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Private Children of the Wastes



Jundland Wastes -
No Man's Land
Outpost Salara
Jared Starchaser Jared Starchaser

'The Jundland Wastes are not to be traveled lightly.'~

It was market day.

The Jawa clans were forming up for the local bazaar, one of the few times a month a salvager could make a few credits or a good trade. Everyone within twenty clicks was here to barter their wares and skill. It was either their normal cycle or it was a pitstop. For this particular patron, it was the latter. The Twin suns would bake down upon the bedouins as much as the local moisture farmers. Weaving among the crowd, there was a particular figure who would be dressed in tattered desert gear. The outfit amounted to a dark beige cloak that brushed the floor, along with the hood flicked low over their head to shadow the majority of their visage.

What little that showed underneath was a tan-colored utility suit with many pockets, thick hide boots, dark gloves, polarized vision goggles, and a strip of cloth over the mouth, covering up a dark gunmetal gray breathing mask. This particular humanoid was not very tall, no more than average, and carried a QQ-83N Sidearm on a tan belt that slung low on their hips. A large sack was slung over the shoulder and, with the way it hung low, had a certain amount of weight to it.

Now I have to get the parts I need. Or, at the very least, find a way to fix that fuel gauge. Thoughts would float concerns, and eyes would search behind the goggles at the ongoing wares. Otherwise... it will make it hard to head deeper into the waste.

Choli's speeder had broken down. She'd stopped by Trextan's great-uncle's home some days past, negotiated some provisions, and spent time catching up. Chloe had dropped her off, saying she would return in a few weeks. It would be enough time for the former Rogue Squadron XO to head into the deep desert and set things right. Of all the things that plagued her regarding the conflict of aligning her past with her future, this had always been in her mind. Others would have made fun of her or told her she was making a mountain out of a womp-rat hill. But it was vital for her. She'd been raised with the Tusken Raiders, with the constant knowledge and expectation that she would have to go on her Demon's Blood Ritual to complete her Rite of Passage. One that would mark the line of demarcation from child to adult.

However, she wouldn't get anywhere if she couldn't fix her speeder. Or some mount to head from the outpost towards the grand canyons bordering the Great Dune Sea. It was there where the Sand Demons would hibernate, hunting Krayt Dragons when awake and moving through the desert as quickly as if it were an ocean. She'd have preferred it if she could do the hunt with a Bantha... but the odds of finding a hospitable Tusken Raider tribe were low. A pang went through her chest, as she had hoped Trextan would have been able to join her in such an important event, but she understood that the timing between his Warden duties and the assignments Chloe sent her made scheduling meeting up with him a challenging endeavor. With luck, she'll be able to complete this and her next assignment at Yanibar and finally take time to spend with him.

A small questioning beep boop would call from the right. It was R4-P6, a Pebbledrone, and the longest companion across the galaxy she's had outside of Chloe, Jannik, and Trextan.

[Yeah, well, sand does tend to do that, Arr-Four.] A grimace curled behind the mask, the metal rebreather giving her voice a robotic intonation. [Get everywhere.]
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The family had a few different ideas as to what it meant to be a good Jedi, and a good member of the galaxy. For his father it was keeping the Sith at bay, once upon a time, but lately? It seemed to be 'be in a place where you can help others.' For Kaia it was teaching those that were lost how to find their way and protect the space lanes. Actually, both his sister and father were Wardens of the Sky and he had the same training. Back from the Chaos around Csillia, he had learned navigation through the Force, from friends of his father. But even then he felt the need to do more.

Kaia was the space wanderer, Jared was still, as ever, the enforcer, the gun for hire. He was a Hunter of the Rim, and would make his way, similar to a Warden, however, planetside.

Having left the E-Wing in the spaceport, he'd been hanging around and doing odd jobs for those in need. He was brought here, after all, to push back some raiders from a small farming settlement. Since it wasn't Tuskens, he had no qualm in fighting that back. Now he was on his way back to the ship. The most recent of jobs had taken him and his borrowed speeder through the Dune Sea. The previous night came fast and the Starchaser had taken up a room in the local hostel. And he decided to stay for the local market day, who knew who needed help from them.

