Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Broken Dawn


The New Jedi Order is thrown into momentary panic as a distress signal is received from the depths of space, hailing from the Dawnbreaker, flagship of the Shield Core relief unit. In the wake of the vessel's disappearance, Jalen Kai'el, brother of the council's Sentinel of Harmony, was given a revelation of their whereabouts through a vision, signs of the boy's growing prophetic abilities. With approval from the rest of the council, a task force is authorized for the safe recovery of the Dawnbreaker and her crew, intent on venturing into the unknown to recover their lost companions.

Now only the confusion of Otherspace awaits them...


Coruscant, Jedi Temple Hangar
Tags: Iris Arani Iris Arani , Zak Dymo Zak Dymo , Ko Vuto Ko Vuto , Joland Graves, DeadpoolMLP DeadpoolMLP , BB-610 BB-610


Jalen stood anxiously in the hangar of the Temple, eagerly awaiting the arrival of the team gathered to recover his brother. It was so nerve-racking, all of it. Visions of a strange place, monstrous insectoid beings, and most of all Jasper Kai'el in pitch combat. A vision of the future? Perhaps. It was only recently that his prophetic abilities had begun to awaken, and they seemed to come with little warning or explanation. It only proved to frustrate the padawan more as his powers grew beyond his control.

That didn't matter ultimately. His older brother was out there in some dangerous other world, caught between this world and hyperspace. Records of the creatures he had seen, actually seen, reffered to them as Charon. Little seemed to be known about them aside from their hostility, and of course the strange realm they inhabited.


Jalen didn't see, only felt through the Force. His visions, however, seemed to grant him sight of what may transpire. Images flashed in his mind showing strange entities, disturbed geometries... Jasper's face. Never before had he seen the face of his own brother.

"All good little cousin?" asked the mission's assigned pilot, Seydan Toth. "You look a bit out of it."

"Y-yeah," Jalen quickly assured. "I'll manage."

"Don't worry," the Togruta assured, placing a hand on the blind teen's shoulder. "You're brother is a tough fellow. Haven't known the guy for long, but he seemed a reliable guy from when he introduced me to the Redwind. He'll hold out just fine."

Seydan turned to his vessel, a
Maka Eekai L4000 Transport that was intended for educational retreats. Following the revelation of Jalen's vision, however, it was deemed the only ship with a strong enough hull and shielding to make the journey. A confident smile spread across the Jedi pilot's face, one which Jalen felt distinctly in the man's aura.

"She's a toughie, Redwind is," Seydan nodded. "She'll carry us there just fine. All we need is the rest of her crew."

They would be arriving soon. Jalen just hoped that it would be enough.

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Too many characters, I have
Jonyna didn't waste her time entering the hanger. She didn't exactly have much to prepare for. She had her weapons, and her robes clean. Everything she would ever need.

To say the briefing she got was confusing to her was putting it lightly. Other dimensions? Traveling between spaces? It all went over her head. But she did understand one thing. They were going to rescue someone, someone close to the head of this expedition. She was a hero, there were no further questions on whether she would be joining after that was brought up. The Firestarter would clear the way.

But, there was a bit of doubt in the back of her mind. This would be her first real taste of combat in this strange future she'd found herself in. Would her tactics still hold up? Time would tell...

"Jonyna Si, reporting for duty."
She said, a bit of a smirk on her face, not an uncommon sight to anyone who knew her. That smirk was her way of holding back doubt. Her way of inspiring others around her. As long as she had a sense of confidence, no would would doubt her ability, she figured.
What part of tour schedule did the Jedi Council not understand?

He had a new album out and, spoiler alert, the Core Worlds were not the only planets in the galaxy. He'd just finished up a set on Hosnian Prime and was supposed to be on his way to Ord Providence before the Kyber Chronicles Tour hit the Rimward Trade League.

Instead, he was back on Coruscant. Why? Because Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el had gone and gotten himself sucked into some alternate dimension.

No, not the Netherworld. An alternate alternate dimension. Or subspace. Or some chit.

