Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Mission Chapter 2: The Holy Mountain


Korso Rook Korso Rook | Careena Fett Careena Fett | Janik Hyde | Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad | Mevia Vizsla Mevia Vizsla

The fledgling Mandalorian Rebellion had succeded in their gamble to save legendary Mandalorian and respected Gogi Strider Garon Strider Garon on the Glass Planes of Sundari. Fighting over emerald trinonite fields they thoroughly embarrassed the Empire and those that called themselves "Mandalorian" serving under their thumb. But at what cost? Half of the force Raona Cadera had brought with her had either perished or been captured, the number of Mandalorians imprisoned for the transgression a supposed win for Trask Skirata Trask Skirata and his ilk to bring to their Imperial Masters. Even with that trade though, retribution was swift. Stormtroopers and their Security Droids along with traitorous Imperial Mandalorian Supercommandos burned several underground villages near Sundari in an effort to smoke out one of the leaders of those eccentric tribes, Korso Rook Korso Rook . Garrisons that had been the only thing keeping Graug raiders from burning Mandalorian shanty towns in the ruins of New Keldabe were left conspicuously abandoned near locations with reportedly high anti-Imperial sentiment, the men and women forced to fight, flee, or die.

"We can't keep taking them in Rey," Techt said as they walked through the halls of Iron Heart, the secret base of Raona's rebels. "We don't have the supplies and the Empire...They'll start to notice us siphoning off their grid soon if we keep upping the demands of the one generator that still works. We don't have enough weapons to give out to those that want to fight. We've only got a handful of Fang fighters and not enough experienced pilots to fly them." Raona turned on him, a glare in her eye. "You can't fight off a wing of TIEs on your own. You're good, but you're no Poe Dameron." She huffed and kept walking. "You've seen the whispers on the holonet- You know he [ Kranak Vizsla Kranak Vizsla ] has put out the call. We would be better off answering and- Where are you going?"

"You don't think I've seen the call? Heard whispers of vengeance?" She scoffed. "Of course I have. I want to be there. The Sith destroyed our home! But it's only made our mission here that much more important. We must destroy the Empire, and break our chains if we are to join them in battle. With the Empire choking our people here I- I can't just leave them. We will be free here, the seeds planted and the harvest ready for when our Mand'alor returns."

The door hissed open. Strider was telling some wild story about him and her ever-absent Alor, Gilamar Skirata from the old Sith War. He turned and gave her a wicked smile.

The old Gogi had given her intel on an old Mandalorian weapons testing site. It was farther from Mandalore than she or any of the others would really have liked. Aeten II, once the home of the Mandalorians' most important stealth technological research center and experimental weapons branch, now a semi-abandoned heap of rubble under the glow of the system's single star. The planet itself looked even worse, red veins of magma traced the planet causing it to glow like a red sore in the inky black of space. Grand Admiral Caarlyle Rausgeber Caarlyle Rausgeber and his Prefsbelt Command ruled this sector of Imperial Space with an iron grip. Though none of his ships were currently in the system as the Gauntlet approached their destination the floating corpse workers of the monster's little slice of paradise drifted, forgotten.

Even before those abominations had made their way into the system, Aeten II had retained a reputation in the Old Mandalore Sector, the worlds that had been united under the banner of the Mandalorians during their Golden Age under Mand'alor Solus Irud, of being a haunted star system.

"You'll be sailing for Old Man Thrawn," one of her lieutenants had told her when she'd revealed her plan. She had no intentions of going to the Manda today though. The Guantlet landed inside the hangar of one of the dozens of asteroids that littered the star system and stepped out of the cockpit and into the crew compartment.

"Alright everyone, keep coms open. The Mandalorians of old had been experimenting with some pretty strange stuff here. Be careful. Report if something seems off. Remember, we're here for these." She pulled out a holopuck and displayed the prize. The last model of Bes'uliik to be produced by MandalMotors. The gunship-droid hybrid floated, the puck's signal cutting in and out briefly before shutting down completely. That was strange. "Remember, their Kill Code is 'Demar'. Or at least, it should be." The loading bay door opened with a hiss and Raona slipped her helmet on, pulling her blaster pistols from their holster. "Let's move."