The green-and-white BD unit Hopper was making its way around Starchaser's legs as the Mirialan was looking through the stalls and the wanted ads on the local board. The droid was downloading a few pieces of information, lost tech requests, food stuffs requests. The droid started trilling as he heard another droid, one of the ball astromechs. Jared looked around and stepped into one of the stalls to get out of the storm. "What is it?" Jared smiled, a bit of a mellow drawl to his voice as he looked down at the droid.

Another beep string.

Jared looked around and could feel the other in the Force, mildly, not like he was looking but two magnets. And another droid. That was an astromech.

"You lost?"
Jared called out from where he had taken minor refuge from the sand.

Choli Vyn Choli Vyn
Arr-Four gave a series of hoots and whistles at the query cast in their direction. They only erupted into a series of chirps and beeps at the BD unit Hopper by Jared Starchaser Jared Starchaser 's feet. Arr-Four's locomotion servers had it roll from around Choli to the front, quickly sending a mass of chirps and hoots regarding their situation.

[ Hey, who are you talking to? ] Choli asked, confused, only to hear Jared's quiet inquiry. Turning at the prompt, Choli's goggles panned until they came to rest on the Mirialan, taking refuge under one of the stalls. It took her a second to realize he asked if she was lost.

[ No, I'm just trying to barter for a fuel gauge for my speeder. ] came the mechanical neutral reply, Choli giving her satchel a quick shake. Despite training under Chloe to be a Warden, the Corellian kept her identity secret. This meant that unless Chloe was with known individuals, Choli had not met any other Wardens besides being aware of Jorus Merrill, an established Warden, and Trextan, who had decided to train under Chloe to learn of their ways.

This meant that Jared was as unfamiliar to her as any other stranger. He didn't appear to be threatening by his posture, and there was a distinct gut check from the Force that let her know he meant no harm.

A gust of wind would pick up sand and grit, prompting the formation of a lazy dust devil in the street. Seeking to avoid it, Choli headed towards the stall [ You wouldn't happen to have a spare to trade? ] she asked, walking over to him.
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Maybe not the best of ideas, calling out to randoms on a desert world between 'the edge of space' and 'no where at all' but well, Jared had a blaster and a lightsaber, and the Force. He was feeling a bit lucky, or at least not too afraid. The man was an errant Jensaarai and working towards finding his place, even if it meant traveling to all the wrong places first.

But he could at least be a small light in the darkness.

He could hear Choli speak through the rebreather and it definitely took him a few seconds to recognize that it was the rebreather and that she was probably not a cyborg. Not that there were issues with cyborgs, it was merely like when standing in an area, and you hear someone speaking a very different accent of Basic than you. He recognized the words but couldn't place what was different about it.

Had he really been that far from some outlaw tech and high tech societies? Yes. Yes he had.

"Fuel gauge? Is it broken or destroyed?"
She had tech, so maybe the two of them could repair it together. Jared was Warden friendly, having a father and sister, the first an obvious Warden, the latter a bit more quiet about it. He was just the type to help other explorers and wanderers. In a galaxy that definitely wasn't always kind, it helped to not always backstab anyone around.

"And no no, I'm not from here. Just a traveler, finding my way around and getting to where I need to be. Seems I found a place to be right here."
He smirked, not in anything bordering on more than just friendly and companionable. "I know I did see a junk dealer down that way." He nodded his head.

Choli Vyn Choli Vyn
[ Broken. ] Choli replied, giving a cant of her head to the right. [ But without the right parts, I do not have the time to try and fix it. So, a refurbished one would do as well. ]

A pause, adding wryly, [ Or Dewback would work at this point. Anything that would be reliable enough to handle the Wastes] referencing the wilder sections of the deserts.

She had two weeks before Chloe would return. In that time, she had to head out deeper into the Wastes to try and find the trail of a Sand Demon. Doing that would be like a needle in the haystack. If she were lucky, perhaps following the trail of Krayt Dragon bones would allow her to determine where one had been feeding recently.

The way Jared Starchaser Jared Starchaser spoke confirmed for Choli that he certainly wasn't from around these parts. Under her rebreather, her lips gave a twitch in amusement.