Matsu Ike Matsu Ike was going to lose her chit when she heard about all the tickets they'd have to refund. So... in hindsight, Zak being on some ship bound for an alternate-alternate dimension was probably the best place for him right now.

Also, how was he summoned for this job? The only time the Jedi Council even knew his name was when they went looking for someone to blame.

This was probably Iris Arani Iris Arani 's fault.

As the Nautolan boy approached the boxy transport ship, he caught a glimpse of a Cathar he didn't know.

"Jonyna Si, reporting for duty."

Ugh. Someone was way too motivated for this bantha poodoo.

...also, Cathar right? Or was that a Felacatian? Togorian? He didn't think they looked Zygerrian. Not with the tail, anyway.

Strolling on past the cat, the boy slid the headphones down so that they were nestled around his neck as he went aboard. "I hope the medbay looks better than the ship," the Nautolan quipped dryly.

That was going to be his first stop. See what they were working with.

He would hope it was well equipped. The fact that the Jedi were dragging both Iris and Zak into this suggested that they thought Jasper and his crew might need medical attention. Which suited him. It was probably a bit morbid, but Zak would much, much rather be of use in an actual emergency than just shuffled off to the background, organizing the surgical carts in the Halls of Healing while Amani Serys Amani Serys was on break.

Of course, Zak was packing his lightsaber as well. All things being equal, he'd much rather need his medpac than his lightsaber. Well, other than for practice. Hopefully this thing had a cargo bay big enough that he could get some Ataru in during the trip. But practice was one thing. Real life was another.

And, usually, real life was way, way too real.

Joland Graves

Jedi Temple hangar bay
Tags: Jalen Kai'el Jalen Kai'el | DeadpoolMLP DeadpoolMLP | Zak Dymo Zak Dymo

When Joland said to himself, I'd do just about anything to get away from this duracrete rock, he hadn't ever envisioned being sent to Otherspace. Wasn't even on his radar. Wise idioms were just words, until they weren't. Careful what you wish for.

Well, too late.

There wasn't much to do at this point except embrace the mission, appreciate the Council's vote of confidence, and kick some arachnid ass. Oh, and save Jasper.

Joland strolled through the hangar and approached the ragtag group made up of a blind man, a feline, an aquatic alien, and another alien, pilot probably, who's confidence seemed out of place. This will be interesting.

"Padawan Graves," he said by way of greeting. "Nice to meet you all."
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| LOCATION: NJO Temple, Coruscant ━ Hangar Bay |
| TAG: Jalen Kai'el Jalen Kai'el | DeadpoolMLP DeadpoolMLP | Zak Dymo Zak Dymo | Joland Graves |

It hadn't been too long since Valery Noble's return, and - subsequently - BB-610's reactivation from stasis. The kidnapping and torture of his Master had placed him in a depressive drought; plagued with guilt, fear, and anguish, the droid refused to budge ever since. Upon her arrival, the skittish little astromech felt as though things were slowly easing back into the place. The world made sense again, and he had gleefully reunited with his friends and family over the following days. Unfortunately, all good things had to come to an end, as just when BB-610 got one friend back, he seemed to have lost another.

The droid wasn't terribly close with Jasper━ they were friends, absolutely, and their cooperation during Exegol had certainly brought them closer, but BB-610 didn't know him as well as he did others. You'd be mistaken for assuming otherwise, however - that they were lifelong buddies that knew each other in and out, because BB-610 had instantly accepted the offer to help pinpoint his location upon receiving a distress signal, pacing back and forth and bweeping to himself in muttering binary. He wasn't about to sit idly by again. Not like with Valery. He could help━ he knew it, and he was going to get Jasper back.

The Redwind was a fairly interesting vessel. Fairly archaic relative to his own model's era, but the designs of vintage starships tickled his fancy in the same way his old Delta-7B did. Procedures were standard; droidbrain synced to the L4000's navicomputer, a diagnostics test was ran, and the astromech was pleasantly surprised with the ship's impressive health. Eager with his results, BB-610 turned to one of the Redwind's data ports, scomp link inserted inside. A twist, a turn... It was proving difficult to pinpoint Jasper's exact coordinates following the distress signal's original location. He would crack it eventually, though. He had to.

