It was time to go, heh.

Zoar Zoar

As Iris got the memo, and walked a ways away to make trouble, Zoar positioned his mech so that it's body was obscuring the computer terminal. Then, as soon as she started yelling, he ejected from it's back.

Zoar rolled dexterously as he hit the floor, hiding quickly under a table before anyone could see him. On all fours, he scrambled to the computer. With one last cautious glance around, Zoar unspooled his scomp link from a forearm compartment, and plugged it in, deadening his senses to the world.

As quickly as he could, Zoar sliced through the terminal's defenses. He'd like to pretend it was easy, but it wasn't. Whoever set up their security definitely knew what they were doing. But he was able to break past the barriers of data, with a few seconds to spare. Giving him just enough time to create a back door into the system.

Quickly wrapping up his cord again, and scampering back to Golem, the little Jedi pounced back into his seat. The suit continued staring forward, as if nothing had happened. Zoar looked left. Zoar looked right.


The lumbering droid returned to Iris' side. Her datapad buzzed again.


- Iris Arani Iris Arani -


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