At this gesture towards a junk dealer, she nodded in gratitude, adding, [ You looking to be anywhere in particular? ] he'd mention he was a wanderer and, at present, found a place to be. That sounded a bit too familiar, as if Jannick had spoken those words. While Choli wasn't the best with Force affinity, something tugged at her to linger.
Broken but some of the parts were gone was the worst kind of broken. Replacing some of the smaller bits on near anything could be done, but far out here? The real challenge was getting the parts to do it with. Though it did sound like she was more about the destination and not how it was achieved, if she was willing to go by dewback.

"Where are ya heading? If a dewback would do you fine it seems you're not so tied into the repair being essential. I've got my swoop. And I could get you to where you're going."
He eyed her droid and with some mental gymnastics had an idea of a side car they could rig up. Itd slow them down but it'd still work out for them both. "As an option."

"And no, not heading anywhere in particular. Something just tells me its not time to move off this rock quite yet."
He shrugged. "Maybe I'm here to help you out."

Choli Vyn Choli Vyn
Jared Starchaser Jared Starchaser hit the nail on the head. Choli wasn't stuck using her speeder to get where she was going. The offer was tempting. Part of her was hesitant to; this was a stranger offering to help her out. He was not a known individual with whom she could feel comfortable being alone out in the Wastes. However, that persistent sense of taking the stranger's word would tug at her chest. No different than those gut checks she had made while flying missions during her time with the Galactic Alliance and SIS.

At her feet, R4 gave a rocking back-and-forth roll, warbling and trilling as the BD unit, Hopper, also. joined with his own positive hoot as if to confirm that Jared was not some homicidal madman. Always a plus.

The corners of the Expicanthix quirked up under her rebreather. Chloe's voice along with Trextan's seemed to merge, referencing how the Force has a way of guiding their steps. For Chloe, she said that the Force was a representation of the Corellian Gods conducting their great plan. While with Trextan, he had told her when he went out into the desert and fought the Force Krayt Dragon, something had called him out there in that storm. At the time, that made no sense to Choli. For her, he had been stepping out there to die. Being exposed out in the desert during a storm could mean death by losing one's way and getting left out without food or water. It was a death trap.

Now, with more context and from what she had learned under the many hermits Chloe had her visit, there was always a reason for an action. For good or worse, Gods or Forces, there was a reason. It was now a matter if she would trust it and let it guide her. Choli came here to complete her Blood Hunt. Perhaps this was the method that was placed before her by the ancestors.

However, odds were there was a chance that the Mirialan would change his mind once Choli explained where and why she was going.

[ Deeper into the Jundland Wastes, along the borderlands of the Great Dune Sea. ] she began slowly, studying Jared's reaction. Not many would want to go that far. [ I will be tracking a Sand Demon to hunt. ]

A casual drop of one of the top-tier predators on Tatooine. Now it was a matter if the offer he set on the table would hold.
Tatooine was an odd world. Had some odd people. But no matter how odd, Jared wanted to be useful, and to help. The man was a wanderer, and if he could help make part of the galaxy a bit easier for someone, then he would. Maybe he was lonely.

Maybe he was the character that should get a pet.

Watching Hopper and the R4 unit, which Jared had qualified as 'ball bot' interact, and seeing that this other being wasn't running off in fear, he took that as a good sign. The man was under a poncho, his blaster and lightsaber tucked away. He and his sister had come to many a discussion about the need for a blaster, but he kept reminding her, she was the Warden, he was merely a Hunter.

As she started to speak, the Force User took a second to let the words sink in. Depending on her head of humanoid features, it definitely was not what Jared was expecting.

"A hunter too, then? What brings you after one of those…"
There had to be a good reason. His mind was now qualifying the why, but also the how. "And would we need to bring it back somewhere, or…" What was the end goal here?

Choli Vyn Choli Vyn
So here it was. Jared Starchaser Jared Starchaser had a valid reason to question and ask why she'd be tracking a Sand Demon to hunt. There were only so many off-worlders looking to have that kind of wild sport other than galactic big-game hunters. By all accounts, even with all her desert gear, she didn't look like the sort of boisterous big game hunter looking for an adrenaline rush and a head to mount on a wall.