As soon as Raona took her first step into the facility something deep and ancient shuddered, its slumber disturbed after over half a century. Its awakening sent a ripple through the Force, touching each of its daughters in turn. Awakened by their mother they peeled from their cocoons, gravity warping around them as they fell to the Mandalorian Steel decks beneath their feet. Someone had come to their nest. There wasn't any single one that interested her but it had been so long since they had fed.

Go now my daughters. Stretch your legs and be free. Feast to your heart's content. A chorus of ghostly screams radiated out through the Force, touching anyone sensitive to it.



[ Sign ]

C a r e e n a _ F e t t
| Location | Abandoned Facility, Aeten II
| Focus | Raona Cadera Raona Cadera
A dark shadow was cast along the ground as Careena flew alongside the transport mounted on her Basilisk wardroid Dha Prudii, providing escort to the Mandalorians who chose to take up this mission. It came as no surprise to Careena that the Empire had become little more than another adversary for the Mandalorians after the New Imperial Order's former leadership had perished and faded into history. With the rise of the Empire, Careena saw not an ally but yet another oppressor to her people. With the Sons of Mandalore and what Mandalorians they had mustered together since the dissolution of the New Imperial Order and their former relations, Careena struck out on her own to assist in providing aid to her people. The time for reliance and trust in others was over. Mandalore and its sons and daughters would rise and stand on their own feet alone.
Careena would look over her equipment one last time as they approached the drop-off point. Everything was green as usual as Careena leaned forward, giving one last set of instructions to Dha Prudii to patrol the airspace while she was away. The wardroid would give a metallic squawk in response as they dipped down low to the ground, Careena getting into a crouched position before letting her jetpack flare to life, launching her off her mount as it zoomed ahead from beneath her before rolling off to the side and soaring into the air above, ready to strike like a hawk if any dangers came their way. Careena would slow her descent to the surface where the team that had assembled was landing.
Their assignment on Aeten II was first and foremost acquisition of technology and supplies that they could bring into the fold. With Imperial remnants still scrounging to scrap together a power base it was an ideal time to pillage what they could before they had the opportunity to regroup and seize what assets the Empire had left behind. Raona had assembled what volunteers were willing to embark on the mission, and Careena herself had put out a call to any fellow Mandalorian or clansmen that would heed her request to assist. It was a dangerous but noble undertaking, and Careena would do her best for the sake of not only her clan, but her people as well.


TAG: Careena Fett Careena Fett | Raona Cadera Raona Cadera | Open
GEARS: In bio


The Sons of Mandalore. I have to be frank that I'm not familiar with those bunch. Sure, I've heard tales, both from my father, and the briefs I got during my Sik'ayha training. Mando'ade who were loyal to the old Imperial Regime, after fighting side-by-side to eliminate the Sith, keeping their orbit in the historical Mandalorian space of Mandalore, Concordia, and Concord Dawn instead of moving to and settling in Kestri. Yet I rarely if ever met any of those folks, at least not knowingly. My father fought alongside some of them, including Careena Fett, the current Alor of Clan Fett.

There's not much to be said about Alor Careena Fett. Our clan owes what remains of our reputation and standings to her. She guided us through hard times, that alone is a highly respectable feat that will be remembered until the end time. I'm not familiar with her on a personal level, despite technically still being related. Most of our clans scurry around the galaxy, that includes Careena, while I spent most of my childhood and early adulthood in Kestri. The few times I met her was when she visited Kestri and my father happened to also be on the planet. Despite my unfamiliarity, a call from my Alor is a call to answer. I rarely took a mission that's not issued by the Enclave's council, but this is one of those rare exceptions I make.

I know this is not going to be an easy mission. The Empire, however shattered it was, is still a formidable foe. Their numbers might have been massively depleted, but the quality of their troops are not to be questioned. From the infamous Stormtroopers, the special forces, to the mythical Imperial Knights, we have to be ready for any possibility. The other Mandalorians involved in this are not the ones I usually cross paths with. I've heard the story of their heroic rescue of Strider Garon Strider Garon , but besides that, nothing. However, I'm sure that Careena has thought of everything to make sure that this mission is going as smooth as possible.