Withdrawing, the droid swirled to the side, rolling to the Redwind's entrance to inch on over to Jalen. Chirping confidently that the diagnostics run was perfectly healthy, he gave a passing glance over to the three people that had turned up ━ none of which the astromech knew personally. Resting the flat of his head against Jalen's leg ever so briefly, BB-610 added a tweet of droidspeak, offering the boy some reassurance by saying that everything is going to be okay.


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Location: NJO Temple, Hangar Bay
Tag: Jalen Kai'el Jalen Kai'el | BB-610 BB-610 | Joland Graves | Zak Dymo Zak Dymo | Iris Arani Iris Arani | DeadpoolMLP DeadpoolMLP


What had caught Ko’s interest the most among all this talk about a rescue mission was Otherspace. Just the name alone made him excited as he’d never heard of such a thing before. At first thinking it was some sort of star sector in the unknown regions or maybe even on the further reaches of the galaxy. Possibly even one of the smaller satellite galaxies as well. But no, it was a whole other universe.

The Kel Dor was trying his best to temper his expectations about it. He was confident they would find a way to rescue The Sentinel of Harmony, what Ko was less sure of though is if council member Jasper would be willing to even entertain the padawan’s laundry list of questions he already had brewing in his mind.

In the time leading up to today Ko had tried his best to squeeze in some research about this Otherspace universe alongside his standard studies and training. But even within the Jedi Archives information seemed to be sparse. Mostly from some personal accounts of a fabled Skywalker Jedi hundreds of years ago. But there still wasn’t much for Ko to go off of in regards to information that might be useful to them.

Nonetheless Ko still volunteers to go along with a ragtag team of Jedi and an astromech ally. Eventually arriving at the hangar was well, his shoulders sagging some as he worried he was the last one. Walking up to his comrades Ko gave a modest wave with his clawed hand. “Hello everyone, I’m Ko…” The Kel Dor gave a simple greeting, he didn’t really know any of the other people around him. Although he somewhat recalled seeing a musical performance once from the Nautolan padawan back on an Ithorian Herdship. Ko then recalled that he remembered there being another Jedi coming along on this mission. Who didn’t seem to be here yet. Which made him feel more at ease that he wasn’t the last one to arrive here at the hangar.


Oh dear.

Iris glanced about as she stepped in, her oddly colored eyes just gazing at the colors. Sizing people up, more or less. A rescue mission into Otherspace wasn't something she expected, but with it being Jasper, well.. The Keshain let out a sigh as she rubbed at the back of her neck. A flux of emotion, wild and seeming random, erupted from just behind her as Domxite hopped up on her shoulder.

"Yeah, I'm worried too."

The only thing more stressful was one of those colors. Zak. Silently she stepped up behind him, arms crossed.

"Still a little rude, huh?" She flashed a grin, just briefly, before stepping past him. He'd done exceedingly well, and she certainly didn't expect him to pick up on being a Healer as he had. Something to talk about some other time, when Jasper wasn't in danger.

"Jedi Knight Iris. Have we started the briefing yet?"

Jalen Kai'el Jalen Kai'el | Ko Vuto Ko Vuto | BB-610 BB-610 | Zak Dymo Zak Dymo | DeadpoolMLP DeadpoolMLP | Joland Graves


Coruscant, Jedi Temple Hangar
Tags: Iris Arani Iris Arani , Ko Vuto Ko Vuto , Zak Dymo Zak Dymo , Joland Graves, DeadpoolMLP DeadpoolMLP , BB-610 BB-610


Resting the flat of his head against Jalen's leg ever so briefly, BB-610 added a tweet of droidspeak, offering the boy some reassurance by saying that everything is going to be okay.

Despite the stress, a smile did come to Jalen's face. He appreciated the reassurance of his astromech friend, which was worth more than perhaps the little droid realized.

"Thank you," Jalen muttered.