This contradiction only grew when Choli brought her gloved hands up to slide her goggles from her face and tugged down the scarf over her rebreather. What bit of olive skin shown would reveal youthful almond-shaped hazel eyes, whose hue would begin to melt into a pale grey of determined focus. It was a genetic legacy that manifested much like the Flamewind of Oseon, allowing Choli's irises to change hue corresponding to her mood shift.

Instead of a burly hunter, a young woman beheld Jared.

[ No, I do not need to bring it back. My goal is to hunt and subdue it and collect its blood. ] Choli explained, although a spark of caution would darken her eyes black. She was hesitant to say what she needed to do next because most settlers and off-worlders were prejudiced against Tuskan Raiders and their rituals, but she had to be honest regarding the risks and her goal.

[ I must complete my coming-of-age ritual through the Demon Blood rite. ] Odds were Jared may not be familiar with it; prejudice, fear, and the Sand People's tendency to hide their customs and traditions meant it was not well known.

[ Only through hunting the Sand Demon, subduing it, and anointing myself with its blood will I be considered an adult. I have two weeks to get this done. I cannot delay it any further. ] To the casual observer, this might sound ridiculous. It was easy to discern that the young woman was already in her late teens, perhaps early twenties, old enough to be considered an adult by galactic standards.

However, with the unwavering stormy gaze, the purposeful stance, and the firm set of her shoulders, Choli was not joking. It was a serious endeavor for her. One that would allow her to reconcile the traditions of her past by crossing into a new chapter of her life. One beyond the tribe of Sand People and adopted father who had left her in the desert as a sacrifice long ago.
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Jared had been raised around the Chiss, he knew about rites of passage, but he also knew, and more specifically, how to be an outsider. His story wasn't too far from that of one famous pilot, Jagged Fel. His father had once been a Seeker for an Imperial admiral, and lived out in the Chaos around Csillia. And when his father was captured and frozen in carbonite, Kaia and Jared found themselves at the raising of their 'aunt' Lily Ardellian. But it also meant working their way through the Chiss Expansionary Defense Force as sky-walkers of a sort. Force sensitive pilots who learned to fly the Chiss Clawcraft and fly support on teams.

Jared had no House in the Chiss hierarchy, but he had a place in their Defense Force. He didn't work towards the becoming Trial Born. Even in the Jensaarai, he didn't work past the Defender rank. In the ORC, he was happy. It was based on what he could do, and not some rite of passage to improve in the ranks of the Judges, or the Hunters. They were out there, doing what they could to protect people.

Even now, with what his father had sent him in a few comms, about the Sanctum, that felt more 'what can you offer.'

And here? He could help track, he could help fight. If this being needed it. Coming of age, and Demon Blood. The first he could understand, the second sounded just… not good. "Sand Demon, is it different than the Krayts?" Probably worse.

"If we're going after it, we should get moving, and probably introduce myself. Jared Starchaser, professional vagrant. And my droid there is called 'Hopper.'" Jared smiled as he reached out his hand for the other being.

Choli Vyn Choli Vyn
He didn’t say no.

The viridian green of surprise in her immediately melted into a azure of joy.

[You will help me? Truly?] Choli was never good with understanding lies or treachery, but her time in a galactic setting outside the tribe taught her a hard lesson when it came to taking someone at there word. Not everyone would mean what they said or keep to their promises. There were also complexities when it came to other cultures and norms. Like when jokes were made with exaggeration. She’d always take someone at their word on descriptors. It had been aggravating when she found out they were so.

At once, Choli held out her gloved hand to Jared Starchaser Jared Starchaser . [A pleasure to meet you Jared. My name is Choli. Choli Vyn.] The name starchaser poked at the back of her mind. How we the one she knew had not been a Mirialan. It was also a large galaxy. What were the odds that Jared would be a relation to the Starchaser she’d known in a past iteration of the Galactic Alliance.

