Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Chapter III: Know your Enemy


Azrael has done a lot since I put him on this board, and learned from a great many people. It is however time to do this again. I am requesting someone that is skilled in the uses of a double bladed saber. Someone that is not a Sith sympathizer, but doesn't necessarily have to be a straight up Jedi. This will require a Master of the Force, and someone who has experience in this kind of weapon.​
I am requesting training for Azrael; to instruct a non-force user such as himself in the ways to handle this weapon effectively. The best way to understand how to defend against something, is to learn to use it.​
Who is interested?
[member="Taeli Raaf"]

Ah one of the Raaf family: I had actually mentioned this idea to Corvus, but teaching a non-force user was not in the cards. I'd be glad to take you up on this offer, as I know the lightsaber you mention. I'll come up with a reason behind the motivation here, and I can setup a thread. Would you prefer this be on Republic, Mandalorian, or Neutral territory?

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