As my almost busted freighter arrived at Aeten system and flying closer to Aeten II, I contacted Careena, making sure that she knows that it's a friendly ship entering the system, and that I got her back.

<Alor Careena Fett, copy, this is Broja Fett from the Tor Valum base. I'm here to assist you on the mission. Waiting for confirmation to make a landing. Over.>

I'm checking everything for the last time. Weapons, equipment, ship systems. Whether a conventional landing is possible, or I have to jump out of the freighter doesn't really matter, anything that makes the mission easier. I patted Shuri, my astromech droid companion, who just stood beside me, signaling her to take control of the ship. She beeped in disquiet while I beamed in thrill. This is going to be an exciting one.


Memories of ash reflected off his scarred helm's visor. Ancient beskar steel melded with salvaged plastoid components such as the Imperial death trooper mask welded to replace a missing pauldron. Some damage was more recent for the journey to Iron Heart by langskib had been harrowing. Now Korso's boots tread on alien soil for the first time in many years. This felt like a betrayal.

"Old ghosts."

His muffled growl pierced the hangar with strange echoes. Something about this floating rock felt haunted. Turning back now would be cowardice so Korso ignored the bad feeling.

"The songs of eons past tell of magic crystals which could confound sensors."

Korso didn't know the first thing about stygium but he remembered a few of their people's tales about this system. Drawing his vibroknife the mandalorian activated a shield gauntlet on his other arm. They both hummed at a low frequency.
ᴛʜᴇ ɢɪʀʟ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴛʜᴇ ɢᴏʟᴅᴇɴ ɢᴜɴ

Raona Cadera Raona Cadera Careena Fett Careena Fett
Broja Fett Broja Fett Korso Rook Korso Rook | OPEN


Tae'l anxiously traced the flight stick with a blackened claw as she approached the ancient stones high above the ashen wastes, escorting the rebel craft inside. There were several things she didn't like about this mission: First and foremost being that she was hiding her own identity from these people. A necessary evil in her opinion, as she simply couldn't have Aloy Vizsla Aloy Vizsla tracking her down after all these years on the run. Sometimes a family reunion is best left unattended. But that didn't make this any less complicated. People tended to ask questions when you refused to utter your Clan's name after all.

Her second reason, was the location itself. The only thing she remembered about this place was that it was the site of
House Naudir's last stand against the Sith Empire, a tragedy that saw Darsch Vizsla widowed and led to her mother becoming a Vizsla in what would have been a doomed marriage if not for Darsch's later disappearance, ehich indirectly resulted in her "birth" on kamino after the war. In the end, no matter how many lost children or wives were replaced, it still left a broken family and countless graves.

As the other Children of the Watch would say; It was a land of ghosts.

Did she believe in ghosts? Mother taught her not to, but after the things she had witnessed after her capture by the Sith, she wasn't so sure anymore. Aloy had been wrong about many things before- Most things even- and the Watch had been right about a few things, at least. In her own way, she missed them still. Rook, "The Redsun" as he was called. Wren, who wasn't that little foundling boy anymore, but a fine doctor by now. They would have told her; 'Moon's haunted' or something like that, so even if they weren't here, she was inclined to believe them.

But with their landing achieved, the time for dreaming of days long gone was over. She had a job to do, and Kad'harangir willing, she'd do it proper.

So, she slid down the wing of her old starfighter to join the others. Already her
Golden Gun lay between her fingers as she trailed behind the group, taking on the role of rear security until everyone was inside and seemingly safe for the time being.

<Tae'l here: no contacts on scan. place feels... dead...>

"The songs of eons past tell of magic crystals which could confound sensors."

She glanced over her shoulder at scarred one, taking note of the archaic choice in words. It reminded her a lot of the cult.

<Chit... really? scratch that, my sensors are useless out here> she groaned.