Gesturing to the Pebbledrone at her feet, who gave a roll and a whistle in greeting. [This is Arr-four.]
It wasn't a no. Jared was always out to learn something new and if he could, help someone. The man never considered much beyond his next great adventure. And truth be told, some of these adventures just lasted a few days, or even hours. (Just don't tell that Zeltron on Denaab)

"Sure! I mean I've never gone up against a Sand Demon, but I've got a lightsaber and a blaster. All one really needs, I think?"
Its helped defend a number of small settlements, fought off raiders, and rescued more than his fair share of lost Jedi and pilgrims. Working to defend was one of the strongest things he took from Veino Garn and his Jensaarai teachings.

He kept the light cortosis weave armor under his Cloak for protection, but that was the only thing a practiced eye would relate to him being of the Jensaarai, at least once upon a time.

She didn't seem taken aback by his last name, and that was good. Maybe the farther you got in time from the events of the Alliance of Sullust, the farther you got from his father. "Pleasure to meet you Choli, and Arr-four. Lets see about getting us all on the bike and go about finding one of your Sand Demons… y'know, when you're ready."

He nodded in the direction of his speeder bike and Hopper made its way over.

Choli Vyn Choli Vyn
Things were starting to look up. [ Since you are offering the ride, I can purchase provisions and the water needed for you. ]

Choli had enough for herself and she knew most of the Wastes like the back of her hand. As a guide, she could also hunt and locate water holes or use her knowledge to collect water from the morning mist and a personal moister collector.

[ What kind of speeder bike do you have? ]
she inquired, placing her goggles back on over her eyes to protect herself. Once set, she allowed Jared Starchaser Jared Starchaser led the way to his speeder bike. This would let her know how much space they had to travel with along with weight conditions.

As they would walk, Choli also took at look at his gear, what he was wearing, and if that would be enough for several potential days out in the desert.

[ Also, how comfortable are you with spending overnights out in the Wastes?]

That would help Choli plan and know upfront what she would need to prepare not only for herself, but for Jared to ensure they would be safe and could survive the harsh heat.
"I'd appreciate that. Seems like a fair give and take." He nodded. The star hopping Starchaser was more than happy to split the deal with the woman. And on this planet, water was going to be important. His cloaks and tunics could keep him light and the sun reflecting off, but he wasn't sure if he'd be good without water. He'd been working hard with the Outer Rim before, and that was where he got a lot of this hero focus in him.

"Me? Durasteel Horse, old Outer Rim Judge collection." He smiled, speaking very proud of it. "Have her prepped less as a war machine and more to carry supplies and provide some aid." Extra stores always went a long way on the road.

"Overnights away from shelter? I'm a former Outer Rim Judge. I'm confident with being out in the wastes. Do you have a tent or do we need to prepare for that?"
Even Hopper beeped, the small droid a calm sentry on over nights.

Choli Vyn Choli Vyn
[ I have shelter, but it will be tight. If that is alright by you, it should be enough. My goal isn’t to be out in the open but find caves or areas that can double as shelter and protection. ] Choli relayed, explaining her plan.

The former Rogue Lieutenant Commander was familiar with the speeder bike. It would be a tight fit, but if it had been set up more for storage than fighting, it would do well. Plus the speed would mean getting to the area fast while avoiding the roving Nikto gangs that went around causing trouble along the outposts.

[ An Outer Rim Judge? ] she’d wandered the Outer Rim with Chloe monitoring a few out of the way hyperlanes to remote worlds, so she wasn’t too familiar with the details of the government.

Besides, the Wastes and the Dunes were not to be taken lightly.

[ What is that? ] they made their way through the market, weaving through shoppers and a group of Jawas trying to heckle a few shoppers.

The moisture Farmer selling water would be up ahead. Depending on the overall status, Choli would place an order and get a few containers filled.

Jared Starchaser Jared Starchaser
He looked out at Choli then back to the horizon. A smile across his features and Jared nodded. "The Outer Rim Judges were… lets say diet Jedi? We worked to help defend the Outer Rim Coalition and Outer Planets Alliance. We're still active out there but without the larger government, its fallen more to being a warden of the space, if that makes sense? I find myself moving from the Kathol area to the space outside of like… Laekia?"

That latter world may not make any sense to her, it was a world that didn't even pop up on many maps. But it was nice.

"We were given a lot of wiggle room on what we chose to do. It was nice."
As they walked through the market, Hopper came running back and tweeted at them both about the farmer.