Before long people were arriving, quickly introducing themselves. Jalen reached out through the force to assess their auras. Cathar woman, probably in her late twenties, and notably high energy. A Kel Dor boy his age, one he hadn't met before. A human man in his early twenties, another newcomer. He knew the rest. Zak Dymo, his roommate, and of course Iris Arani, a close friend of his brother and the knighted student of Master Noble.

Oh right, he should introduce himself.

"Uh, Jalen," the blind teen added to the group, not saying much else. That would do, he reasoned.

"Jedi Knight Iris. Have we started the briefing yet?"

"Not yet," Seydan assured. "Seydan Toth, Jedi Knight. I'll be your pilot. The Redwind was deemed the strongest small craft at the Order's disposal, and she is my responsibility. Mr. BB-610 has been working to triangulate the source of the distress signal the Dawnbreaker last sent, so we have a good idea where it is that they slipped through the dimensional boundary. All we gotta do is head in after them, help them hook up our payload, and jump back to real space... Little cousin, you wanna explain the cargo? I gotta get the engine warmed up."

"Right," Jalen nodded. "It's called a
path engine. It was made for unorthodox travel through hyperspace. We... only have a replica, and not a very stable one. It's likely only capable of making one jump, which means..."

His facial expression didn't change. Jalen was, for his own credit, getting good at mitigating his emotions. Nervous outbursts of his youth seemed like a far off memory, though he still fought back the urge to do so on occasion. Still, one might be able to feel a grim aura coming from the boy.

"...We have to go in the same way they did."

The Nautolan turned his head up as Iris Arani Iris Arani casually dropped some shade and then tried to just walk the by on by.

Obviously, this demanded a mature, poised response. So, the young Nautolan stuck his tongue out at her as she passed.

"Jedi Knight Iris. Have we started the briefing yet?"

Oh, great. Here came the point where people talked and they all stood around like it was the serious.

Right on cue, Jalen Kai'el Jalen Kai'el was up with some ominous vibes about a one-trick pony techno-whatdidhesay-speakey-speak. Path engine? Whatever, nerf herders.

It was Jasper.

When they found him, he'd probably be fighting pirates and running from two dudes he owed money to, with a lemonade stand to raise money for orphans or war veterans or orphans that were war veterans. And there would be bad Coruscanti pizza. For reasons.

He was calling it now. That's exactly how this was going down.
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| LOCATION: NJO Temple, Coruscant ━ Hangar Bay |
| TAG: Jalen Kai'el Jalen Kai'el | DeadpoolMLP DeadpoolMLP | Zak Dymo Zak Dymo | Iris Arani Iris Arani |

There was certainly an air of dread clouding them. The Force still remained a marvel to a droid, but even BB-610 could sense the uneasiness. He, too, wasn't feeling awfully optimistic; it was very rare for him to partake in missions without Valery, after all, and even with his experience over the past few years, this was treading unfamiliar territory. But Jasper was counting on them, and the last thing the astromech wanted was to further spike poor Jalen's anxieties, so not a peep was said surrounding the statistical probability of their success rate. It was very, very low.

As Jalen stepped forth to announce their plans, BB-610's holoprojector blinked online, showcasing the Path engine in question. It shifted to a blueprint of it, before joining the mapped layout of the Redwind with displays of Jasper's estimated coordinates. Presentation concluded, the droid's holoprojector deactivated, and BB-610 turned to roll back towards the ship.

The mission was dangerous, no doubt. BB-610 was terrified, truth be told, but the countless adventures he's had with Valery have taught him a very important lesson. Being brave wasn't about not being scared; being brave was being scared out of your mind, and still deciding to go through with it anyway. So here he was, willing to go that distance, even with the eerie uncertainty of what awaited them. For an algorithm that dealt in the objectives - in simple facts and cold, unfeeling math - it was uncomfortable to have a sense of inexperience. BB-610's droidbrain operated on a library of data across the galaxy, and his knowledge regarding this Otherspace was painfully scarce.

Plugging his data rod into the Redwind's port, the astromech fed the ship its coordinates, and with the engines now whirring to life, it was only a matter of time before they left the comforts of Coruscant.



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