Young Skirata's small family group, and the protectors themselves were spread pretty thin between setting up the new trade station, and the hundred other small problems the Protectors were taking care of, but Skirata could always find time to show a little solidarity with the other Clans, and in the service of the people as a whole. On the mission to Aeten II he saw Cadera, of course, leading, and he saw Vizsla, Rook and Fett. Some of the oldest and proudest names among their people, and he would ensure Skirata, the clan, was represented appropriately.

He'd spared thirty Protectors for the mission, though few were veterans, and none were supercommando material. They had decent equipment, riot shields and blasters, and basic armor, and had made their way to the asteroid on a battered freighter. Skirata himself stood out in his gold beskar'gam.

"Don't mess around. Stay alert, find what we need, and get it back here intact." No one said anything stupid about the place being haunted, even if they were thinking it. They knew he'd roast them if they did. All the protectors learned very early and quickly that no matter how young the boss looked, he was the boss and he expected the very best. No nonsense while on the job, or he'd crucify you slowly over an open fire under an acid shower.

After some brief words, the young chief split the group of Protectors into three squads of ten each, and sent them off. One group was to explore, one to be part of the main mission to acquire lost MandalMotors assets, and the final group was to divide itself among and act in support of the other Clans. He stayed back in the hangar to oversee and command, while keeping an eye on the ship, and preparing to catalogue whatever loot the boys happened to bring back. If things went well, all the clans and families might benefit from what the Mandalorians did here today. Hopes were high, but the young wolf was always ready for things to turn to osik.

Tae'l Vizsla Tae'l Vizsla Korso Rook Korso Rook Broja Fett Broja Fett Careena Fett Careena Fett Raona Cadera Raona Cadera


[ Sign ]

C a r e e n a _ F e t t
| Location | Abandoned Facility, Aeten II
Careena glanced up to the sky as her comm chirped to life in her ear as an incoming transmission filtered through from Broja Fett Broja Fett . Careena paused as she mulled the name over, silently thinking to herself, Broja...Ah...That was Alojz' son... Careena raised her hand up to the side of her helmet as she returned a response, <<I read you Broja. You are cleared to land, follow my shadow...>> A brief pause was held before her voice crackled on the comms again, adding to her previous message. <<It is good to hear a friendly voice again. >> A dark shadow was cast over the incoming freighter as Dha Prudii soon moved in to fly beside the freighter, a screech heard to signal the Mandalorian as it sped ahead of the transport to guide them to a landing zone not far from the rendezvous.
Careena scanned the surrounding area in the meantime, sweeping the area with her rifle to ensure that the landing site was clear for Broja and any other Mandalorians that decided to show up to assist. Careena had been working alongside the few that remained in the sector after the fall of the Empire to ensure that Mandalore would be prepared for the eventual return of its people. To pillage what boons may have been left over certainly filled that ticket as she opened up her comms to Raona and spoke, <<We have more inbound Raona. If you're expecting any more then let me know so Dha Prudii doesn't rip them from the sky.>>
The reticule of Careena's rifle would track the incoming Mandalorians from a distance as they approached, visually confirming potential friendlies before sweeping the area as more and more arrived, ensuring there were no Sith assassins or Imperial remnants looking to ambush them. In recent years it has become easier to recognize more and more Mandalorians as friend rather than foe, with less infighting. A small relief to Careena who had yearned for a united Mandalore. It seemed that after so many years, perhaps that vision would be realized in her lifetime.

The chatter over the comms was comforting. She didn't want to admit it, but places like this terrified her. Too many horror holos likely. Or maybe just the horrors of Mandalore. One of the two. She shook her head at the older Mandalorian's mysticism.

<<It was nothing so mystical Korso. They're just rocks.>>> She paused. <<But do keep an eye on your scanners Tae'l. Stygium Isn't why we're here, but it can mess up your sensors. Its what made this such a great research and development location. Not sure if there's much of it left out there though.>> The clank of boots on durasteel echoed, the silence between them growing the deeper they went into the facility.