"Jawas seem to be a bit of a vulture, huh?"
Jared stepped forward and past that group. Jawas were not his problem. But getting water? That was something he should worry on. "You have any food issues too? While we're at it?"

Choli Vyn Choli Vyn
The galaxy was wide, but the mention of Laekia didn't provoke familiarity. However when talking about the Force…

Diet Jedi? There were concepts that Choli still had trouble understanding. What she did understand from Jannick and Chloe is that there were several cultures and practices that used the Force in different ways. It wasn’t just about Jedi or Sith dogma; light or dark. That’s what stirred the pilot’s interest.

[ So more like a marshal? ] her tinny voice asked through her rebreather. Being out in the Outer Rim, Choli met more of the small town types of policing than the larger corps Corellia or Coruscant had. [Is there any difference in using the Force?]

A clue that the girl had an understanding of what Jared Starchaser Jared Starchaser meant when he spoke of Jedi.

[ I have provisions and if needed, I can also hunt while out in the Wastes. I have worked as a guide and hunter before. I can purchase more non perishable provisions like nerksteak jerky, but if you don’t mind eating grilled Worrt, Cu-pa, or sand lizards, it would save on space. ]
The Starchaser Heir Apparent couldn't help but find himself funny enough to make up for any lack of a joke that someone else didn't get from him. Judges were more super-law enforcers and marshalls of the Outer Rim, rather than Jedi. Closer to his father's concept of Watchman and Sentinel. It worked for Jared once upon a time, but lately? It wasn't enough to keep him going and entertained as a Force User. He was something more and something less, something different.

"We were what the Outer Rim Coalition needed us to be, sometimes a Marshall, sometimes a humanitarian, sometimes a defender and hunter of the darkness." Not that the Outer Rim had much darkness that Jared could wave away, but anyone coming forward to enforce their laws on another being? That didn't work in his eyes.

That was dark side exclusive.

"Its more how we use it. Protectors of those that need it." Listening to the woman, to Choli, Jared nodded. "I am all for a good hunt out there. Tatooine is a vast world and I think it'd be best if we focused on liquids for transport, and found what we could out there." A blaster and a lightsaber went a long way.

He took a few minutes to prep up what he had to do to his swoop and Hopper was bouncing around the bike moving a few controls on various subsystems and waiting for the pebble droid and Choli to be ready.

Choli Vyn Choli Vyn
[ Thank you for explaining that. ] Choli replied, musing over what Jared Starchaser Jared Starchaser detailed regarding Jedi Marshals and their flexibility based on need. It was different from what she'd seen with the Jedi, Fallanassi, Je'daii, or the New Jedi Order. While her time wandering the Outer Rim dealt more with Warden type activities, it was interesting to see how the planets took care of things. Certainly different than the interaction of the Galactic Alliance that she previously knew.

[ Let me negotiate for water and I'll come back. ] Choli was glad that he would be okay with eating wild game. Not many would be up to stomach it. Perhaps, as Chloe had told her before, the Force or the Gods were aligning things. Perhaps, this was the way the Ancestors were helping her complete her rites. Whatever it was, she was grateful for it.
It was easy to forget how vast the galaxy was. So many people had their own way of going about the galaxy and their life. The Force and technology seemed to be universal, however how it was approached by the ones who developed it? So very different. Jared understood this to be convergent evolution. But part of being in a family of non-traditional Force wielders; Wardens and Jedi Wayseeking Sentinels, meant that he saw a lot of the galaxy.

"Its my pleasure, the galaxy is varied, after all."
He laughed. When she stated she was going to go for water it gave him the idea to prep the remainder of what he needed to pull in. Fuel cells and a few extra power cells for the droids. He nodded and stated a quick, 'give me five' as he walked down the market stalls.

A few moments later he arrived back at the bike and strapped the power and fuel cells back to where they were required on his bike, for the extra supplies. Removing a few of the extras, namely the anti-tracking field and harpoons, feeling the net launcher would still be required. A check of the engine and an few odd placements of items and he could get Choli on the bike as well.

Time to get a destination.

Choli Vyn Choli Vyn

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