<<Shriek-Hawk 1 this is Team Rekr 2. I think we might have found something we->> There was a ghostly shriek over coms followed by the sound of blasters and slugthrowers. A loud clank resounded along with com feedback. It sounded like the Mandalorian grunted and gurggled. A sickening slosh and then one by one the vital bars of Team Rekr 2 began to flatline in the corner of Raona's HUD silently. They were on the eastern side of the facility. She cursed.

<<Rekr 2? What's going on?>> Silence.

<What the hell was that?> she muttered under breath, the Mando'a coming out in a hiss. <<We've lost Rekr 2. Anyone see anything on sensors?>>

TAG: Careena Fett Careena Fett | Korso Rook Korso Rook | Raona Cadera Raona Cadera | Tae'l Vizsla Tae'l Vizsla | Open
GEARS: In bio


Mandalorians helping Mandalorians. A surprisingly rare occurrence the past centuries or so. Prior to Kestri, there was the Civil War. During the Second Great Hyperspace War, the Enclave fought together, but also against other Mandalorian factions. After the war, we went into a massive slumber, pursuing nothing, achieving nothing. Lately, I've heard of the Crusade, that the drum has been beat and the Enclave is to reclaim its lost territories and avenge their losses. Yet the consensus are split and people are left in the dark on what the actual agenda behind this Crusade is. Is it just a revanchist movement, or is it another attempt of us at playing Empire? We are the strongest when we are fighting together, but the Crusade feels more than just a simple collective effort.

This, however, the fight on the historical Mandalorian space, it feels nice. Group of Mandalorians from different corners of the galaxy, fighting for a pure, selfless cause, cause of our people, not a thin-veiled agenda of a fringe aspect of our society. As I made my landing near the abandoned society, I tried to recall the last time such a feeling was invoked inside of me on a mission. Never, ironically, as I used to be a Si'kahya, supposedly serving the needs and protecting the rights of our people.

<Broja Fett approaching Shriek-Hawk 1. Requesting to be merged in as reinforcement upon arrival. Over.>

Catching up to the other, I arrived just as the team reached the first door of the abandoned facility. Cold gust terrorises my spine and clanking of steel echoes through the hallway. There's no time for proper introduction, they have to trust me and my expertise, and vice versa.

<<Rekr 2? What's going on?>> Silence.

<What the hell was that?> she muttered under breath, the Mando'a coming out in a hiss. <<We've lost Rekr 2. Anyone see anything on sensors?>>

This isn't good, losing half of the team on the other side of a ghastly, gnarly abandoned facility is never a good thing. Who knows what lurks beneath the dusts and darkness. If it's a mortal threat, or if it's a metaphysical one. No matter how much I am pretending to trust everyone's capabilities, this is a precarious situation. As the saying goes, 'we don't rise to the level of our expectations, we fall to the level of our training.' So I did what I was trained to, what I know best, drawing my weapons, concentrating all my attention on the surroundings, and for now, guarding and protecting the rear. If I need to take a lead, I will, but I'll have to put my trust on the party leader, Raona Cadera, and my Alor, Careena Fett, at least for now.​


<<It was nothing so mystical Korso. They're just rocks.>>>

"One does not speak unless one knows."

Korso trusted his ancestors' wisdom over the young warrior's rational explanations. There was magic here. He'd seen things out in the wastelands of their homeworld that defied all reason. His plasma shield illuminated faded aurebesh on the walls but nothing useful.

<<We've lost Rekr 2. Anyone see anything on sensors?>>

"No," he growled, "But I smell blood."

When technology fails a warrior's senses could mean life or death. Korso kept his sharp. Greeting the end of your song with courage was all that mattered. If this place was to be his tomb, then he would die on his feet with a blade in his hand.
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[ Sign ]

C a r e e n a _ F e t t
| Location | Abandoned Facility, Aeten II
The lone wolf was no longer alone. A pack to hunt and fight with once more. And hunt they shall, together.
Careena glanced up as Broja finally linked up with the group, speaking in a soft yet firm voice, " It's good to see you Broja. It is nice to have one of my own to fight alongside with once again. " She gave a quick nod of acknowledgment before gesturing for him to fall in as he linked up with the group. She would make a final weapons check before the team began their entry into the facility, weapon raised as she began to read quietly through the quiet halls.
Careena drew in a deep breath as she listened to the comms in silence, hearing the transmission just before Rekr-2 went dark. A frown set itself upon her lips as she listened to the brief struggle before static and silence set in. There was nothing for her to report because nothing abnormal had yet appeared from where she stood. They were going into the situation relatively blind as to what their opposition was, but so long as they could fight back Careena would be sure to put a bolt or slug between their eyes. Whatever remained in this abandoned place clearly did not like visitors.
Her head scanned to the left and right as her helmet systems fed her incoming data, keeping an eye out for anything unusual as she kept her rifle at the ready and speaking softly, " Just make sure that the blood you smell is kept to that of whatever is in our way. I don't intend for any of us to have the end of our songs written today. Stay calm, focused, and alert. "
ᴛʜᴇ ɢɪʀʟ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴛʜᴇ ɢᴏʟᴅᴇɴ ɢᴜɴ


Korso Rook Korso Rook Raona Cadera Raona Cadera Broja Fett Broja Fett Careena Fett Careena Fett

Heh. I think she knows some things, brother" Tae'l stifled a chuckle at the exchange between Cadera and Rook

"But there's always some truth to legend. Especially in our songs"

Now she was certain that he too was a Child of the Watch, and it was refreshing to hear one of her Vode again even if she didn't recognize the voice yet. If anything, His willingness to speak his mind in the face of command had earned a degree of respect from the Ex-Kyr'tsad.

Taking both their advise into account, she kept her gun up now, raised up from the hip as she followed the group from behind.

<<Shriek-Hawk 1 this is Team Rekr 2. I think we might have found something we->>

<<We've lost Rekr 2. Anyone see anything on sensors?>>
"No," he growled, "But I smell blood."

"Scanning-!" She barked, her Scan-pulse module began chittering as it mapped the area and scanned for the liquids of living or previously living beings. Though, she had a hunch that it would only find remains- or be foiled by ghosts- before she could see anything useful. Something about that shriek, it reminded her of the Undead virus on Roon, Or songs of the blackwing outbreak during the union's liberation of Mandalore...
" Just make sure that the blood you smell is kept to that of whatever is in our way. I don't intend for any of us to have the end of our songs written today. Stay calm, focused, and alert. "

She was too focused on her immediate surroundings to regard the Fett, but she appreciated their sentiment all the same. This prompted her to approach Korso Rook Korso Rook 's position, Activating her own Combat Shield in kind as she nodded.

"This is the way."



Something moved from down the hall, its odd shadow dancing off the dim blue light of the two Mandalorians' shields. Raona raised her blaster, her finger slowly falling to the trigger. It whined to life, the blaster's safety switch deactivating with a flick of her eye across her HUD. A man shambled into view, his spacesuit eerily familiar. He was holding what looked like a high powered plasma torch, a tool used in constructing starships. Her blood ran cold when she saw the glowing blue nest of glowing stygium sprouting from his back.

This was one of the Imperial Corpse Workers. A door to her left hissed open and four more fell into the hall, nearly toppling her. She cried out in surprise, her blaster spraying an ark up through the first corpse worker and burning a line into the ceiling. She felt the heat of a plasma cutter warming her side. They were trying to cut the armor off her. They had the glowing stygium as well.

A scream shook the metal hall. The mother's children were coming for them.


TAG: Careena Fett Careena Fett | Korso Rook Korso Rook | Raona Cadera Raona Cadera | Tae'l Vizsla Tae'l Vizsla | Open
GEARS: In bio


The scream and rushing steps of the unknown beings sent a jolt up my spine and activated my first instinct of combat. I bolted to the nearest cover, a pillar on the rear side of the area. Cocking my Blaster Rifle, I took a glance at Commander Raona Cadera, and the creatures that surrounded her. Getting her back to safety should be our main priority.

<Take a karkin' cover!>

Clearing out the immediate front, where Raona is currently overrun by the bizarre, glowing creatures is no simple task. I didn't get a glimpse whether Raona's Beskar'gam is legit earlier, which part is plated with Beskar and which part isn't. Breathe in and breathe out, I took a couple of shots with my Blaster Rifle, precise shots targeted at the monstrous figures, anywhere but the glowing stones on their back. You never know if those things could explode, you don't want to find out when a vod is within the possible explosion proximity.

<Commander Cadera, make a steady retreat! We'll cove…>

Before I could finish my sentence, I could hear heavy rushes towards the group from the rear. A glowing man that's already an inch away when I made my turn, sliced it right on the throat with my Vambrace Vibroknife.

<They're coming from behind, too!>

With another screeching scream echoing throughout the hallway, so are the horde of the abominations, lurking, stalking, prowling. A man can do as much, but hope. So help us Manda.



Instinct took over. There was no time for Korso to question the shambling spacesuits. He charged at the first corpse worker knocking it over with a backhand from his energy shield and plunging his vibroknife into the creature's torso. It did not have his desired effect. Instead of death spasms Korso felt the heat of a torch cutter against beskar.

<They're coming from behind, too!>

Korso heard more cries of alarm from the other mandalorians. After stabbing a few more times without weakening it he attempted a more direct approach. Wrestling the cosmic horror's torch arm away with his free gauntlet, Korso attempted to saw through it. Bone and cybernetics slowly yielded to his blade's ultrasonic generator.

"At last," he laughed, "Worthy prey."

Somewhere this thing must have a vital organ or an off switch.
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[ Sign ]

C a r e e n a _ F e t t
| Location | Abandoned Facility, Aeten II
Careena's weapon was raised in an instant, poised to fire the moment the first corpse worker shambled into view. A quick squeeze of the trigger sent a brilliant flash of light down the hallway as it swiftly struck the worker dead center of its face. The impact of the shot would cause the shambling mess' head to snap backward at a sickening angle as Careena started to move backward to draw the hostiles in and maintain her distance. Her aim shifted as a side door opened up and a group of husks began to grab for Raona, quickly adjusting as she let a pair of closely placed shots strike one of them through the shoulder and head as she shouted,
" Get her up and tighten formation! Don't let them slip past you. Cover each others' backs and stand tall."
While Broja moved to take cover only to find that their exit had been cut off, she glanced at her HUD, a marker for a hostile closing in on her from behind as it rushed past Broja with its arms outstretched. She fluidly turned her body as she stepped in closer to the approaching husk, pressing her shoulder against its chest as she crouched down slightly before feeling the weight of the creature as it tumbled into her before pushing up off the ground, sending the creature flipping over and onto the ground before she stood up, raising one of her armored boots up before swiftly bringing it down with a grotesque crunch as shards of glass, bone and what remained of brain sprouted upwards before promptly raising her rifle up.
Sharp reflexes and a quick trigger finger were key to their survival. As long as they kept watch over each other, it would give them enough time to figure out what they were up against and how best to dispatch them. Sith, abominations, beasts - all were still killable in the end, it was just a matter of figuring out how they tick and who or what was pulling their strings.

ᴛʜᴇ ɢɪʀʟ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴛʜᴇ ɢᴏʟᴅᴇɴ ɢᴜɴ

Tae'l's eyes widened behind their visor for but a moment as the sickly blue glow of Stygium danced across it's black sheen, only to quickly narrow as her body began acting on instinct.

Rook had already charged the first monstrosity and forced it into melee, a favorite pastime that the Twi'lek would have joined if not for sudden ✱hiss✱ of an opening blast door behind her. She spun around to see Cadera knocked to the floor and stray blaster fire thrown into the ceiling, all while her targeting systems whined as they acquired a lock on the enemy.
" Get her up and tighten formation! Don't let them slip past you. Cover each others' backs and stand tall."

With a series of sickening ✱snap✱ sounds, Her High-powered Golden Gun tore right through Cadera's assailant, spraying blood and melted stygium fragments along the wall.

To her surprise however, The damned thing was still cutting! This weapon could pierce even Beskar with enough concentration, yet this abomination barely noticed the gaping hole through it's mid section, eliciting an angered huff from the Twi'lek. Should have expected this after the flashfire virus...

Instead of risking collateral by shooting more, Tae'l reluctantly shoved her hand-cannon back into it's holster and forcibly yanked the creature away with her
Grav-Gaunt, which began to glow with experimental power as it locked her hand into a fist.

She then backhanded the creature with a shockwave that sent it flying across the hallway until it collided with the wall so hard that it's head imploded.

Having confirmed the kill, She placed herself between Cadera and the flanking corpses. Needless to say, she offered the other hand, deactivating her shield just long enough to follow through with Fett'Alor's orders.

"No rest for the wicked, Vod!"



Molten gore and sizzling grey matter splattered across her visor as her allies vaporized and brutalized the undead workers around her. The one with a hole in its skull had kept cutting even with half of its buy'ce missing. There was a loud snap sound, a blue-green bolt crashing through the creature's crystaline growth...And it stopped moving, slumping to the floor on top of her. Raona scrambled from beneath it, half dragged by her comrades. Her breath filled her helmet suddenly smelling sour, like a bad pint of ale. She swallowed hard and primed her blaster.

What had stopped the creature's movement? What had that scream been?

"We can't retreat! Push forward! Mow them down!" Was this how his Alor had felt during the Dark Harvest? Yellow bolts flew from her rifle, sizzling through space suit, cybernetics, and flesh, the energy superheating the creature's black blood and cooking its internal organs. She always forgot how quickly blasters could kill unarmed targets. If only these things didn't also seem to live forever.

She looked into the corner of her HUD, the map displaying the facility still active. Team one was supposed to acquire the fully functioning Bes'uliik. The ones that had been completed and set to guard this place. Her and her team were to secure the spares, the ones with broken weapon systems or half functioning repulsors, as spare parts for the squadron or so they were supposed to have.

"Firefek," she cursed, "The working Bes'uliik are too far if we have to fight through these monsters..." she let off a few more bolts. She had to hope.

TAG: Careena Fett Careena Fett | Korso Rook Korso Rook | Raona Cadera Raona Cadera | Tae'l Vizsla Tae'l Vizsla | Open
GEARS: In bio


The Vibro Knife slash staggered the glowing man, but didn't completely render it lifeless. At least, it bought me some time to get into a favorable position. Having recouped some distance, peppered the remaining creatures that tried to flank us from behind while trying to get a view on Commander Cadera's position. That's when I saw a blue-green bolt blasted through one of the monsters' glowing backside, immediately stopping their movement. Of course, it's the glowing stones on the back of the creatures that turns out to be their weak spot.

With this new knowledge, I tried to hit the backside of the advancing horde of abominations. It wasn't the simplest thing, they are rushing to our position face-first, and I either have to get the perfect angle, or stagger them enough to have a clear shot at it. Still, it was an effective tactic as we were able to mow our way down quicker.

However, our target is still too far away, and all we can do is survive and buy enough time, until the other team has successfully reached the full-functioning Bes'uliik. When, if, I don't even know anymore. No one knows. ​



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C a r e e n a _ F e t t
| Location | Abandoned Facility, Aeten II
Corpse after corpse came shambling at the group as Careena held her rifle steady, firing off carefully aimed shots as the bodies began to pile up. She kept herself mobile since there was nowhere to move but forward. A husk would lunge at Careena, grabbing at her rifle as she deftly shifted her barrel to move with the grab to knock it out of its grasp and push the husk off to the side before readjusting it to her center line before taking a step forward. With a single deft and graceful motion she'd reach down to her holster and pull her sidearm out, leveling it at the stumbling corpse as she fired three quick shots off into the glowing mass attached to them before using her free hand to magnetically stow her rifle.
It was getting too close for her rifle to be as effective as she reached to her other thigh and unholstered her second pistol, bringing it up to bear as she continued to move forward. A swift spinning back kick would send another shambling corpse into the wall as its head splatted against it before it was shot repeatedly into its glowing mass by Careena in an impressive display of gun kata. Careena spoke over the sounds of blaster fire and undead shambling, " Stick to the plan, press forward. We still have a ways to go before we reach the objective. "


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